5 Items That Will help Improve Your Health in 2017!
Every year we look for innovative ways to improve our health so that we can feel better and move better. We look for products, gadgets, and super foods that promise to help us slow down aging and give us more energy. And this year is no different! Here are 5 things for you to add to your health regime so that you can have the healthiest year yet.
Affordable Workouts
You absolutely cannot talk about improving our health without mentioning working out. And what comes with working out? That’s right, the gym membership. And what do we need from our gym membership? The top answer to that is that it must be affordable. Gyms like Fitness 19 are a hot commodity because they offer so much at an affordable rate. Personal training, group classes, and an abundance of gyms available are important when it comes to how much we pay out for memberships. Having a gym in line with our fitness goals and wallets is a perfect combination to achieve our health dreams.
The Right Alarm
One of the biggest clues to a sluggish metabolism is our lack of sleep and inability to wake up in the morning. A sluggish metabolism is often the result of poor diet. But even after an improvement to the diet, we may still find it hard to get up because our bodies are used to sleeping weird. Getting the correct alarm clock (may we suggest the sunrise alarm?) to help you get moving in the morning is crucial to helping our bodies feel better.
Health Tonics Return
When we look at old advertisements, we often giggle at the tonics that were sold to relieve everyday ailments. But health tonics are making a big comeback and their focus is on all natural ingredients that are used for natural healing. If you are needing to wake up, focus your brain, or even get a good night’s rest, the ingredients will be what can be found in herbal gardens across the country. No nasty chemicals that could affect your organs here!
Individualized Diets
While most dietary plans are designed for a large group of people, there are now companies who focus on the individual using the individual’s DNA. Sounds a little ahead of our time, doesn’t it? The reality is that when it comes to diet, our genetics and our lifestyle has a significant impact on how we should eat. People who enjoy weightlifting tend to gravitate to a protein heavy diet. People who do yoga and meditation regularly may gravitate to a more plant based diet. Neither is incorrect until genetics come into play. Using DNA and lifestyles to generate a personal diet is a perfect way to avoid many health issues that are passed through families and make it easier on you to care for yourself.
Tracking Your Emotions
FitBit hit the scene and helped many people get up and get moving. It’s still a very popular item amongst the health conscious. Now, in September of 2017, we will see a new product hit the market that tracks our emotions. Why is this important? When we don’t feel emotionally well, we don’t want to take care of ourselves. Additionally, mental health that is not going well adds stress to our bodies and causes it to break down quicker. And when we are ill, it’s harder to heal and bounce back. Mental health is interdependent to our physical health so we must take care of it as well.
As time goes by, there will be more and more opportunities to take care of ourselves. Health becomes more important as each year goes by and it will make it that much easier for you to get healthier and feel better.

Kate Sarsfield
I suppose one ‘good’ thing to come out of the pandemic is the availability of (some free) virtual workouts.
Kate Sarsfield
I do like the sound of a sunrise alarm, although lately the birds have been waking me at 4am so that’s not much fun!