• Saving money

    How You Can Start Saving Money Every Month Now

    If you want to be saving money, then the best thing you can do is make small, sustainable changes that will really add up month on month. Anybody can start saving, but you need a plan and the right mindset to begin. Read on for some advice on how you can start saving money every month now.  Make A Note Of Everything You Spend Start by making a note of everything you spend. You can’t expect yourself to make big changes if you don’t know exactly what all of your money is going on right now. Perhaps you spend too much money in the shop buying sweet treats and all…

  • Farmers Market

    5 Great Items to Eat This Fall

    Here is my list of five great items to eat this fall. Especially from my local farmers market. Change Up The Veggies to Eat This Fall 1.) Change up your vegetables this fall season in a manner that you will take it on a seasonal level.  If you have a crispy, refreshing taste, eat the vegetables that are in season, such as Brussels sprouts, apples, peaches and apple sauce. In the section of Farmers Market Products, you will be looking for autumn fruits and vegetables with the best taste and value for money for the season. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are cheaper and fresher while in season. Melons can be…

  • Mountain Living Gardening Shoes

    Mountain Living & Emerging Green

    Life on our little mountain has some great perks! Mountain living is AWESOME! Ahhhh the view! I promise you I never get tired of staring out over the trees. It is amazing! We have amazing wildlife right outside the door! I have beautiful flowers that pop up every year, lots of lavender and even wild raspberries! Of course, I can’t leave out Miss Bear! She is 110 pounds of Mountain dog! I am one blessed woman. I try not to take my amazing home for granted.  I want my kids and Granddaughter to enjoy living here long after I am gone. Buying items that are biodegradable are import to me.…