• During a Crisis panic shopping

    7 Ways to Prepare and Restock During a Crisis

    While some people describe crisis buying as panic buying, experts simply see this as responding to a situation. Something like this was recently seen across the globe when people flocked to supermarkets and other stores to stock groceries and medical kits they’d use at home in case of a lockdown. If you’re asking whether stocking up is the right thing to do, then the answer is a bold yes. But how do you prepare and restock items during a crisis? This article provides a clear guide to that. Prepare for Health Needs Nothing is more important during a crisis than your health. If you happen to fall sick and you…

  • Trail Cam photo

    Trail Cam Friday 8/14/2020

    First a shout out to Miss Barbra!! Happy BIRTHDAY!!! Now, on to the photos. I thought I would start with the new Trail Cam from Coolife. I’m impressed with the pictures! The spot is pretty good too. Apparently, it’s a deer-only path because that is ALL this camera picked up. But it picked up a couple of great shots of the fawn! The second trail cam is set up on the side of the house pointing down toward the lake. This camera I hadn’t checked in quite a long time. This one picked up turkeys the most, followed by our girl Bear, a real bear, some deer and a mystery…

  • Alice Summer Camp

    Summer Camp Safety Tips

      Summer camp is a great way to keep your child active while they enjoy the outdoors and make new friends. There are many different types of summer camp themes, meaning that there’s surely one that your kid will love. While sending your kid to camp is meant to be fun, you also need to consider their safety. Summer camp can be dangerous depending on the staff, what activities are involved, how safety is considered, and how equipped the campground is to handle health concerns. The last thing you want is for your child to get injured or sick and have an awful experience. This may cause them to dislike…