• boredom Busters

    Boredom Busters

    Boredom Busters just for you! Tired of endlessly scrolling social media to combat your boredom? Ever wished there was something you could do on the internet while waiting for an appointment, commuting to work or trying to kill time in the laundromat? Check out these endlessly entertaining websites and apps that will give you something fun when there’s nothing else going on. Viral Videos One of the best ways to fill your time is to watch viral videos; no matter your mood, odds are there’s one that’s right from you. Whether it’s inspiring or funny, embarrassing or wacky, Jukin Media is the place to go to find all the top…

  • man at laptop

    Why Do You Even Need A Website?

    Web designer services may be something you are considering, but you may be unsure as to whether your business really need a website. Today, most business owners assume that a website is a must-have, but there are still lots of small firms in certain industries that view it as an unnecessary expense. The truth is, no matter what type of business you run, a website is a must. You can create an attractive website yourself fairly easily by using software like WordPress. If you’re not sure where to start you can search for something like “build a WordPress website” where you will be able to find various tutorials and websites…

  • NatalieDylana Perfume

    Easter Gift Idea! From Scent Beauty #scentguru #lovescent #natalieDylana #scentbeauty

    Perfumes. Some hate them, some love them. Famous designers have been quoted with some strong statements regarding perfumes. “A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” ― Coco Chanel “A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting. ” ― Christian Dior “You are never fully dressed without perfume!” ― C. JoyBell C. “Perfume is born of both pleasure and pain. It envelops the neck and reaches deep to the heart of recollection without notice.” ― Marian Bendeth Global Fragrance Expert Sixth Scents So, you get the point. For me, fragrance is important. I enjoy the entire routine of fragrance. Shower gel that smells good. Body lotion that smells good and while…