• investment graph

    Four Benefits Of Re-Investing In A Business

    For businesses nowadays, simply surviving has taken precedence over thriving. With the many social and economic backhands that are thrown a company’s way, it can be hard to stay on two feet and come out the other side in one piece. There are many businesses that reinvest some or all of their profits back into the business and there are reasons why. Small businesses are at a disadvantage As a small business, the organization is already at a disadvantage in comparison to companies that are well-established and flushed with money. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that approximately 20% of small businesses fail within the first year.  Those…

  • small business

    Steps to Making Your Website a Hit

    Whether you’ve set up a small scale website to sell a few home made products, or whether you’ve decided to go all out and set up a small business as your main means of income, you’re going to find that running a website entails a lot more time, effort and thought than you might have originally thought. At the same time, your website is going to generate the vast majority of your sales, so it really is important that you take steps to ensure that it looks its best, functions at its best and gets as much traffic as possible. Here are a few steps that you can take to…

  • Giveaway October logo

    Hello October 2022! Time For The $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    October 2022 giveaway time. Okay, all together now……… HOW DID it get to be October already!??! My monthly update is filled with Halloween goodies! I decorated early in September. I just couldn’t help it. I started sending goodies to Alice and Olivia for Halloween. Then the whole ‘Winston‘ thing happened. Thank you Kate for the name, it really fits him.  The most important part of Winston is the fact that my son Zachary STILL refuses to acknowledge him!!! Seriously!! How stubborn is this kid?!?!?! Yes, I do see the irony. That nut did not fall far from the tree. However, I continue to send an updated picture of Winston throughout…