• Day 2 Photo-A-Day

    Still working on my habit of blogging more consistently, I thought something like a Photo-A-Day challenge would work. It’s only day 2 so…. it’s going quite well! (yes, that was sarcasm!) 31 days of pictures inside my amazing craft-room. (And because there is a LOT of snow outside! AND it’s SNOWING AGAIN!!!!) Today’s photo prompt is An Animal. Well, Bear IS 7 months old today sooooooooooo (Technically, this is cheating because I post about a million pictures of Bear) So, I have another ANIMAL from my office to post as well. Bear is waving HELLO Peanuts!   My dinosaur! He’s been with me for decades! So, ANIMAL! If you have…

  • Photo A Day! Day 1

    I am trying to get back into my habit of blogging more consistently, I thought something like a Photo A Day challenge would work. We’ll see how this goes! To make it a little harder I thought I would take those pictures inside my amazing craft-room. (And because there is a LOT of snow outside!) Today’s photo prompt is Something Colorful. This was harder than I thought it would be. After wandering around my craft room snapping several pictures I finally settled on my little footstool. It’s colorful, bright and makes me happy! It’s from NOVICA and it’s SO PERFECT!! If you have something colorful that you want to share email…

  • March giveaway logo

    $50 Your Way!! March 2019 Giveaway!

    My monthly giveaway update includes snow. A lot of snow. PILES and PILES of snow. I’ll try to remember to take a picture next week of the piles in town. Some are taller than the 2 story apartment buildings!! DAT’s a whole ALOTTA Snow!! Still going to physical therapy, except now it’s only once a month (When I can get out!!). Yup, the foot and lower back continue to hurt after the fall down the stairs way back in October. I do like actually seeing PEOPLE!! It’s so exciting! Last week I even managed to hit some thrift stores! Crafts! I am on a roll. Finished a series of three…