• Woman business owner

    9 Ways To Avoid Disaster In Your Business Day To Day

    You can’t always avoid mistakes and issues within your business day to day. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. There are a few different things you can do to ensure the day to day running of your business is as smooth as possible and that any ‘disasters’ are dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid even bigger issues later on down the line. Below, you’ll find 9 ways to avoid disaster in your business day to day. Take a look and see what you should be doing: 1. Take Your Time Putting A Team Together First of all, when you put your team together you should take your…

  • Streaming Services

    How Online Streaming Services Are Better Than Cable TV

    It has been predicted that online streaming services would soon usurp cable TV for some time, and now that is turning true. More people are now paying for fast channel streaming services as compared to traditional TV services. As long as these streaming services provide top talent and quality content, it will be hard for cable TV to take back its place. Many people need an internet connection at their homes even if they use cable TV. It will help you reduce cable bills if you watch your favorite shows by connecting your TV to an online streaming device. This article will give insight into why streaming services are better…

  • Uplift Employees

    How To Uplift Employees During Social Distancing Work Life

    Now that we are in this pandemic and social distancing has become the norm, employee morale is sharply in focus. We want them to be safe, so they have to sit apart from each other. Socializing has become a chore and downright awkward. If you want to speak to people, you have to raise your voice, but doing so will increase the chances of spreading potential bacteria and or virus molecules. So bosses are left scratching their heads, as to how on earth can they make their workspaces tolerable and enjoyable and uplift employees once more? We have the solutions for you! A buffet on a Monday Mondays are the…