• Data Driven World Business meeting

    5 Professionals Your Business Needs

    Every successful business owner knows they need an army of people to help them do what they want to do and succeed. No one can do everything alone or know everything there is to know. But getting people on board who do know and have a particular skill set that can help you will be instrumental in your success and can help you progress as you need to and run the best business possible. But who do you need? Insurance Broker Business insurance is par for the course for business owners, but knowing what insurance you need, what the policies cover, and what you are paying for can be somewhat confusing.…

  • Day Owl backpack

    I’ve Finally Learned To Travel Lite

    It has only taken me 50 years to learn to travel lite. On this last trip to California, I traveled with one backpack and one carry-on suitcase.  Trust me if you knew me in real life you would in AWE!! How NOT To Pack I have FINALLY learned that I don’t NEED to have 72 tops, 4 pairs of shoes, 36 pairs of underwear. I will not wear 6 pairs of jeans. I will not wear 5 pairs of pajamas.  There is NO WHERE that I travel to that doesn’t have a washing machine. HELLO?? I only travel to see my grown children in their homes. The ones with WASHERS…

  • Snow

    Winter Preparedness Mountain Style

    Winter Preparedness, after the craft room clean-up that I posted about yesterday. I thought for sure that I would immediately be creating masterpieces right and left. I was WRONG!!! The Husband had other plans for me. Plans I did not particularly LIKE! But, since I do like to be warm in the winter I had to help. Sooooooooooo, pouting, chopping, and stacking wood took up the rest of last week. OUCH! Now not just my back hurts, my shoulders and MY HEAD hurts too! THANKFULLY, my feet don’t hurt.  Walking on uneven ground back and forth with arms full of wood to different piles, I’m just glad I have plenty…