• Discover The Most Common Discomforts During Pregnancy

    Being pregnant is one of the best feelings in the world. The knowledge that another life is growing inside you is empowering and uplifting. Unfortunately, despite some of the stories you hear, pregnancy is not all plain sailing, there are often issues, pain, and discomfort. Fortunately, being aware of these discomforts can help you prepare for them and still enjoy the experience. Of course, knowing what the discomfort is doesn’t excuse you from seeing a reputable obstetrician Sydney to ensure your pregnancy is progressing as it should be. Vomiting and nausea This is one of the most common signs that you are pregnant and generally occurs during the first three…

  • Benefits & Safety Risks Of Teeth Whitening

    It isn’t surprising that teeth whitening is becoming more popular. The number of celebrities with dazzling smiles makes it more than just a little appealing. Add to that the fact that a good smile makes you feel more confident and everyone should be looking at teeth whitening. But, it is important to understand the risks associated with teeth whitening before deciding whether it is the right choice for you. However, before you take another step it is essential to emphasize the importance of using a reputable dentist, such as this dentist St Leonards. It will help to ensure the procedure is done correctly and safely. Of course, you can purchase…

  • Work place

    Work Request Management Systems

    Management is not for the faint-hearted, and as easy as it may look, there are times when you are going to have to have tough conversations. Adding to that the paperwork, documentation, and operating systems, you will be juggling a hundred tasks in no time. There is naturally a hierarchy in the business world. In every sector, it comes with the chores of ensuring staff below you or under your supervision are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. This then reflects well on you and you can efficiently and effectively continue with your job. The domino effect seems never-ending, and one wrong decision or choice can have…

  • Dopamine

    It’s Not You, It’s the Dopamine: The Science Behind Binge Eating

    Binge eaters deal with a lot of shame. Many often wonder why they can’t just have some willpower, ignore cravings, and lose weight. It gets worse when these binge eaters compare themselves to their friends who don’t binge. If some people don’t struggle with binge eating, why do others? It turns out that there’s a scientific reason for binge eating: dopamine. Resources like GoEatRightNow.com, scientific studies, and psychologists agree: dopamine plays a key role in binge eating. Some people binge eat for the same reason that others smoke; Their brains are simply hardwired for it. It’s not a matter of willpower, so stop beating yourself up because you can’t “just” stop…

  • NOVICA $50 Gift Card

    NOVICA Treasures From Around The World! #NOVICA #GIVEAWAY

    Y’all should sit down for this one! Especially Pam from NOVICA! I did NOT order a CONNIE Ring, as Pam referrers to them. A BIG, BOLD, silver, knuckle to knuckle ring. But NOT this time!! Not this time……….. wait, what?!?! WHO AM I!?!?!? Trust me, it took every ounce of willpower I had. Have you SEEN the selection of amazing rings on the NOVICA site?!??!?! (I also probably own a good amount of them)  All hand made, all them unique and actually made by artisans I would never have the chance to meet in real life. My choices arrived from Bali and The Andes Mountains. We all know this G’ma…