Please……. let this work!

Testing! After days and days of not being able to get on here to post……….. and 9, YES THAT is NINE different techie’s at GoDaddy I am ready to TEST!!!



  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m running out of old posts to comment on…when I go back to far comments are closed… so, I’ve been here a few times, lol. I still want my teeth to be whiter.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Lol, looks like you were having issues back in August… Sometimes I think back on the days of no worries about the internet…and then I go to Facebook and complain about Facebook, and keep putting time into these thing son line that drive me nuts, lol.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      NOW! So far so good. This morning I couldn’t add pictures………. ya know I love adding my pictures. I do imagine that as many times as I call GoDaddy there is a picture of my face, with my blog name and a BIG OLE banner across from it with “NUT JOB” written on it.
      I do give them true challenges!

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