• Football

    Did Ya Watch Super Bowl 2020??

    So did ya watch the Super Bowl 2020?? Since the Broncos weren’t playing I cheered for both teams. Mostly I watched for the kick off, commercials and the half time show. Here is MY personal favorite. I LOVE me some Jason Mamoa! Also as I watched the beginning… I actually thought WOW I really thought he was taller…… BEST commercial EVER!! Halftime was great with the highlight (for me anyway) was J Lo singing with her 11 year old daughter. THAT was cool! That kid has some pipes! I have to admit, this intro made me cry!! GOOOOOOOO Bunchie!! Over all GREAT game!! Did you watch? Did you have a…

  • Prayer list Group

    Sunday Prayer List

    More (maybe) too much information about me. As IF I don’t share absolutely everything with you guys! So many it’s not a TMI post because you guys already KNOW all there is. (See? YOU understand why I need the Sunday Prayer Lists!) Anyway…….. here goes. I’m not a real religious person. I was born and raised Catholic. I don’t go to church. I do believe in God. I do say my prayers at night. I do believe in the power of prayer.  I don’t think prayers need to be formal I think you can just TALK to God. My friend Sonya over at Sonya’s Happenings started Prayer Request Sunday’s. I saw…

  • February #Giveaway Logo

    $50 Your Way #GIVEAWAY

    Seriously? How is it time for the February #giveaway already? The older I get the faster time speeds by. Before I do my update I have to be a good G’ma! It’s Girl Scout COOKIE time!!! BTW, Girl Scouts have come a LONG way!! You can now order online and have them shipped to you! (If you don’t live in Carlsbad California you do have to pay for shipping. I thought I would be funny and I selected “Have Girl Scout Alice hand deliver” Apparently I am NOT funny!! Now my daughter has to pay shipping. Sooooooooo BAD MOM on my part!!! So, please if you do order don’t choose…