• Science little boy with protective eyewear

    4 Tips to Help Your Child Ace Science Class

    Science can be a difficult subject for some children to grasp. It can be especially challenging if they don’t have the right tools to help them succeed. This blog post will provide four tips that will help your child ace science class! By following these simple steps, your child will be well on their way to success in science and beyond! 1) Make science fun Science is an exciting and engaging subject for children to explore, but sometimes it can be intimidating. To make science fun and enjoyable, parents should create a learning environment that encourages experimentation and exploration. It’s important to focus on the basics first and then allow…

  • Monica The Telemarketer

    Getting Rid Of Telemarketers

    Today was FUN with telemarketers day!!! Just had a spam caller for 10 free days of tv something. ROFLMAO, NORMALLY I hang up and block nottttt today!  Especially since I’ve had the same pitch every. single. day. this week!! So, blocking for this one only sends me off to the next desk over. So, first I started with “no that’s not my name” I did the whole “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you” Then the “You are with WHO??” AND THEN I hit this gal like a 3-year-old hyped up on a box of ding dongs and ghetto Kool Aide (my son Zacs recipe. 4 cups of sugar, 1 packet…

  • February Giveaway

    $50 Your Way Giveaway February 2023!

    Here is my monthly update before we get to the giveaway. January drug by! I think because it’s so dang COLD here in Sandpoint, Idaho. Which really means I spent more time in my craft room. For Christmas my amazing children Selena and Zachary bought me the Cricut Mug Press. OHMYGOSH!!! I am beyond addicted.  I’m still working on getting colors and placements right, but DANNNNNNNNNG this is fun!! I can take a plain ole white mug, white tumbler, coasters, and magnets and turn them into THIS!!!! Of course all the pictures have disappeared. SORRY!! Granddaughter Olivia requested some new acrylic designs for her light. So I etched these on…