• Photo-A-Day TEETH

    April 27th Photo-A-Day TEETH

    Ohhhhhhhhh how I love to show you how unique I really am!! Today’s Photo-A-Day. TEETH!! Noooooooo I am not going to show you MY teeth. I could show you an antique painted jar that I keep my kids teeth in. Why? I DO NOT KNOW!! After Selena lost her first tooth, I exchanged her tooth for the $.25 went to bed. Forgot that I had left the tooth on my dresser. She walked in. The small jar was the first place I thought of, dropped in the tooth and BAMB 2 kids….. all baby teeth. Why do I keep them? I STILL DO NOT KNOW!!!!!!! So, no I am not…

  • Photo-A-Day

    April 26th Photo-A-Day NO

    So, I’m sitting here staring at my screen trying to decide which photo-A-day prompt to use when…………. ALONG came a SPIDER and SAT down beside her. First, I took pictures. Then I smashed. So, today’s prompt is NO! NO SPIDERS in front of my face!! No spiders on my computer. NO NO NO NO!!! That is all. Photo-A-Day J is still my favorite.

  • Photo-A-Day Pop

    April 25th Photo-A-Day POP

    Sooooo many ideas ran through my head when I saw this prompt. Photo-A-Day POP!! Pop as in The Husband who goes by PopPop to Alice. POP as in a balloon and yesterday back and forth with my sister. If you aren’t on Instagram it went like this: I sent this picture of a hole in the ground to my sister with the caption “what do you think is down the scary hole?” To which my evil sister replied with: Now, if that doesn’t make you laugh right away……….. you may not be a fan of scary movies like my sister and I. The red balloon is from IT. A scary…