$50 Your Way Giveaway March 2024!
Hello Little Peanuts!! Happy March Giveaway! Did February zip by fast or is it just me??
We’ve had a lot of new visitors here on Peanut Butter and Whine. So, let me introduce myself. I’m Connie, The Head Peanut. If your interested I recently wrote a blog post explaining how this blog started back in 2009, if you are interested.
I host this monthly giveaway every single month. You get to choose the way you want your prize. Want Venmo? PayPal? Zelle? A Gift Card? You get to choose.
Every month I start my giveaway with my monthly update. It’s like my little gossip UPDATE corner. (YES, I do crack myself up) I live on a mountain in Sandpoint Idaho, with a spectacular view of Lake Pend Oreille. I still can’t believe I get to enjoy this view everyday. I have an AMAZING craft room. A big ole Bernese Mountain dog named Bear. I have furry visitors from Wesley weasel. I get bears, deer that lick the craft room door, moose, elk, a squirrel named Hank. A Steller Blue Jay we named Steve. The Little Peanuts and I name everything. Even scary dolls like Winston. (WE ARE NOT INSANE!! It only appears that way!)
So, this month’s update: The Husband had his pacemaker replaced, his battery died. OKAY fine… it didn’t die, it was just low. The original was after all 10 years old. He’s healing up nicely. However, he’s going a tad stir-crazy since he can’t do anything until mid-March after the incision heals.
I’m lucky enough to have CATARACTS?!?!? As my darling daughter Selena said “MOM! When did you get OLD??” I’m not that old! The steroids I was taking for pain…… yeah….. a side effect BESIDES CUSHINGS is cataracts in some people. I feel so SPECIAL! (NOT!!!) I will be so glad to get rid of this floating cloud in my vision. ALTHOUGH… when I look in the mirror, I have that beautiful soft focus, I don’t even need makeup. (is it too soon to say I crack myself UP… again??)
OHHHHHHHHHH and if you couldn’t tell already, I ALWAYS share too much. If you don’t want gossip, just scroll down to the Giveaway Tools Widget. I won’t judge.
If you comment (I hope you do!) you will find that The Little Peanuts are the GREATEST group! We are all caring, supportive and FUNNY!! This is a great group. HONEST!! Just ask them. (MAN!! I’m FUNNY!! AND I am on a ROLL!!)
Last month I asked where everyone is from. It was AWESOME to learn that this little blog gets read by people all around the globe. THANK YOU!!!
What question should I ask next??? (BTW we, mostly ME, are a nosy bunch).
I also have the opportunity to share with you a new company, I mean new to me….. not necessarily new to you called Viking Goods. (15% off coupon code down below) OHMMMMGGEEEE Wildlife T-shirts, Hoodies for pages and pages. Oh my gosh! Y’all know how much I love my bears! My bucks! So, after about $3543.98 in my shopping basket, I finally narrowed my t-shirt pick down to one. I’ll share that later this month. I’m so giddy!! Bears with camera! I LOVE taking pictures of my wild animals. Just check my Instagram feed. But, then there are squirrels, moose, deer, bucks, wolf, moose! There are birds, bugs, fish, dogs and cats. (Can you tell I’m VERY excited about this company??) There are BADGER t-shirts. (That is funny to me because I tell Bear the dog, when she’s being obstinate that I’m trading her in for a badger. It was HOURS of shopping and deciding what t-shirt to pick. I’d love to know what t-shirt you would pick.
BTW you get 15% off your purchase at Viking Goods add PEANUTBUTTERANDWHINE at check out.
Now for the REAL reason you are here!!
This Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stopped by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try. This giveaway is $50 US currency. This is a giveaway hosted by me alone. I NEVER ask for any thing except where to send your prize. My email is Connie@peanutbutterandwhine. I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.
I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Going through my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission which means I can continue to host (OKAY PEOPLE!! How come no one mentioned it SAID HOSE?!?!?! tsk tsk… little peanuts! TSK TSK!!) the $50 Giveaways.
There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing. Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, my $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. I hope you will check it out.

I’m just finishing cleaning up after visitors came for lunch. Connie, I hope your eye challenges get sorted quickly. Eye sight is so very precious.
Had a great day celebrating Easter with my in laws!
Tamra Phelps
I am right back to being amazed at how quickly another month has gone by. I must be getting old. Only old people do that, right???
Shannon Mitchell
I did some yardwork today, started cleaning the garage but I got tired. I’ll clean it some more next weekend.
Kate Sarsfield
Crikey, another month of our lives has whizzed by. Anyway, first thing this morning I rang my sister & niece to sing ‘Jesus Christ is risen today, Hallelulah!’ A longstanding tradition started by Mum years ago. Then chores, then nap. Woke to find it was 4.30!!! How the Hell? Aha! Our clocks went forward last night – phew! Did a little bit of this & a little bit of that, then a roast dinner & an early night is planned if only Loki would come home.
Connie: The Head Peanut
HAPPY EASTER Little Peanuts!!! I’m sorry I’ve been missing for the last few days. I DO NOT KNOW how everyone handles cataracts! GESH!!! I have to type with my screen so BIG because of these clouds in my eyes. It’s exhausting. THEN no contacts for the last two weeks?? I usually wear glasses first thing in the morning and then immediately wear contacts all day.WOW! What an adjustment this has been. These glasses make my eyes tired. They fog up all dang day…. hello hot flash. GESH!!! THEN the smudges. OMGEEEEEEEEEEEE hats off to all of you who wear glasses full time. HOLY MOLY!!
Tomorrow down in Spokane I have my post testing then I get scheduled for surgery (one eye at a time) PLEASE everyone cross your fingers and toes that the surgery gets booked quickly. THANKS!!!
Kate Sarsfield
Fingers crossed for you, Connie xxx
gloria patterson
OMG totally understand. I have 2 clip on flexable lights on my desk, had both of them pulled close to my laptop. And had the text go as big as I could and dark. And then sometimes I would almost have my nose on the screen.
Postive thoughts you way. Hopefully they will tell you they can do it late next week LOL WE CAN DREAM 🙂
Tamra Phelps
Eye on the prize, Connie!! Just keep thinking of how great it’ll be when it’s all done!
I speak English, but I took French in school.
Molli Lillian Taylor
I have taken on way too much as usually but hoping to get through it with my sanity in tact.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Easter!!! I am looking forward to spending time with family today.
Trying to figure out how to write today in between the holiday obligations…
Teresa H.
Happy Easter! I’d say my day so far has been better than some, worse than others… but the day is still young enough to end great! I chuckled when I perused the Viking Goods website and saw a tee with a goldfish wearing a shark fin. I bookmarked the site for future use. Rarely have I seen so many t-shirts with designs I like so much. I read everything you wrote in the lead up to the giveaway button, and I just want to say that I’m glad you and your husband have each other, and mountanious Idaho nature therapy, to help soothe your medical woes. I appreciate you running this giveaway. Thank you, and Happy Easter again!
gloria patterson
Hope ever one has a wonderful Easter. I have a note taped to my door to make sure I don’t forget to take something.
Off to brothers and sister in laws she is having a early dinner because the kids have other places they have to go.
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I am looking forward to a delicious ham dinner with my family this evening.
l p
today is going well. the sun is shining which adds so much warmth. it’s busy here and I am grateful. thanks
Happy Easter to all. Hope you have a wonderful beautiful day. The birds are already singing outside and the sun isn’t even up yet it made me smile this morning. I am making a big ham dinner today.
Polly Hall
It’s 8:30 in the morning so the day is just starting but I know it will be a good day. Happy Easter everyone.
Michele Soyer
Happy Easter to all ! Still waiting for the Easter bunny – late again – he had too many cocktails!
Anne Perry
A good day! Happy Easter!
Boardwalk Seagull 2 Softstyle Tee.
tammy ta
My day went realy well today. Hopefully tomorrow will too for Easter.
Tamra Phelps
Hey, Connie, here’s an idea! I was watching a TV show where they were trying to lure animals to a trail cam–they used perfume with pheromones in it! Have you tried that?
Kate Sarsfield
She might be inundated by horny and frustrated bears!
Tamra Phelps
Well, you have to admit it would be entertaining!!
Shelly Peterson
Today I made some food for Easter tomorrow. Going to an egg hunt later.
I should be writing, but instead I gotta get the stuff I couldn’t yesterday, sigh…
Having a good day. Just went shopping for some clothes for our Mexico trip!
Kate Sarsfield
Lovely lie-in today. Heavy frost again overnight but today was lovely & sunny, if cold. A couple of hours pottering about in the garden, then a nap. Thinking about making a pizza …
gloria patterson
Have not done much today. Getting stuff ready to go to my sister in laws for Easter.
My niece fell messed up her ankle, surgery etc off her for 6 – 8 weeks………… she texted me and showed me pictures of all the stuff she has been buying! LOL So I have put together a bag of other stuff to do some books by James Patterson she really likes him………. maybe she has read them maybe not………. never hurts to reread. Also added a couple of John Sanford books, who know my might like him. One of those adult coloring books and markers……….. and a little bit of THIS & that. Then got stuff together for my sister in law.
I also am taking shrimp and a peach pie…………THANKS TO KROGERS
I am thinking about a nap 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Just woken from a nap when I read this and all I could think was that Americans are weird! I know you put marshmallows in salad, but shrimp and peaches together in a pie? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Tamra Phelps
I’m laughing my butt off here, Kate. Pretty sure the shrimp is separate from the peach pie!
gloria patterson
Kate Tamra is right I am taking cooked shrimp (by krogers) and a peach pie that krogers made LOL
Polly Hall
Making white bread today, just love that smell.
Molli Lillian Taylor
the weather is perfect for the easter egg hunt we are going to today!
I speak only one language.
l p
the day is going well. lots to do, including sprucing up the place for visitors coming soon, on the list for today. helps to make the work lighter. thanks
Carolyn D
I am doing well. Just taking it easy today.
My day is going pretty good so far. I am just remembering everything that I forgot to get at the grocery store yesterday. I really need to make a shopping list but most of the time I keep it in my purse and forget to look at it. Don’t they say that the memory is the first thing to go? lol
gloria patterson
Sad to say when I make a list 1. I FORGET IT ON MY DESK 2. FORGET TO LOOK AT IN MY PURSE
Oh I forget to look at the list in my purse all the time!
A good day! Almost Easter~!
Michele Soyer
Up early ( just cannot sleep in) took out the ham to soak for tomorrow and had coffee with the pooch and the outside cats…basically watched the sun come up…I always do a BBQ on Glorious Saturday so the day will be easy – Jesus Christ SuperStar on the stereo, my book and total relaxation….
The day is more or less as expected, which I guess, is a good thing. I’m not great with surprises, unless they’re good ones. Most of the work is done for the day. Now for some fun.
Had a good day celebrating Easter with some of my Dad’s family.
Tamra Phelps
Good news yesterday & today. Yesterday, my surgeon/oncologist called. She is ready to switch me over to the medical oncologist because I am doing well on the medicine and she feels I don’t need to think about surgery right now. (New studies show that this type of breast cancer (DCIS) sometimes does not progress beyond this stage, where it is non-invasive and is controlled by meds. If it stays like this, why remove the breast?) So, I stay on the meds and don’t have to have a mammogram for 6 months since the last 4 have shown it actually reducig in size. AND: today I saw the cardiac oncologist. He says the heart cath showed no blockage or anything, and he believes the so called spot seen on the November PET scan was either an issue with the test itself or simply something that cleared itself up. Anyway, he doesn’t need to see for 6 months, either. So, it’s all good. For 6 months, lol. You know, I didn’t realize until afterwards, when I was sitting outside the cancer center waiting for my ride that I had sort been holding my breath since last May. I thought I was handling it fine, but it really does feel like a boulder has been lifted off my chest.
Michele Soyer
Oh Tamra I am so very happy for you! You can relax and enjoy this Easter now…
gloria patterson
CONGRATS ON THE GREAT NEWS……………….. Hope you will have a wonderful Easter
Kate Sarsfield
Time now to chill, breathe again & pamper yourself a bit xxx
gloria patterson
Almost 7 pm and my butt is dragging!! Was up early I had done a little bit of spring cleansing. We have a giveaway table in our main room. Left my apartment about 7:45 and put all the stuff on the table and was at walmart around 8 or so. I was just picking up a litlle of this and that. My cell rang and it was great niece’s aunt. She had spend the night with her and now she wanted to come spend the day with me. I said OK and that I was at walmart and it would ……………. then this sound came over the phone zay was almost crying. Picked up her up and off to ihop for breakfast…………… While there she worked me good…………….. she really really needed to go to walmart.
Off to walmart we go………….. right inside the store they are easter flowers. Stopped told zay to smell them she loved them and we got two liacs for her grandmother and one for great grandma. Toy looking took a lot of time……….. finally out we go.
When we got back here everthing I had put on the table was gone. So we go to grandmothers apartment to give her her flowers. Stay awhile and talk……………………. Then back to my place Zay had to potty. Then we packed mac & cheese and a drink, grabed the flowers and off to grandma martha
Back to my place this and that………………… her mother picked her up about 6:15
I am ready for bed now but trying to hold off
Kate Sarsfield
Sounds like an exhausting day! All you women are spoiling Zay absolutely rotten!
Weather is crummy, but I’ll try to accomplish something…
Kate Sarsfield
Up till the early hours waiting for Loki to come home. Another sub-zero night but nice & bright today in between rain & hailstones. Did some gardening, getting things started for the flower beds, seeds sown etc. then Bryn came up with a bloody great tick by his ear. Those things turn my stomach so a quick dab of perfume & off it came. When I was little, I arrived home after playing in the fields, with a grand total of 78 ticks stuck to my legs 🙁 Mum got them all off using a burning cigarette. They make my skin crawl ever since!
gloria patterson
I sure hope you set down and had loud talk with Loki about what time should be home………… There will be no more catting aound! LOL
Polly Hall
Looking forward to a nice relaxing Easter weekend
Molli Lillian Taylor
Spending some time alone wit my autistic teen. Mostly coexisting next to each other, but I can tell we are connecting!
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday! It’s Easter weekend. Yay! Can’t wait to see the grandkids egg hunt.
Carolyn D
I am exhausted today. I did not sleep too well last night.
My day is off to a good start. Heading to the grocery store today ahead of the holiay weekend. Have a wonderful Good Friday.
Anne Perry
A good day to get some exercise nd sun.f
Michele Soyer
Up early and went to half 5 mass – back by half 6….church was almost empty! now some more coffee and hot cross buns…going to sit and reflect on this Good friday….
l p
the day is going well. making special treats for friends after appointments. mercifully, the appointments started and finished pretty well on time. thanks
Polly Hall
Got some laundry done, did some reading, and took a walk around in the woods, it was a nice day.
Having a good day. Looking forwaad to the long weekend.
Kate Sarsfield
The 2 boys woke me at FIVE O’CLOCK – AGH!!! Heavy frost so relit the fire & waited for them to come back for breakfast. By 8.30 we were all back in bed & slept till after lunch. Still frosty out but the sun was out so went for a walk. The ground’s still frozen so no gardening.
Shelly Peterson
Today I have errands to run. I’m also having lunch with my daughter.
My high school friend is calling in a while, hope the weather holds if we walk around town…
I can speak thrree languages. Italian was my first.
Carolyn D
I am catching up on laundry and shows before my appointment this afternoon.
Today is my Birthday so I am going to be super good to myself. I am going to eat whatever I want all day long. I am going to drink whatever I want today. I may take myself shopping too.
Connie The Head Peanut
Happy Birthday Heather!
Michele Soyer
Well our consultation in Greece will be in the 10th of April earliest date regarding visa business…One couple who came to see the property will be back in the country on the 8th of April – they look possible to me…anyway in this life you cannot predict so trying to just go day by day and bake and cook and enjoy the Easter holidays ….
Kate Sarsfield
What will be will be … still crossing everything anyway, just in case!
gloria patterson
The first thing this morning had to check to see if you were back up!! There were at least 4 down that I know of. Leaving at 9 to take mom to the grocery store and then we will stop somewhere and have breakfast……… And who knows what else she will want to do
Anne Perry
A great day to get some vitamin D.
Laura DeLaRosa
I would pick the Pop Skull Revival on anything in honor of my brother.
l p
the day is going well. there are lots of fun things to take care of.
Molli Lillian Taylor
Spring break can be aa little intense with all the kids home but we are having a blast planning for easter!
Had a great day with friends and family today.
Tamra Phelps
Connie, whatever was gong on with Giveaway Tools today was not just you. It was them!! Anyway, it seems to be okay now. (Crosses finger, tosses salt over shoulder, chants some ancient good luck ritual.)
Kate Sarsfield
Tough day at the rescue centre – it’s school Easter hols so many volunteers busy with their families. It was 3 of us instead of 7. Next Wed. it’ll be just 2 of us 🙁 Can’t be helped but it’s tough going ‘cos there just isn’t time to work on socialising the animals. Hard to turn your back on a crying cat/dog who wants attention.
Connie: The Head Peanut
DON’T PANIC!!! I’m doing enough for ALL OF US!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE BLOODY……. FRIGGIN’…. WHAT is GOING ON with GIVEAWAY TOOLS?!?!?!?
IsItDown.com says it’s up and working. I DISAGREE!!!
I double-checked….. I’m paid up.
Chicken…. head cut off……. running around……… screaming……….
gloria patterson
It may not be you!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the ghost Just tired to enter on 2 others -no form…. say entry form but does not come up
gloria patterson
Shelly Peterson
Today is just another day of dialysis..
Connie: The Head Peanut
As always sending you a {{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Carolyn D
I am feeling a little frusturated today because I am having some issues with my Chromebook.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh Carolyn, I’m with you. Computer problems make me angry! Good luck
My day is off to a nice start. I am sticking close to home today sure need a break been running around for the past few days.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent. I am always happy right here at home.
Anne Perry
A very good day, I saw a roadrunner!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I LOVE roadrunners. I didn’t realize they were so LITTLE!! Cartoons! I tell yeah, Wile E. Coyote’s roadrunner was a LOT bigger. AND PURPLE!! LOL
It’s a very busy day today. Thank goodness I woke up early so I have extra hours to get things done.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great perk for waking up early.
Molli Lillian Taylor
i am really getting things done today and I’m so proud of myself
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh I love a day where I get a lot done. CONGRATULATIONS. I however have NOT gotten anything done.
gloria patterson
Had to run a few errands……….. stopped on the way back at Long John silvers got mom fish & shrimp.
I am a reviewer for Mattel and about ever 2 months they email a list of items to choice to review. Great niece mentioned one day that she liked/wanted some Polly Pockets. Beside Barbie dolls there were Polly Pockets to pick from. So of course I got Polly’s a Sloth and Pequin. They arrived yesterday.
Got them out of there boxes and that was a job. The pieces that go with it are so tiny and I was trying to fit them on little pegs. Lets just say it took me a while to put them all together. They are really cute and Zay is going to like them.
Two reviews wrote, pictures submited.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OMG! POLLY POCKETS!!! I had a TON of them!! I loved them soooooooooooooo much. I need to see if ebay has my top two favorites. LOL
What an awesome gig! I love Barbie!! I wanna play too!
No wonder Zay loves to come visit. I wanna come over toooo.
Oh nooooo…….. 2 pieces of fish and a diet coke. (dang I’m funny!)
l p
the day is going well. it’s a little warmer today so the construction people are very busy. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
I think the construction guys are going to live there. Gesh!
Shelly Peterson
I had a dr. appointment today. I have schedule for a procedure to be done on fistula.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I had to Google Fistula. Did it hurt? Did it hurt to remove? Sending another {{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Polly Hall
I really liked this one. https://vikinggoods.com/collections/softstyle-new-arrivals/products/octopus-ufo-softstyle-tee?variant=44794747388147
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great pick. I swear everyone has picked some amazing t’s. I do love their selection.
Polly Hall
It was dinner and cards with 3 of my girlfriends last evening. Two of them started arguing about something silly to do with the game. It broke up the evening before the game was finished, they were partners and winning even. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhh I’m so sorry. Maybe one had been having a very bad day and it finally came to a boil? Or maybe they were cranky and needed a NAP! LOL
Carolyn D
I am feeling a little depressed and tired today. My joints ache a lot.
Connie: The Head Peanut
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Carolyn}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I sure hope things are better today.
Going to try to cuff things up a bit while I wait to hear from Sylvia…
Kate Sarsfield
I don’t know … last night/this morning, switched off the laptop to go to sleep. Could not get it going this morning. Finally, managed to get it up & running but no history, nothing in documents, no bookmarks etc. Just nada. Had to log in to every site I use. Couldn’t get into FB at all. Got totally fed up & switched it off. Started it again & voilá! Everything back where it was. Technology does not make my life easier. On top of all that, what was forecast as a dry day turned out to be drizzly all day so far, so no gardening done. POOP!
Connie: The Head Peanut
OH NO!! Your computer is haunted too. It’s probably our Mom’s just makin’ trouble.
Anne Perry
A good day is today! Have a good day too.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope your day is AWESOME!!!
My day is off to a nice start so far. Even though I have to go to the DMV today and I’d rather slam my head in the car door but I gotta get it over with been putting it off for weeks now.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohmygosh Heather. When we moved to Sandpoint I was dreading going to the DMV. When I went, our little town made me SMILE! NOT only were the clerks NICE but there was NO LINE. SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?? I even popped my head in and said “Are you open?” MAN I love my little town. California the wait is hours.
Good luck with your appointment. Actually, it was yesterday so “How did it go?”
Michele Soyer
Well the bread box is empty so I plan on baking some Easter bread this morning along with a pie – have one can of pumpkin in the cupboard so a pumpkin pie it shall be…..also trying to set up a consultation date with our Greek lawyer – 6 hour time difference makes a 9am slot a wee bit hard!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh sounds like this might actually happen!! Good luck.
YogaNicorn Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
Awesome choice. I love all the Yoga t’s.
Had a good day. Had lunch with a good friend today
Tamra Phelps
Well I called the housing authority about the management here taking over a month and still not fixing my a.c.–turns out they haven’t done it because they are understaffed, have no electrician to do it right now. Well, since the temps aren’t bad, they think it is not a priority. Hmm, I disagree, lol. I mean, I paay rent for an apartment with air conditioning. If I go an entire month with it working, maybe they should have to pay me back for some of last month’s rent!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra, I absolutely agree. That’s so wrong.
Carolyn D
I am enjoying a week off from work. I am just taking it easy today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhhh relax, rejuvenate and maybe do something fun?
Crystal M
In the Viking Goods Store, I like the shirt with the cat that says Meowdy,
Kate Sarsfield
Another lazy day, I’m afraid! Windy & wet outside so have been napping most of the day. Got a phone call from a teacher colleague who’s organising a trip to the West of Ireland for herself & 2 others from the Special School we (including Mum) all worked at. I’ll meet up with them for a meal on the 29th April as they’re passing through. The 5 of us used to meet up for lunch a couple of times a year, but haven’t seen them since Mum’s funeral, so it’ll be good to catch up.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhhh that will be a great trip. I didn’t know you worked at the same place as Mum. THAT is cool.
Polly Hall
Heading out soon for dinner and cards with the girls.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Spoiler alert. You’ll be home early, shaking your head. LOL
gloria patterson
Slept late this morning and just feeling lazy. Have not done much of anything except I did take a 2 hr nap
l p
the day is going well. it’s Monday so I’m baking bread, yay. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhh I do love the smell of baked bread. YUM!
A high school friend is flying in from Germany, I’m awaiting her call…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh! Have FUN!!!!!!!
Kk Pe
I’m having a good day. The sun’s out so I can see all the dust around here so I’m going to be tackling spring cleaning – dust first.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s the only real draw back for the sunshine isn’t it? Dang dust. I am anxious for a warm day so I can open up the house and do my spring cleaning.
Shelly Peterson
It’s Monday. Back to the drawing board. Boo!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully it’s a great week.
My day is going pretty good for a Monday. I am treating myself to some salon care today I deserve it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh that sounds heavenly. Have a relaxing, rejuvenating time!
Anne Perry
Monday Monday! Have a good day friends!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Right back at ya!
Had a good day. Got together with my dad and brother this evening.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That is a great evening for sure.
Tamra Phelps
I’m just having a lazy Sunday because I think it’s going to be a busy and frustrating week, lol., trying to get the management here to fix some things in the apartment.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Management in the place is sure slow at helping you out. Shame on them.
Kate Sarsfield
I got a bit more gardening done. Other than that, I’ve been very lazy!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kate, you deserve some lazy.
l p
the day is going well. had some errands to run, now have dinner underway, and now it’s time for a cuppa and biscuit. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Wow you had a busy day. I was all and all out lazy. Today I have some crafting I want to try. I’m thinking for dinner I’m making hamburgers and mashed potatoes.
gloria patterson
OK I am watching on my ipad “WET FELTING” never heard of it before……………. INTERESTING looks like a lot of work.
Ran around a little this morning posting updates on bulltin boards regarding niece is hair cutting next month. Fixed mixed fruit for breakfast …………….. couple hour nap………. now having airfryer hot dogs for late /early dinner
wet felting is interesting…………….BUT a lot of work… NOT sure what you would do with what you create.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am making a bowl. I REALLY like the video you sent. I’m making one from Living Felt.
Now for the reason?? I dunno………. cause it looks interesting. LOL
Carolyn D
It has been a nice day. I saw Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Carolyn, was Frozen Empire good??? It’s on my list.
Chelsea B
I like the Turtle With Headphone Cotton Tee from Viking Goods. There are a lot of great T-shirt designs.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Chelsea, they really do. I LOVE the TURTLE! It’s so cute!!
Shelly Peterson
Today is laundry day. I am going to go see the grandkids.
On the bus to run errands, since the rest of the week will be crazy…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m crossing my fingers and toes that this comment goes through. We’ve had NO internet for the last 2 days. AND NOW IT’S SNOWING. I am in a SPECTACULAR mood…….. NOT!!! Unless of course, this DOES go through….. that will help my mood.
Polly Hall
Just a lazy Sunday, watching Formula1 with my husband.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OMGEEEEEEEEEEE my SIL is a Formula 1 fanatic. That and the horse races at DelMar. That’s his jam.
Today I’m going to try my hand at wet felting a bowl. Fingers crossed.
gloria patterson
WOW had to check this out watching a video
Polly Hall
Ive heard of wet felting please share pictures of your project.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I will. I’ll try and create a post of how to, from an absolute beginner. LOL THAT will be a be sure to watch someone else before attempting this. LOL
Good morning, still waking up here listening to the news one bad story another. Man, are they booking trips to Mars yet? Thinking I am going to make meatloaf for dinner tonight.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up and the news was all happy, happy, joy, joy?? Yes, I did quote the movie Demolition Man.
I hope your day is awesome!
Michele Soyer
Palm Sunday – planning on going to high mass at 11am – that gives me time to have more coffee! I have a chicken roasting and will bake the stuffing and make veggies when i get back!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Enjoy Mass. Yummy on the Chicken.
Anne Perry
A good Sunday it is.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here. Except we are getting SNOW!! UGH!!
Had a great day today. Watched Star Wars: A New Hope with the girls for the first time.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I can’t wait to hear how the girls enjoyed A New Hope.
Molli Lillian Taylor
hey there! im slowly but surely re covering from all the nonsense in my life. today is pretty okay!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sending you a big {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and a wish for smooth sailing from here on.
I would get the Melodic Feline Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
OH MY GOSH! That is so stinkin’ cute! Great pick.
Polly Hall
A nice relaxing day, made blueberry muffind did some reading and work on the comput
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh MAN!! I can just imagine how good your house smells right now. YUMMMMMMMMMMM
Shelly Peterson
Not much going on today. I do need to go do laundry.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m going to do laundry tomorrow. Today is computer work. Our internet has been out for 2 days. It’s made me cranky. LOL I gotta talk to my Peanuts! I gotta know stuff. On top of no internet? SNOW!! It’s a good thing I’m down in the craft room where The Husband doesn’t get punched. LOL YOU KNOW it’s ALWAYS the Husbands FAULT no matter WHAT happens. ANYWHERE. (Man, I am a FUNNY MEAN Bi*tch!!)
Suzie B
I have a one day weekend and I feel overwhelmed with all I have to do
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhh I don’t know if I could do all the tasks I do during the entire week, in just one day?!?! Bless you. Whew!
Suzie B
I speak 1.5 languages lol English being my first and SOME spanish, but not enough to consider myself fluent
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s excellent. I know so very little spanish. When I worked for the optometrist in California we had a lot of hispanic’s. I was able to make appointments and do reminder calls. After that…. NOPE.
gloria patterson
Been busy busy all morning. Baked breakfast sausage links and bagged and in the freezer. Made a salad with chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, cukes, feta cheese, olive oil.vinger …………… so good
Worked on my plants and cleaned up flower pots etc etc
Started a new book
Right now it is only 40 thinking about a nap
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh man! You just reminded me, I need to add tomato plants to my Home Depot list. Last year I didn’t do seeds, just plants and I’m going that way again this year. A salad sounds soooooo amazing.
My day is giong better now that the internet is finally working. We have theeeeeeeeeeeeee worst internet service in the enitre world! But, because of where we live we don’t have a choice.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Heather do you have Viastat? That’s what we have and we’ve been two days no internet. Today is spotty. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. Like you where we live there aren’t many options. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
l p
the day is going well. it’s still snowing so I’m cleaning out the refrigerator instead of doing outside chores. it’s going to feel so good when it’s all sparkling and clean. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
There is something about a clean refridgerator that makes me so happy. Mine is disgusting right now. But, I’m choosing to ignore it until next week.
Kate Sarsfield
My friendly farmer neighbour, John, brought me 10 strtawberry plants, so have potted them up. Never grown strawbs before but you never know! Spent about 3 hours in the garden. Another week & all the pulling up & weeding will be finished and I can start digging & planting.
gloria patterson
Kate you have done a heck of job getting all that done during winter!! You will love picking fresh strawberries and who know your guys may love them to.
Kate Sarsfield
Gloria, would you believe that we actually got more rain last July/August than during all of this winter so far!
Anne Perry
Another great day is So. CAL.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhhhh I do miss So. Cal. My daughter is in Carlsbad and my son is in Murietta. I miss that sunshine.
Michele Soyer
Grey and rainy today perfect to bake.. after breakfast baking an apple pie then making my menu plan for the holiday starting tomorrow….the afternoon will be my playlist of love songs, my book and some merlot!
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, I love merlot!
Connie: The Head Peanut
SOLD!!! Apple pie, merlot, music and a book. Sounds like heaven to me.
Had a good day. Watched a family movie tonight. Spring Break is now here.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love Spring break. Granddaughter Alice’s doesn’t start until April 1st.
Carolyn D
I am doing well. I enjoyed a delicious dinner and I am looking forward to a week off from work. Spring break has officially started!
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO a whole week off. Time to relax, rejuvenate and have some fun. I hope it’s a great week for you.
Polly Hall
Snowing all day today here I shoveled the walk once about 5 or more inchs, it could use it again but it’s suppose to be in the 40’s tomorrow and the 50’s the next day so why waste my energy.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I can’t believe this winter! I’m truly OVER the snow. I was loving the springtime weather. Dear Mother Nature: BRING IT BACK PLEASE!?!?
Tamra Phelps
It has rained all day here. March has been really wet this year in KY. I guess that’s good, but maybe not because it’s too early for planting, so does it matter how much rain we get??
Connie: The Head Peanut
I can’t plant anything yet. Mother Nature doesn’t know what she wants to do. It’s like she’s in menopause. Today? SNOW! NOT HAPPY!!
gloria patterson
Last january I fell in love with a ……………….. Orange ……………. called SUMO CITRUS so sweet and easy to peel. They were a little expensive last year BUT THIS YEAR!
Last week I paid 2 for $5.00
This week they are $3.75 EACH……………. and NO I didn’t get any
Quick trip home put everything away. GOT some wonderful purple grapes so sweet.
It was cold this morning 32 when I left at 4:00 PM it is now 66
Had a nice quiet nap
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’ve never heard of a Sumo citrus. I will ask my son. He works for Moon Valley Nurseries. I wonder if he can smuggle me an orange tree to Idaho?!?!?! I’ll let you know if he even grows them. My daughter in law is in the pictures. She’s so stinkin’ cute!!
Kate Sarsfield
I managed to get a bit of garden work done, in between the rain & hailstones! Other than that, just the usual chores & playing with the cats. The youngest one, Bryn, has a new trick: he hides & leaps out at me when I walk past! Luckily, he isn’t very good at hiding!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That made me laugh! I love Bryn. I think he’s my favorite.
Owl Reading Book Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHMYGOSH!! That is super cute. Good choice.
Shelly Peterson
Hooray for Friday. Even though it’s going to rain all weekend.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here. Except it’s rain, then snow, then rain, snow, rain, snow. UGH!!
l p
the day is going well. only a light dusting of snow today – not too much shovelling. baked some goodies and looking forward to tea with a friend. enjoy the week-end wherever you are. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hasn’t this been just the weirdest winter ever? Snow, SPRING, Winter, SPRING, winter…… I hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend.
Should probably run errands before it rains again…
I need to go to the post office, and I hope the power stays on so I can bake…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope the power did stay on for you.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I have to get out and do errands next week. I’ve put it off wayyyyyyy too long.
Happy Friday to you. I am up and listening to the morning news. I am going to bake some banana bread in a little while can’t wait.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love banana bread! It’s my favorite. Followed closely by carrot cake. Which I a embarrassed to admit I have never made it from scratch.
Michele Soyer
Got everything done yesterday wished all the shopkeepers a blessed Easter holiday and was back in by half 11…During the course of yesterday my accountant – bookeeper , also my daughter, gave me an updated expenditure summary from the years end analysis – it seems ( not a shock to me ) that I spend a great deal on grocery and pet supplies…Well what the hell I love to cook and I love my babies so I don’t feel guilty – as Bobby Brown says it is my perogative! Off to get in trouble with the pooch…
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s right! It IS your prerogative. It’s our turn to enjoy life.
Had a good day today. Feels great to have a haircut!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I had a hair cut last week. I was going to go super short but chickened out. So… long hair for another 6 weeks at least.
Carolyn D
I am exhausted. One more day until spring break vacation.
Polly Hall
Dinner is in the crock pot so I’m not doing much today.
Tamra Phelps
It has been almost a month since I told the management here that the airconditioner isn’t workig. I’m giving them until Monday. Aat that point it will have been a month, so I will call the housing authority about it. I mean, if they send me forms to fill out, etc., they demand it be done by a certain date. They definitely want their rent on time, lol. But they never want to keep up their end of the bargain.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I can’t believe you still don’t have AC! That’s NUTS!! Hopefully soon.
Kate Sarsfield
Aw Hell, winter’s making a comeback 🙁 It’s got cold & damp. Sleet/snow forecast for the weekend.
Michele Soyer
Stay safe and warm!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Seriously, Mother Nature is in full blown menopause. No other explanation.
Shelly Peterson
I slept in a bit today. I don’t have much going on.
l p
The day is going well. out early in the snow to get some groceries. not many people out so it was a quick trip. thanks
gloria patterson
It’s 3 and the temp finally got to 40………………….
Have not done much. Worked with my aero gardens and cut and cleaned up my petunias. Some times I just have to take the scissors to them. But a week from now there will be so many blooms.
Hungry but don’t know what I want…………………
Connie: The Head Peanut
I have days like that. I had a hankering for these Nonnis THINaddictives Cookies Almond Thin Pistachio. I was absolutely sure I had a box. NOPE. NOW I’m in the same boat as you. I don’t know what I want. Maybe popcorn?
Gotta transcribe an interview tape today (by hand, like an idiot), sigh!
Anne Perry
A good day! Almost April.
I slept in a little this morning guess I needed it. I just read your What’s On My Crafting Table Today………. post and was cracking up. I love the shirt that reads Santa’s Favorite HO that had me laughing out loud here this morning. You have some great stuff and I so enjoy seeing the pictures.
Had a very busy day- volunteering, doctor’s appt, lunch supervision and worked the Moose game tonight. I am exhausted.
Polly Hall
A pair of Bluebirds were checking out one of the houses we put up yesterday. The female sat on the roof for a bout 10 minutes while her mate sat in a tree. It was like she was telling all the other birds flying by that it was hers. But now I have not seen either of them for hours, I hope they move in.
Kate Sarsfield
I am pooped! Woken at 6am, long & busy day. Got back home at 7pm. Early night tonight.
gloria patterson
Connie: The Head Peanut
Okay, what about now? I hired someone to help me. I am trying for faster with less errors. Any better?? Any faster??
gloria patterson
I will admit I have been spoiled with the warmer weather. It was 29 this morning so I decided there was no reason I needed to go out. Did a little reading, little cleaning, some computer.
Then decided I needed a nap. Was sleeping good and all at once there was this horrible sound that brought be straight up………………….. WHAT IS IT????????????????? SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. There was no sounds and then the sound started again. The apartment next to me is empty and they are cleaning, painting etc to get it ready to rent. And they were using a drill through concrete.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhh I hate waking up startled. ACKKKKK
Carolyn D
There are a lot of shirts I love from Viking Goods The Turtle With Headphone is one of my favorites because sea turtles have a special place in my heart. I love all the squirrel shirts. I really like the Celtic Bear design. One With the Forest is an awesome design – my “tree of life” earrings would go well with this shirt.
Carolyn D
I am feeling a little bit defeated today because a few things didn’t pan out despite my best efforts.
Waiting to hear if I need to interview someone today…
Shelly Peterson
Today is dialysis day andI have to go in early.
another cold and miserable day! YUCK
I am getting things going here still waking up. I am off to the library today to pick up some items. Yes, I am the last person on earth that still uses the local library. Actually, there are always quite a few people there. I love getting audiobooks as I do a lot of driving but I also check out books.
Michele Soyer
Tomorrow is a shopping day local in the village no big box store – so it should be quick – pet food, pharmacy then a few odds and ends for Easter that I need especially wine! last stop market for veggies then home!
Anne Perry
Another beautiful day!
l p
the day is going well here. sounds like not so well there. hopefully the internet jinxes will smarten up for you.
Had a good day today. Worked the Moose game during the day,
Carolyn D
I had a nice evening. Went out to an early dinner and went for a long walk after.
Polly Hall
My husband and I build four Bluebird houses and got them up around the property today. Hope you will feel better tomorrow Connie.
Connie: The Head Peanut
WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL as you may have noticed I DID break the site BIG time today!!!
Yup, I really did a number!
I will answer comments tomorrow. I have a ragging headache and I’m an ANGRY little blogger right now.
Love ya all!!
Made chicken tortilla soup a little while ago…
gloria patterson
Shelly Peterson
Not much going on today. I did pick up a grocery order.
gloria patterson
gloria patterson
testing LOL
Kate Sarsfield
I did a load of laundry (by hand of course since the kitchen isn’t plumbed), hung it out and it rained. Hey ho! Went for a nap, woke up and it’s almost dark! Just getting ready for my day with the animals tomorrow & tidying up.
Molli Lillian Taylor
yesterday was so tough, my partner was in the hospital and I didn’t sleep at all but I’m back on all my work today.
Michele Soyer
It seems that my comments are not going through – anyway, one of the “second lookers” really like the property and want to do the purchase BUT it would be a family compound because of the size of the house and the second house – lots of land also.. I am trying to be positive but often families have different ideas so……we shall see….no plans for today house and yard are spotless, no laundry, it rianed so i do not have to water the veggies and I do not feel like weeding – plenty of leftovers so i do not have to cook – i guess it will have to be a reading day!
Kate Sarsfield
Here’s hoping this one works out xxx
gloria patterson
OMG here’s hoping!!!!
Tamra Phelps
Fingers crossed and good vibes sent.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele, any word?? My dream has always been a family compound. I would absolutely love it.
I was up at 4:15 am this morning and bent down to turn on a space heater when I noticed a huge light going down behind a hill behind our house. Seriously freaked me out! I guess that was the moon???? Still not sure I only caught a glimpse of it and I wasn’t totally awake.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Well, did you ever figure out what it was? That would have freaked me out.
Anne Perry
A good day. Selling some chickens.
Had a good day. Looked after my youngest daughter today as she was home from school.
gloria patterson
Don’t know where the month has gone! Spring is hiding this week back in the 30’s and spitting snow ever so often.
Quick trip to walmart to pick up a few things. Then off to comcast/xfinity WHEN I started to pay my cable bill it had gone up. Got on line and they added
REGION SPORTS FEE $9.40 There has NEVER been any sports ever on my TV. BUT I have to pay because some channels that have …. have sports on them. I am thinking about going in and canceling what ever to not have to pay it……………. PISSES ME OFF……….. I HATE SPORTS
Then get home put ever thing away and get on line and the cable goes out. Text message we will have it back up by 6:30……………… SO I took a nap and cables back
Kate Sarsfield
Yes, Connie, the birdsong is a musical delight. A very LOUD musical delight! I’m not Irish, Connie, so I’ve gone with St. Gertrude instead.
We had a lie-in till 9 then straight into the garden till the rain started again. The end is in sight, folks! Then comes the digging & prep of the bed/s and planting, sowing. Went for a nap at 12 & slept till 5pm. Pity they don’t do deals on whisky the day after Paddy’s Day the way they do with Easter Eggs, Christmas, Valentine’s goodies!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh I imagine that is a beautiful sound. My birds don’t sing. They are lazy. I do have a hawk nearby. He makes a whistling sound. HEY NOW! I think whiskey should have a day after sale. It’s only fair.
Carolyn D
I am doing okay. Feeling a little run down and tired right now.
Polly Hall
I had a nice surpise this morning when I got up, there were two pair of Loons on our lake. I’ve only ever seen one pair and never this eary in the year.
Had to go to town early, still trying to wake up…
l p
the day is going well. today is bread baking day – my favourite day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a regular day of dialysis.
Good Morning, I was up bright and early this morning and am just planning my day. I have to do some running around today should be super nice out here mid 70’s and sunny. I so love spring.
Anne Perry
So far so good. Sold two chickens.
My day is as crazy as today’s word. It’s like there’s a full moon out there. Tomorrow’s another day.
Fun day today as our family went out of town for the day for a family gathering
l p
the day is going well. another day of sunshine to slowly melt the snow and hopefully feed the earth. making what I hope is Irish Soda Bread. hopefully it will turn out and everyone who gets some, enjoys. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I have errands I need to go run.
I’m trying to approximate some fancy pie I read about; I think the crust might not cut perfectly, but the tea pastry cream is nice…
Polly Hall
Cold snowy and windy out, staying warm inside and trying to bake a loaf of white sandwich bread. Making a loaf of Artisan bread is so much easier to do than a soft bread for sandwiches.
Tamra Phelps
Sun’s out, but it’s cold out there today, and supposed to drop below freezing tonight. St. Patrick’s Day always makes me think of my grandma Phelps because her birthday was the very next day… so, happy St. Patrick’s Day, and happy birhtday to Granny, lol.
wendy hutton
today is going great, going to be really warm, snow is almost melted, Happy St Patricks Day
Connie: The Head Peanut
Wendy, Same here!! Almost all of ours is gone too. I’m so happy!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Paddy’s Day (NEVER, NEVER Patty!)! I’ve had a downright lazy day. I boiled a ham last night at midnight, when electricity is half price, so all’s ready for a few dinners. Bought the ham at half price after Christmas & froze it!
Have I ever told you about the birdsong here? With all the rain we get in the West of Ireland, the dawn chorus gets delayed till the rain stops. Today they started at lunchtime & at 4.30pm they’re still going strong. It’s almost deafening! There’s very little traffic noise here apart from the occasional plane going overhead or passing tractor so the birdsong is all you can hear.
Time to head into the garden …
Connie: The Head Peanut
Is the birdsong a PRETTY sound at least?
Happy St. Paddy’s. HEY!!! I think you forgot to give us our Irish blessing for St. Paddy’s. Please??
gloria patterson
Awake at 6 …………….. have done a little of this and not much of that.
Made salmon cakes for mom one of her favorites. Will take them to her later.
Started a new book and hate to put it down
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh that sounds delicious. I’m thinking of cheesy scallop taters and ham. Mostly I wish we lived somewhere that would just deliver dinner. LOL
Connie: The Head Peanut
ANDDDDDDD that book title is?? I love a can’t put down book.
Happy St. Patrciks’ Day! I love St. Paddy’s Day! May you all have a super lucky day! $$$$$$$$$$$$$
Connie: The Head Peanut
Heather, right back at you!
Michele Soyer
Happy St Patrick’s Day! My brisket is cooking ( and believe me finding a corned beef brisket here was hard and expensive – people here use canned corned beef) but I managed…colcannon and cabbage later on….right now a change of pace and another coffee with a wee bit of Jameson and my book!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Now that’s a great way to spend St. Paddy’s. Tomorrow is another walk through right?? May the LUCK of The Irish be with you.
Anne Perry
A good day to sell items from the warehouse.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you get lots of sales. Fingers crossed.
Carolyn D
I had a great day. I got to visit friends and enjoy delicious food.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like my favorite kind of day.
Had a great day, meeting with our team going to Mexico on a Missions trip in April!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s going to be an amazing trip.
Only one, English!!!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
You are in great company. Only one for several of us here.
Today I did mostly cleaning, and started on the casement windows that need lubricating, cleaning the channels, etc. It was a nice day, but cold. I guess it is an early start on spring cleaning.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh I should do spring cleaning. I don’t want to, but I’m hoping that the urge starts soon. Good luck!
Polly Hall
I had a nice day with my older brother, I took him out to lunch for his birthday and since he doesn’t drive I drove him to the store so he could pick up some groseries.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Your a very good little sister.
Kate Sarsfield
Bit of a lie-in today as well as a couple of naps! Misty rain all day so too wet & cold to do anything outside.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I like the nap idea. I slept terrible again last night so I’m HOPING that I keep awake all day and sleep like a rock tonight.
They just showed the Simpsons episode with Homer and the old six-foot hoagie, it always makes me hysterical (and was supposedly based on a true story)…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love it when I find a favorite and I can’t stop laughing. There is something so cleansing about hysterical laughter.
l p
the day is going well. got all my errands run earlier and now I’m ready for a cuppa with a friend. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today is a nice day out. I am going to go see my grandkids later.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Lucky duck!! Sounds like a perfect day to me.
gloria patterson
Have not done much of anything and really don’t plan on doing anything. On the computer, reading and going to do laundry later…………………. My easy lazy day
Shari Dalton
Having a great day. Taking kitty for his shots, then its off to hubby’s birthday party.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sounds like a great day to me.
I am having a nice quiet Saturday morning just waking up still and listening to the news. I think I am going to have a small piece of garlic bread for a pre- breakfast snack even though I am supposed to be laying off the salt but it’s hard. I have been being really good but man salt is in everything and my last trip to the grocery store was a long one as I was looking for low salt or no salt. Man, I’m gonna miss chips…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh man! I could live on peanut butter-stuffed pretzels, but they have so much salt. I didn’t even go down that aisle this time. I went through too many containers this winter. Good luck. I would miss my salt.
Peanut butter filled pretzels sound heavenly! I have never had them before. I love my salt too and can’ give it up compleley but I am trying to cut way way way down.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I found the best ones are a walmart. BUT forget I said anything. I am going through withdrawals.
Anne Perry
Great! I just bought an organic sleep mask.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele Soyer
Tried to comment on Kate’s post regarding her garden – would not go through – I am not sure this one will go through but here it goes – waiting for the walk through and have another scheduled for early next week – I thank all here who are giving me good luck!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele, I hope this walk through is the WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!! Fingers crossed.
I don’t know why comments sometimes don’t go through. The blog is haunted I tell ya, HAUNTED!
Had a good day. The Jets won tonight!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That makes for a great day! Go Jets!
Carolyn D
I am doing okay. I am looking forward to getting some rest and celebrating my friend’s birthday this weekend.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent. Lots of birthdays happening this weekend.
Polly Hall
Drove up to the lake house for the weekend, it looks like it’s going to be a nice one weather wise.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It’s supposed to be in the 60’s today.
Almost all of our snow is gone. Again, I have to say WEIRD winter.
Polly Hall
Our weatherman was wrong, today it hit the 50’s what I consider cold. Very windy and rainy.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhh noooooo. The weather report says we have a 14% chance of snow this week??! NOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOO!!! NO!! I respectably decline.
Kate Sarsfield
Gorgeous sunny day, though the wind’s a bit chilly, so off into the garden again. Have searched high & low for my sketch book with my garden plan with no joy. I know as soon as I buy a new one, I’ll find it. In the meantime, I’m categorising all the bulbs, perennials, seeds etc. into colour, height, time of planting/flowering etc. to give me a general idea of what it’ll (hopefully) look like.
Michele Soyer
Kate when you are done you will have a marvelous garden – you are working so hard….
gloria patterson
Kate don’t forget the “what the hell” part of your flowerbeds. That the section you plant with blubs you have left over or don’t know what they are. Somebodys gives you flower seeds and they don’t know what they are. Or you find bulbs or seeds on sell cheap but don’t know what they are.
That would be planted in your wild and crazy flowerbed………….. that might turn out to be the prettiest
Kate Sarsfield
I have plenty of ‘what the Hell is this?’ seeds & corms/bulbs!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love surprise flowers. The deer drop plenty up here. I did order a solar powered water fountain insert. I’m hoping to attract some more hummingbirds. It will probably end up to just be a drinking fountain for the deer.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kate, I can’t wait to see pictures of your garden. Hopefully you will email them to me and I can post them for everyone to see. Any word with construction starts?
Shannon Mitchell
I’m ready for this week to be over, so I can celebrate this weekend. Ready for a nice dinner with family on St Patrick’s Day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like a great way to spend St. Patrick’s Day.
gloria patterson
IT RAINED SO MUCH ………… last night and this morning. Thunder & lightning it kept waking me up and I could hear the rain hitting the window. It is still raining off and on all morning.
LIttle cleaning not much, a little nap, finished a book.
Just a lazy day
Connie: The Head Peanut
At least it wasn’t snow right?? I’m still trying to decide what I want to do today. I’m still in a funk. HOWEVER, it’s supposed to be in the 60’s today AND almost all of our snow is gone.
l p
the day is going well despite a late start after a not so great night. onward into the day – lots to do. enjoy your week-end. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
I got a late start too. I’m thinking another lazy day for me.
any day that’s not raining/snowing is a good day. today is a good day!
Connie: The Head Peanut
AMEN!!!! DeeAnn I absolutely AGREE!!
Shelly Peterson
Hooray for Friday. It’s another beautiful day out.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I get to say BEAUTIFUL day out here too. I’m so happy.
Gotta run some errands, but trying to decide which direction will have less traffic…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m so lucky our traffic is still really calm.
Suzie B
I would choose the One With the Forest Softstyle Tee from Viking Goods
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great choice.
I am up getting things going here. I have my cat yelling at me at the moment 5:35 a.m. she wants her breakfast. I mean she has her dry food available but she want her warmed up chicken with chicken broth. I keep telling her that she is spoiled and eats more than I do before Noon but it is her world I just live in it. She hogs the bed too but I love her.
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL OH my gosh we do spoil our fur babies don’t we.
Anne Perry
A good day!@ March is flying by.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I AGREE!!! March is half over?!?!?! Gesh.
Michele Soyer
I have tried twice to comment and it just won’t go through…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m telling you, my blog is haunted. I need to do a cleansing. LOL
Michele Soyer
The lawyers that came this week want another walk through so they are scheduled for tomorrow – have a walk through this afternoon also , so our lawnman is here since half 5…..wish us luck again!
gloria patterson
That’s WONDERFUL!!!!! Fingers crossed for you……………………
Tamra Phelps
Oh, that sounds very promising!!
Kate Sarsfield
I really hope this works out for you xx
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh I do hope this is the ONE!!
Had a great day. Very proud of my girls from our parent teacher interviews tonight!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s excellent.
Carolyn D
I am exhausted this week. The weekend is almost here!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I think I need some extra sleep. My tush is draggin’
Tamra Phelps
Went to Lexington today for my regular mammogram, they were so behind I have to wait a few days for the results! But there’s no reason to think anything has changed since December, so I assume things will continue on my medication.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope it’s all amazing news. Sending you hugs and prayers.
Polly Hall
I had lunch with my sister in-law and cousin, it’s nice to stay connected.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like a great day.
Kate Sarsfield
Woken at 6am – ugh! Let them out, went back to bed & slept 4 more hours. General chores then into the garden again before the rain sent us running indoors.
Shelly Peterson
Today I woke up early but then fell back asleep. I did some cleaning and then got coffee. It’s a nice day out.
Happy Pi Day to all who celebrate! I may have to observe it this weekend, because I have no crust made…
l p
the day is going well. weather’s decent so the construction next door is making great strides (or holes). appontments later today. still can’t decide on an authentic Irish soda bread recipe. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully, construction goes fast and peace and quiet makes its way back.
gloria patterson
Have you ever smelled something and looked and looked and could not find anything. I started looking again to day……… nothing garbage out nothing. Then I decided I would just wipe down all the basket and anything else I could find. I FOUND IT………. spaghetti squash …. the back side was rotten the front looked perfect!! I have sprayed and window open.
Just took some baked potatoes out of the oven. I like to bake extra for frying etc
Don’t really have anything to do so will just play on the computer
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL oh my gosh, been there. I am in a MOOD today so I’m going to go upstairs and take a nap. Maybe I can sleep this thing off. LOL
I had some terrible nightmares last night! I mean, I had to get up and check the house. I watched an episode of that show 48 Hours yesterday about Ted Bundy and I think that gave me nightmares. Man, I tell ya today I am watching something Disney!
gloria patterson
SORRY — ROFLMAO If you have not watched cartoons in while …. watch them
I miss the ‘old’ cartoons with Bugs Bunny man I haven’t seen those in a million years. Yeah, I need to lay off the true crimes shows they jack up my sleep. Have a nice day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhh I do love those shows too but sometimes the really bad ones. ESPECIALLY when kids are involved …… ohhhh nightmares.
The problem is that I watched like one episode of 48 hours on my computer and now……. every single episode shows up on my algorithm so I play them while I am on the computer and they are jacking up my sleep and that is where I draw the line.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Exactly! Then they suck me in because I have to see if justice was served.
Michele Soyer
Brownies have been requested so after breakfast I will bake them! there has been rain over night so no need to water my garden..there is honestly no chore to be done! Guess I will have to put my chair in the sun and read….if i had started earlier i could have made this a beach day…we are in a hazardous sea alert but i do love to sit on the sand and watch the waves!
gloria patterson
WAIT A MINUTE …………………… Brownies have been requested
I didn’t know we could put in a request………… have to think about this and get my REQUEST IN!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I know I have to keep reading but how did the lawyer walk through go??
AND I agree with Gloria… I didn’t know we could request them! LOL
Anne Perry
Today is Pi day!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Happy Pi Day!
Busy day today. Ended on a bit of a downer as the Jets lost.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m so sorry.
Heard from a couple of friends today, that was nice!
Kate Sarsfield
Ouch, I ache! More cats/kittens have been adopted & 1 dog – happy days! Sparky, the little cat I collected last week is doing well & is so friendly. He’ll manage fine without his tail, poor wee thing. Just chilling out now. I’d love a long soak in a bath or a hot shower but will have to wait till I get hot water!
Kate Sarsfield
TAMRA: Good luck tomorrow xxx
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully everything moves fast. A nice hot soak would be awesome.
Polly Hall
A beautiful day here sunny and in the high 60’s. My husband and I drove out to the family cottage on Lake Michigan to take down the snow fences.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like a great project. All that snow we had yesterday is almost all melted. AND (I’m SINGING this right now) it’s supposed to be in the 60’s this weekend!!! I’m so happy!! I would love some sunshine and blue skies.
Polly Hall
hope you get your sunshine. I think that snow moved in to where my girlfriend lives in Conifer Co. they have gotten over 2 ft and still coming down.
Connie: The Head Peanut
YOUCH!! How much did she end out getting?
gloria patterson
I fell asleep last night before 11 pm…………………… woke up at 2:30 and could not go back to sleep. Finally gave up about 4 and got up.
Off to krogers to pickup prescription then to walmart. They are putting out some really pretty spring clothes. YES I broke down and got a couple.
Have been wanting a meatball sandwich. So got meatballs already made and into the oven. I let them cool and added some meatballs to a ziplock and pour some jar sauce. I had enough to make a great meatball sandwich and have 4 bags of meatballs / sauce and bag with the rest of the sauce in the jar. I lay them as flat as I can get them. When I need sauce I just pull the bag out crack the sauce and pull out a few piece and into what ever.
And of course I had a hour nap…………………
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh a meatball sub. That sounds delicious. I’m going to add it to this weeks rotation. YUM. Now…. for my nap.
l p
the day is going well. thought we would have to call off a rare meal with friends this morning due to thick fog. the sun came out and burned off most of it just in time. thanks
Carolyn D
I am looking forward to an easy dinner tonight. We have leftover pork chops, mashed sweet potatoes, and green beans.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like an amazing dinner. I think I will add porkchops and sweet potatoes to the shopping list.
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a typical day of dialyisis..
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am going to have a good day or at least I’m going to try yesterday was not so good for me. I have some running around to do.
Michele Soyer
We had 2 property visits this week – Monday and yesterday….Another one is scheduled for Saturday.. thank all you girls for wishing me luck I surely need it – it always seems that people love the houses and the property then stop – wait it is 6 acres – too much land and one rather large house…anyway we shall see – staying positive!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a lot of walk throughs. HOPEFULLY SOON!!!
We have a modular for rent, we have had 6 walk throughs this month each and everyone “OHHHHHHH HELL NO!! I’m not driving that road”. LOL EVEN the one that said “Oh I’ve lived here my whole life, I’m use to the roads” Baaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa RIGHT! Nope. Can’t handle THAT road. LOL I TOLD YOU!
Anne Perry
Today is Wednesday! A good day.
Had a good day today. Ready for a better night’s sleep than I have had lately.
Polly Hall
I went with my husband to his appointment with a diabetic nutritionist. I found out that I am feeding him to many carbs and that he needs to control his portions. I’m a bread person so I will continue to bake bread he will just have to control himself.
Connie: The Head Peanut
GOOD luck with that! LOL I’m a bread person too. Which explains why none of my pants fit. LOL
Tamra Phelps
I’m starting to feel like all I do is complain, lol. I am that crotchetty old neighbor lady who constantly gripes about something!!
Kate Sarsfield
You’ve got a lot to complain about!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That is NOT how we take it. Besides…. HELLO WHINE ……… it’s in the BLOG title. Carry on!!
l p
the day is going well. out early to run some errands. now I’m looking for an authentic Irish soda bread recipe to make this week-end. thanks
Just had more coffee, which I now realize was a mistake…
gloria patterson
Thinking about it I have DONE NOTHING TODAY………. except take a nap.
Started out a cold day 30 and up the temp goes it is 70 now!!
Shelly Peterson
Well today is just a complete lazy day.
Kate Sarsfield
LET THE BELLS RING OUT!!! The surveyor was here earlier & has approved the house for a complete central heating system, insulation of the attic and all exterior walls and some smaller things to make the house more energy efficient! FREE OF CHARGE!!! Oh, and Loki brought me a present (dead mouse)! No idea when it’ll happen or how long it’ll take but it will happen. I need to lie down now!
gloria patterson
OMG I am so HAPPY FOR YOU!!! It will either take time or it will happen quickly, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN!!
Your home will be a mess BUT in the end it will be so much better and you didn’t have to come up with the money. YEA WHAT did you do with your present:-) LOL
Tamra Phelps
Yes! That is amaazing news. Makes me smile!
Michele Soyer
Great news! So happy for you Kate.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMYGOSH!!!!!!!!! Kate!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!
My day is going pretty good even though I had some patchy sleep last night. I am sticking close to home today and getting some housework done.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I woke up, had coffee and went back to sleep?! I feel better now though so I guess I needed a little more.
Anne Perry
A good day to sell chickens.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH I love me some Chickens! I wish I could raise chickens, but we have too many bears. Bears love chickens too. LOL
Had a good day. Worked the Jets game tonight- they won!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sweet! Sounds like a great day!
gloria patterson
Woke up 7:15 (before it would 6:15 my normal wake up time) So I was running slow.
About 10 I get a facetime from great nieces aunt and zay was there…………….. could she come spend the day with me………. no school a 2 day spring break……….. Yes
Last time she was here she had a enough money saved (I am her bank) to buy one of those “real like babydoll” and carrier from amazon. Long story short version she found some things (she know about WISH LIST now) and added them to wish list. Only problem was she didn’t have enough money saved. We were working on a deal when her great grandmother showed up and handed her a $50 bill. So yes I ordered the 3 items she wanted. Her grandmother came down to tell her there was no class tonight. So she stayed and her mom & dad came to pick her up. So they left and right now it is almost 9:30 and I am thinking about bed
Connie: The Head Peanut
ROFLMAO!!!!! OHMYGOSH I love Zay. AND Great Grandma. She’s a smart cookie.
Polly Hall
It was dinner and card night with the girls. It is so nice to have some one cook for me once in a while.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like an amazing night. I’m jealous.
Carolyn D
I am doing okay. I just finished exercising while watching a show. I am ready to relax and take it easy this evening.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent way to wind down for the day. Watching anything interesting? We had never watched Chicago PD so we binged watched and now we are caught up. I LOVE that show. I think we are going to add a Law and Order and binge those a while.
Carolyn D
Never watched Chicago PD. I’ve been watching This is Us on Netflix. Some of our regular shows have started coming back. I am excited for the new season of 9-1-1 airing on ABC this week.
Connie: The Head Peanut
MEEEE TOO!! 9-1-1, Ghosts (My favorite), So Help Me Todd. I should watch This Is Us. I keep hearing how good it was.
Tamra Phelps
I was up early for some reason. Couldn’t sleep. Called the office managers here to see why I’ve been waiting 2 weeks for them to fix the air conditioner. I know it’s cold out there but the meds I’m on for breast cancer cause hot flashes sometimes, and that has nothing to do with the temps outside, lol. They take their sweet time getting stuff fixed, it seems.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully, that gets fixed soon. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Shannon Mitchell
It’s going better than yesterday, this time change seems to really slow me down.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am so outta whack with this time change. Why won’t they just leave it alone?
Shannon Mitchell
I like the Racoon Chief, the Sloth Chefs and the Celtic Trinity.
Connie: The Head Peanut
All really great choices.
Shannon Mitchell
I can only speak one language, English, but I understand some Spanish.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I can understand a teeny, time bit of spanish, if spoken really, REALLY slowly. LOL
Will head out for some mid-county errands in a little while….
Connie: The Head Peanut
Have a safe trip.
Kate Sarsfield
For some reason, the cats, and therefore I, had a lie-in. Then I got stuck in to moving things about & gave everything I could reach a good scrub. It took hours, but it needed doing & I’d put it off time & time again.
l p
the day is going well. when I opened my mail, a friend had sent a picture of their first grandchild. they thought they would never have any so are over the moon, as it were. made my day too. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhh I love me some tiny babies!! What a great surprise in the mail. Lucky you.
Shelly Peterson
I had to pick up my grandson from daycare because he isnt feeling well.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh no, I hope he feels better soon.
My day is going pretty good. I am just looking to see who won the academy awards last night.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I didn’t watch. I figured I could see the highlights later.
Anne Perry
A good day. Selling items on Marketplace. Coffee and Cat
Connie: The Head Peanut
Anne, sounds like a great day to me. Good luck on Marketplace.
Had a good day today. Had a get together with friends tonight!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sounds like a perfect day.
A lot of cool shirts on this website. I like Northern Lights Bear Softstyle Tee the best.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great pick.
Don’t really know how this works, hope I don’t mess it up. Heyy
Connie: The Head Peanut
You are doing awesome. Thank you for entering.
I speak one language
Connie: The Head Peanut
You’re in great company it’s the same for most of us here.
maria gabriel
I speak 2: English and Spanish 🙂
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s awesome Maria, I wish I did.
Tamra Phelps
I go back for my every 3 months mammogram this week, on Thursday. I think it’ll bve fine. I hope so, anyway. I admit I always get a little anxious when I have to go up there.
Kate Sarsfield
All will be well. I feel it in my waters.
l p
the day is going well, especially for the time of year. another unseasonably warm day. everything melting but the drains are blocked. not looking forward to going out tomorrow morning as it will be quite icy. thanks
Kk P
The Bjorn Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee https://vikinggoods.com/products/the-bjorn-heavy-cotton-comfort-colors-tee-1?_pos=127&_sid=aefafb133&_ss=r
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great choice.
Polly Hall
Woke up to snow on the ground but the sun came out this afternoon and melted.
Connie: The Head Peanut
THAT is the snow I like. The gone kind. It’s been raining here. Again or it could be still… but we got mud.
Kate Sarsfield
No gardening today, too cold. Instead, I grudgingly did some tidying up, vacuuming etc., ready for the surveyor’s visit on Tuesday. More tomorrow.
Connie: The Head Peanut
The surveyors visit it going to go perfect. I can feel it.
Shelly Peterson
I picked up a grocery order, other than that there’s not much going on today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I decided today would be a self care day. Foot soak, face mask, hair mask, nails, and of course wine. Now it’s 2pm and I am relaxed and pampered.
Trying to cope with the time change, and then I’ll watch the Oscars with my mom.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hate the time change. I really wish they would leave it just like this forever. I can’t wait for the Oscar’s.
gloria patterson
Changed the clock that I would see first when I woke up. Woke up at 7:30 ALL other clocks are changed
Right this minute it is 35 and spitting SNOW. We are not going to get much and the ground is warm so it will melt quick. Tue it is going to be 61 and warm the rest of the week.
Have not done any thing but I have done a lot of little things.
Just enjoying being lazy today
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh 60° sounds fabulous. The snow part not so much.
wendy hutton
i really dont light this time change, not sure what it achieves still the same amount of daylight
Connie: The Head Peanut
Wendy I agree. I just want this to be the time and not change it ever again.
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I am going to finish the last load of laundry in a bit and bake a cake this afternoon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh cake! I could eat! LOL
My day is off to a nice start just tryng to get the clocks all set an hour ahead. Now I will be all off for a few days trying to get used to the time change.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I always seem to one clock and of course it’s the bathroom clock that means WOW I don’t have to rush. I got plenty of time. LOL
Anne Perry
A good day. Selling items on Marketplace.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent good luck
Michele Soyer
Got a call from our agent yesterday – an attorney is coming tomorrow at 10am to see the property for his client….no one has come for 2 weeks so maybe just maybe….Sunday morning coffee, cats and the pooch sitting with me – I have to sort out Sunday lunch then my book!
gloria patterson
Kate Sarsfield
Good, good, good, good luck xxx
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh Michele fingers and toes crossed.
Tamra Phelps
Sending good vibes your way Michele!!
Molli Lillian Taylor
today was truly exhausting and im looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m all about a sleep in day. I hope you are all rejuvenated.
Had a fun day going out for lunch with my girls and celebrating a nephew’s birthday this evening.
Connie: The Head Peanut
THAT sounds like a perfect day.
Soha Molina
I speak 2 languages.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s awesome. Me not so much. LOL
Soha Molina
Honestly, my day can be better. I am dealing with a daughter who is going through a breakup.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh Soha, I’m so sorry. There is nothing worse than when your child hurts. No matter how old they are.
Just made some scones…a repair guy is coming, I hope I don’t have much prep to do.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully the repair is easy, quick and inexpensive.
gloria patterson
Slept till 8am this morning …………………. never this late. Cleaned out a few drawers of junk that I don’t know why I am keeping. Going to gather up some or a lot of stuff to take down to the give-a-way table.
Took a nap when I got up made hamburgesr in the oven. I like to make and reheat in the airfryer. Great niece showed up with her grandma. They had been to see grandma martha caught her ironing. I don’t iron don’t even have a iron any more. Zay did this and that and said she was hungry while looking in the cabinet. Her grandmother just rolled her eyes. Zay picked out chicken noodle soup and ate about half a bowl. Then she wanted on the laptop to check amazon for accessors for her baby doll. Then mommy showed up and SAID NO on buying anything.
Going to see if I can find a good show or something on tv
Connie: The Head Peanut
ROFLMAO Zay CRACKS me up! I slept in. I’ve been lazy all day long.
It’s been a very nice day.
Polly Hall
It’s been a lazy day, I got an hour of reading in and now I’m waiting on dinner, it’s in the oven baking, stuffed peppers, potatoes and rolls.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I guess I should decide what to make for dinner here. I think I could just skip dinner and go to bed early.
Kate Sarsfield
I got a load of handwashing done & out in the wind to dry, then back to pulling up the garden. Too cold to stay out for long though. Am searching for my sketchbook – it’s got a plan of the front garden in it and it’s here somewhere but where? I need to sort out the colours, heights, time of flowering etc. so that there’s always something going on in the big bed/rockery thing I’ll eventually make.
gloria patterson
I wish I was there to help you decide on your flowers and to help you plant them. That is the one thing I miss so much is playing in the dirt with my flowers. Are you collecting rocks? Are you planning on a birdbath for your guys to watch???
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh I vote for a bird bath. I saw a really cute idea on Instagram that I am going to try.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kate your garden is going to be amazing.
l p
the day is going well. kind of tired today – did too much and too late yesterday. might have to have a nap. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Naps! I’m always up for a nap.
Shelly Peterson
I went and got coffee with my daughter this morning. Going to lunch with the family soon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am still jealous. Have fun!
Karla Sceviour
I speak one language -English! Well, most people would say I speak “Newfinese” lol, I live in NL and have a Newfie accent!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Karla, That’s great. I love the Newfie! LOL
I’m heartbroken that the Sharks traded Tomas Hertl yesterday…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hate when they do that too.
Carolyn D
I am doing well today. I got to sleep in a bit and I have quite a few errands to run today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I do love me a sleep-in day. Hopefully, all the errands are quick.
My day is going pretty good so far. I slept like a baby last night guess I over did it yesterday. Can’t believe we change the clocks today that really snuck up on me this year but I like it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s great that you slept well. I HATE the time change. Why can’t we just leave it alone!
Michele Soyer
Sitting here with no motivation at all…aside from watering my plants there is no chore to be done…i will pass the hoover and dust but other than that nothing! Looks like reading , yoga and music…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele, I think a day off wouldn’t hurt. I REALLY have to water my plants before they all die or turn into a sci-fy movie and attack.
Having a good day. Good start to the weekend by going to a Kid MIn conference tonight.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like a great day.
Tamra Phelps
Temps are dropping today and we are back into Winter… Spring must be out there somewhere, wandering around, lost.
Connie: The Head Peanut
AGREED!! We are expecting rain. I swear, my road…. I just…… ahhh man. It’s already a mess, it’s going to be worse.
Polly Hall
Did not do much today, our son stopped by after he got out of work it’s always nice to see him.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhh that makes me happy. I love a surprise visit.
Sleep doesn’t come easy for me anymore. Tried some of the hacks suggested on-line, but I find that the best way for me to get some sleep is to make sure I have the TV and other electronics off and the house is quiet. I try to think of good things–happy things–get in a comfortable position and hopefully doze off.
Connie: The Head Peanut
AGREED! I am the worst about my phone before bed. I THINK if I would not use the phone (I play games) before bed maybe I would doze off easier.
OMG! I love the Octopus T-Shirts. Can’t decide which one I like best, but the guitar playing Octopus would be a great gift for my guitar playing grandson. For me, the choices are so vast it would take a bit to choose.
Connie: The Head Peanut
RIGHT!?!?!? I swear if you have a favorite animal, bird, fish whatever it is. Viking Goods has it.
Only speak one language, but can still remember some ‘words’ from when I was a kid growing up in an Italian neighborhood.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Italian, I want to learn that. I think it’s THE most romantic and beautiful language.
just one language
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kath, you are in good company! Same here, along with a lot of us.
gloria patterson
Was up and out the door at 7am …………….
Had a eye apointment and I passed with flying colors…. NO GLASSES FOR ME! Come back in a year to check them.
Krogers, then had to pick up prescriptions they only had part of one so have it backordered. I get all my prescription 3 months at a time.
I have a refrig/freezer and the freezer is NOT that big…………. BUT I still buy stuff I know I don’t have the room for. Some of the stuff I bought had to take out of the box and put in a freezer bags
I plan on doing nothing on weekend……………………… LAZY LAZY.
Connie: The Head Peanut
THAT is how to weekend. Everything done and now be lazy. Works for me. Congrats on the eye exam. I SWEAR the doctors office better call me to set up my appointment for this cataract surgery. I can’t handle this floating cloud much longer. (THAT sounded stern didn’t it?… Like .. pffftttt what am I gonna do about it?? NADDA!)
Kate Sarsfield
More time in the garden but gave up after only an hour, the wind was so cold. Bryn has lost yet another collar – that’s 3 in 3 weeks. If I could find a non-toxic reflective paint, I’d spray his ears with it or something! Just can’t see him when it’s dark. Bit of good news, got a phone call from a surveyor to make an appointment to assess my house for the Govt. Grant Agency. Keep your fingers crossed next Tuesday, 12th!
gloria patterson
What great news will keep my fingers crossed for you. Hate to say it but your cat must be getting in to some strange places. Going to have to look at a harness they have some really thin ones.
Connie: The Head Peanut
HOT DIGGITY!!! Bryn is a stinker. How in the world does he manage to lose so many?? Have you tried places like https://www.dhgate.com/ or Temu for bulk collars? Both have TONS.
Fingers crossed for the 12th!
Tamra Phelps
Fingers crossed! That would be great.
Michele Soyer
Good for you Kate! Moving along…Always like to hear positive news.
Carolyn D
My day is going okay. I am got off from work an hour ago and get to sleep in tomorrow.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Carolyn that sounds like a wonderful plan.
l p
the day is going well. the weather has changed considerably so instead of the cold and wind, at the moment we have warming sun and a light breeze. makes it so much easier to take care of errands. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh I am so jealous. ALTHOUGH when I was shoveling snow and stacking wood I was very glad it was a little on the chilly side.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Happy Friday! I amready for the weekend..
Connie: The Head Peanut
Happy Friday! Are you hanging with the kids or Grands this weekend?
I need to write interview questions today, and call one more person….
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh I hope you find the PERFECT candidate.
Shari Dalton
My day is going good. Going to watch my granddaughter skate.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Anything involving Grands makes for a great day. Have fun.
Anne Perry
Lots of cool shirts at Viking Goods. I like the Wise Grad Achiever Softstyle Tee.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Anne, That’s a great shirt. Do you see why I had such a hard time deciding which t?? So many choices.
I use a Buckwheat Pillow as a lap pillow,
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhhh that’s a great idea. Now I need TWO!!
Anne Perry
My day is going well. Coffee and Bulldogs,
Connie: The Head Peanut
Anne, Bulldogs as Furbabies? Or team?? I want a bulldog SO BAD. They are my bucket list baby. And if it’s a team. GO BULLDOGS!!!
Anne Perry
I speak one language. I know some German and Spanish.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s amazing. I sadly speak one.
Happy Friday, my day is off to a nice start a bit chilly but it least it’s not snowing but we are supposed to get snow tomorrow. I am doing some running around today and am looking forward to it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Heather Happy Friday! It’s supposed to rain here for the next week. Our road already looks like wack-a-mold holes….. I can’t even imagine what it will look like by April.
Michele Soyer
Glad I did the orchard yesterday – today the sahara dust is back so inside for me. The bread bin is empty so I will bake bread and some caramel dessert for tonight…then a glass of wine and my book…
Connie: The Head Peanut
AHHHHH man! Except for the sahara dust I do wish I lived next door. I use to be so good at baking bread and then BAMB I just stopped. Put it on my to-do list.
Kate Sarsfield
We had it as well! Beautiful pink sky but the wind was to strong so it didn’t settle.
Had a good day. Just got back from shopping at Costco
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhhh Costco……. I do have a love/hate relationship to Costco. THANKFULLY ours is an hour and a half away. I spend way, way, way too much there.
Carolyn D
I am in a lot of pain tonight and cannot wait for the weekend.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh Carolyn, I’m so sorry. I hope you can rest, relax and feel way better SOON!
Tamra Phelps
Went to the doctor today. Another UTI, but antibiotics are already started, so no worries, lol. Gray and cold here in KY.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra! I’m so sorry. Seriously, Michele, Kate, Me, Gloria, Polly, Shelly should all come over and sage you. Cause you need a good saging.
(ROFLMAO I just imagined the 6 of us with Sage burning, chanting and bumping into each other because the smoke would be so thick. Now I can’t stop laughing. I DO CRACK MYSELF UP!!)
gloria patterson
Have to admit I not sure what a saging is, BUT I all for joining the party!
Tamra Phelps
I would totally agree to a good saging, lol. It couldn’t hurt!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL! You feeling better today?
Crystal M
I can speak a little French, but I’m nowhere near fluent.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Crystal, A little french is WAY more than I can.
Polly Hall
My husband and I picked up our tax returns today, we are getting money back from state for the 1st time since we retired thanks to our governor signing into law a tax break for seniors and working families. And it will phase out the retirement tax over a four year period so we will not have to pay anything.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHMYGOSH!! Polly, that’s AMAZING! Congratulations.
Margaret Helgason
kids are taking us out to dinner so a very good day indeed
Connie: The Head Peanut
Margaret, LUCKY DUCK!! Enjoy.
gloria patterson
Woke up my normal time 6 am……………….. then oh hell I have this stuff on me. Finally got everything hooked and tape to me last night. Read the directions several times. They give you tape to tape this to your face and this to your hand. Guess I am ready I reach for my water bottle and almost knock it over because of that thing on my finger ( which hurt – lol ) . I could not move with out pulling or hitting a piece of tubing. Took me over a hour to go to sleep.
OK now I can take this stuff off and do the report…………….. OMG the tape on my face hurt so bad pulling it off…………… I still have red marks on my face. I had all GREEN lights so I was good.
Bagged everthing up and took it back this morning. Then stopped at Hardees got a sausage biscuit with grape jelly. Picked up a prescription, stop at dollar tree…………….. HOME ….. 2 HOUR NAP
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m tellin’ you that sleep study contraption is nasty. The CPAP is not nearly as bad. I promise.
Kate Sarsfield
Did my good deed of the day earlier: collected a stray cat that had been handed in to the local Animal Hospital. He’d had major injury to his tail so amputation was done yesterday. Took him to the quiet treatment part of the Rescue Centre where I wrote out a chart detailing his meds etc. Even with all he’s been through, he’s the most gentle cat, full of purrs. Hope he makes it.
Michele Soyer
What a great thing you did Kate….
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh Kate, I hope he gets adopted and lives a happy long life.
Having a good day. Looking forward to another evening at home.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully a nice quiet relaxing weekend to follow.
Shelly Peterson
Today I had a lot of cleaning to do.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Me too. YET, here I sit.
On the bus to go run errands in a nearby town…
I speak two languages.
Karen R
I speak English only. I know a few Spanish phrases.
l p
the day is going well. out early to do some shopping and got home more quickly than expected as the first store had everything on the list. usually it takes two or three stores to finish the list. yay. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sweet!! What a great way to start your day.
I am just getting going here today warming up the house and listening to the news. Do they ever give any good news? Man I tell ya it’s just one depressing story after the other. Have a nice day they say it will be almost 60 degrees here today woohoo!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh Heather, I HEAR YA!! Can’t we have something happy?? At least one news story with a HAPPY ending?
60 degrees? I’m jealous. We MIGHT hit 40. BUT, the sun is out and sky is a beautiful blue, I’ll take it.
Michele Soyer
Today I have to pick tangerines.king orange, juice oranges, lemions and limes….the citrus grove is overflowing with fruit right now….there will be many buschels so I shall give a good bit away to neighbours, keep some for eating whole and juice the rest…that will take up a good portion of my day….no scurvey here!
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHHHHHHH man Michele, another reason I wish I lived closer. I imagine your farm smells amazing. AND fresh fruit?! YUM
gloria patterson
I don’t know how one person does all the stuff you do. Do you take special vitamins or something??
Connie: The Head Peanut
RIGHT?!?? I ask her the same thing. Gloria, I think you and I should GO to Michele’s and just follow her around for the day.
tammy ta
My day went by pretty well today. A lot better then yesterday anyways.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tammy here is hoping today is excellent and the rest of the week is FANTASTIC!
tammy ta
I can only speak one language. Always wanted to learn french.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I would love to learn french, or italian. But, English is it for me too.
Molli Lillian Taylor
I/ am SO excited because i am goin g to grown up night at the science museum and they will have a real live SLOTH there!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s VERY COOL!!
I’m having a pretty good day so far.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here. Hopefully it continues through the weekend.
Polly Hall
I drove myself to the grosery store this morning I feel like such a big girl!
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL I imagine even the grocery store is exciting now. Congrats! Ohhhh and no, I don’t want to do the grocery store run when we have a girls day out. Nooo.
Polly Hall
I only speak English, I took French in high school but did not do well I can count to 4 and say yes in French but everyone can say yes in French.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It’s a nice day here. I planning my garden and really enjoying the daydreaming that comes along with it. I sure hope the garden looks as good in reality as it does in my mind.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I do love my garden, the one that lives in my head. The deer love my garden in real life. This year I have to re-think my planting.
Kate Sarsfield
Busy day at the rescue centre. More sad & happy stories. Got groceries on the way home… Tomorrow I’m collecting a cat from the Animal Hospital & taking it to the shelter so that’ll make a change. Poor thing’s a stray missing most of it’s tail & infected. Luckily the finder took it to the vet & hopefully it won’t be too long before it gets homed.
I’m lying in bed watching my two on the outside windowsill having a great time catching (and EATING) moths drawn by the light!
Connie: The Head Peanut
HOT diggity!! Bug eaters! The boys should get extra treats. Do you guys get stink bugs? They are nasty little things. I’m hoping the birds will eat most of ours this year.
Kate Sarsfield
We have shield bugs which are sort of the same thing. Can’t say I’ve ever seen one in action!
Connie: The Head Peanut
We have those too. The stink bugs when squished (TO ME) smell like triple strength Pine Sol. So gross.
gloria patterson
Trip to the sleep clinic………. PICKED UP HOME STUDY EQUIPMENT…… going to do the test tonight. Said it would take them 3 or 4 weeks to get back to me with results.
On the way back I stopped at Dollar Tree picked a little of this and a little of that $23 and change.
Then stopped at Long John silvers and picked up fish & shrip for mom. I didn’t get any sometimes I have no problem and next time I eat it I get sicker then a dog………….
Got a book to finish then who knows
Kate Sarsfield
Sweet dreams!
Connie: The Head Peanut
OOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhh my gosh. I have the funniest story about Long John Silvers. So, it’s back when I was working for an optometrist in . So after work my son calls me and
I said ‘how are you?’
Zac “I don’t feel good”
Me “I’m sorry. What’s wrong?”
Zac “I have explosive diarrhea.”
Me: “Can I bring you something? Pepto? Ginger Rale?
Zac: “No, it’s probably something that I ate”
Me: “What did you eat?”
Zac: “I had 3 pieces of fish and a diet coke”
Me: “I’m sorry, seriously Zac I’ll bring you something”
Zac: “Nooo it’s that 3 pieces of fish and a diet coke. It’s just not sitting well”
THIS GOES ON FOR the longest time and he just kept saying it’s the THREE PIECES of FISH and a DIET COKE. He kept adding more descriptive bodily functions………
I’m answering I don’t know what I can do to help, I’m offering everything I can think of….
Long pause…….. HEY!! I had 3 pieces of fish and a diet coke too!!!
So, now when anyone is sick in our house we just say 3 pieces of fish and a diet coke.
gloria patterson
Connie I think I am in love with your son……………………. ROFLMAO
Connie: The Head Peanut
He’s so funny. He could just come out and say MOM you but dialed me. Noooooooooooooooooo I swear he makes me laugh so much.
For this last Christmas the kids bought me an electronic frame that they can send pictures directly to me and it shows up instantly. So I texted Zac that I hadn’t gotten a new picture from him in 432 years. So he IMMEDIATELY sent me a picture of his work boot. Next morning a sticker from I don’t know? Under the car? Under a work machine? I dunno. It does make laugh.
Going to grab a bite before going to the grocery store…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhh you’re like me. Never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. I buy WAY more than I need when I’m hungry.
Tamra Phelps
Wish I had something exciting to report but I don’t, lol. It’s raining again, which I guess is better than snow.
Connie: The Head Peanut
AGREED! Except, we still have a lot of standing snow and it’s supposed to start raining tonight….. which means it will be ice. Have I mentioned in the last few SECONDS that I am OVER WINTER ALREADY!!!
Having a good day. Looking forward to an evening at home.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m so glad. Enjoy your evening.
wendy hutton
today is good, warming up, sun is out bright, not supposed to get any more snow
Connie: The Head Peanut
Wendy, I’m hoping the same here. I’m really over the snow.
Shari Dalton
My day is going good. we are off on a little day trip today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds wonderful. I love me some day trips. Have fun
I was able to go to the local rural store that we have yesterday and it was like a trip to Disneyland for me. I never really shop there because the prices are stupid! I mean, a gallon of milk there is over $6.00 but yesterday I acturally got a shopping cart!
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOOHOOO!! I need a walk around one of my favorite antique stores. I just want off the MOUNTAIN!!!!! LOL I hope you found some good bargins.
Michele Soyer
The sun is so bright today I am going to take out a beach chair and sit in it! Pretend I had the motivation to go to the beach today!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhhh I feel relaxed just reading that ……. BTW no beach chair here. SNOW. OF course. Want some?
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, you lucky thing! I’m in bed wearing pjs, socks, scarf & gloves!
l p
the day is going well. early start here but that means more hours to do chores and hopefully visit friends. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Chores done I hope. A long fun visit sounds like a great day.
I would choose this shirt from Viking Goods:
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL OHHHHHHHHHH that’s an awesome shirt. Great choice.
Polly Hall
I got the ok today from the Ortho Doctor that I can go without my leg brace, That means I can drive again, and not have my husband drive me everywhere.
Connie: The Head Peanut
THAT is amazing news!!! I’ll be right there….. you can drive me around. We could hit antique, thrift and junk stores?? Please?
Polly Hall
Come visit, I love going to those kind of stores, even Goodwills and Salvations stores.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I swear we could be sisters separated at birth. We would have so much fun.
Shelly Peterson
Today I slept in and it’s a lazy day for me.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Shelly, I think you deserve a nice lazy day. Enjoy.
Carolyn D
It has been a crazy day, but I am doing okay.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Carolyn, I hope it was a good crazy. I hope the rest of the week is a crazy GREAT one.
Lisa Vance
It’s a beautiful day here and we are able to have the windows and doors open to enjoy the spring air. I’m having a good one.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I am SOOOOOOO jealous!! Enjoy… so jealous.
Having a good day. Looking forward to working the Jets game tonight!
Tamra Phelps
I have a Zoom meeting with my therapist today, so that is my event of the day, lol. Seriously, that’s it for today.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m fluent in English (obs.) and French plus enough Italian & Irish to get by. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten the little bit of Welsh I had.
2/3rds of the front garden now pulled up by hand! Another week of fine weather & it’ll be finished. Then I can start digging & planting a big bed of perennials, maybe a rockery … I’ve enough plants in pots so won’t have to spend any money.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That is awesome Kate. I’m certain your home is going to be alive in color. WOW that’s a lot of languages. Do you have that beautiful Irish accent?
Kate Sarsfield
I have an accent of sorts! Don’t forget that Dad was English, Mum Welsh, so those were the accents we grew up with. Mind you, when I’m in the UK, I’m asked what part of Ireland I’m from; over here I get asked how long I’ve lived in Ireland!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I imagine it’s so beautiful. That’s so funny.
Michele Soyer
Your garden will be lovely!
gloria patterson
Early today……………… Niece came to the building to cut hair she is here 9:30 – 12:30 (left early today) she had 8 haircuts. Great nieces grandmother is taking care of her great niece (2) so they came to my apartment but I was not home. CC was not happy at all she likes to paint at my house. So they came down stairs and their I was and aunt brittany. I am heading out to lunch with a friend and when I get back great niece will be out of school and picked up. So Zay & CC will be here to see the NEW doll that zay picked out saturday on amazon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
What an awesome day you are having. LUCKY DUCK!!
I’ve got calls to make, so I’ve got a bout of phone anxiety…fun!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Good luck. Hopefully the phone anxiety was minimal.
Dear Baby Jesus, I pray it does not snow today. I would so love to go to the store today to get a few things and I am starting to really really annoy myself.
gloria patterson
I sure hope you got to go to the store LOL
I speak 2 languages, Spanish and English!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m sorry Heather, this made me laugh. I hope you get out. I posted a picture on Instagram of the pretty blue sky here….. I should have NEVER posted it….. it’s gray and snowing again. I’m very cranky. LOL
Michele Soyer
I had a good day shopping yesterday and managed to be back home by half 10…Shoppes were almost empty so with clear aisles and my list it was quick. Today I have to get outside and do a bit of sweeping and cleaering then in again to make lunch and read….
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m finishing the laundry that I didn’t finish yesterday. Then I’m going to start a fire and knit. I’m in a MOOD today. LOL
Heather Swanson
A great day for errands felt like spring.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It looked like spring here a few minutes ago……. then the clouds (the angry clouds) rolled in and now it’s snowing again. Enjoy your weather.
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a warmer day here, though it’s supposed to drop again tonight. But it’s been a gray kind of day, looking like rain, though it didn’t.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Where is Spring? Or was last week our spring and now Mother Nature is confused and bringing winter back?? I want to see the sunshine.
It’s a very good day here. The sun is out and the house is warm. There were some nice surprises in the mail so I’ll take it!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like an amazing day to me.
Sadly, it’s only one language here.
Connie: The Head Peanut
You are in great company. Lots of us here at PBnWhine are 1 language folks.
Polly Hall
The snow drop flowers bloomed in my front woods this weekend while I was gone, so nice to see them.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Lucky!! Last week a tulip came up. That night the deer ate it. Not that it would have lived through this weeks snow but still! I shoulda picked it.
Polly Hall
I’m suprised you have tulips.
Connie: The Head Peanut
For about a minute. I hope they come back. I saw an Instagram post……… wait…… I may have shared this already……. but ……. I’m going to try bulbs in a glass bowl. I MIGHT just set that in the window to mock the deer. BAAAAAAAAAAhAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA
Deer can’t break a sliding glass door can they??
OHHHHHHHH and how are you liking the Andersen windows?
Need to go to the grocery store, and then try to figure out the rest of the week.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I need OUT of the house. I would even gladly go grocery shopping. (That’s my dreaded errand)
Hopefully you have a great week.
Kate Sarsfield
Yay! Your site’s back again – wasn’t able to access it all day. I managed a bit in the garden today till my hands went numb. Loki, the tabby, brought me a little present: a very dead pygmy shrew 🙁 It’s still cold & that biting wind chills you to the bone.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m beginning to think that GoDaddy customer service people just like me to call and chat… for HOURS. Anyway……. I believe once again I have exorcised the demons from PBnWhine. Fingers crossed.
Now to Google pygmy shrew.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Okay, I’m going between the pygmy shrew is ewwwwwww and it’s kinda cute. That long nose throws it into the cute column.
gloria patterson
Don’t know if I should say this but it is 76 here and I have had my WINDOWS OPEN. I was looking out the window and our grass is getting so green.
BUT NO worry we will get paid back with SNOW the question is when it will be
Did a little bit of get rid of stuff/crap ………….. large bag full.
Have not done much of anything today
Connie: The Head Peanut
Yup, I was on with GoDaddy for hours yesterday. I’m afraid to say it out loud so I’m whispering here…. I think we fixed it. Shhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell the site.
76…. YOU ARE CORRECT it …. that was just mean. I’m at 8…. yup single digit EIGHT. And ready to snow again.
l p
the day is going well. my favorite day of the week – baking day. lots to do – bread, rolls, cupcakes, and making Yorkshire pudds as part of dinner later. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like an amazing way to spend a day.
Carolyn D
I am feeling very tired today, but doing okay.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hopefully today is MUCH better.
I am praying that is does not snow today it’s still dark out so I can’t see what the sky is looking like. I am getting ‘cabin fever’ haven’t left the house in a week. I am starting to turn into Jack Nicholson in the movie The Shining – all work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. All work and no play makes Heather a dull girl. – Hope you’ve seen the movie so you get it! LOL
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHMYGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOSH Heather. YOU and I could be BFF’s. YOU crack me up!!! I feel your pain. Seriously, snow is coming down like crazy right now. I’m not going out anytime soon. The last time I left the mountain was last Monday so a week, just like you. While I do enjoy being at home I’m getting a little stabby stabby.
gloria patterson
Well hope DULL GIRL got her wish………… no snow. and that tomorrow you get to get out go someplace
Michele Soyer
I thought i would be off to the shoppes by half 7am here it is past that and i am here doing this with a second cup of coffee. Oh well best laid plans and all that.. eventually I will get moving!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’ve had my coffee. I am working on laundry and watching it SNOW AGAIN!
Michele Soyer
I choose the Boarwalk Seagell t-shirt and speak 2 languages…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh, that is a cute tshirt.
I speak one language.
I would choose the Smokey Winter Raven t-shirt.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Clem, you are in great company. A lot of us Peanuts only speak one language.
R Lo
Will Sing For Honey Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
I don’t know how I missed that one before. That is SO CUTE!! Great choice.
Northern Lights Bear Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
The Northern Lights was one that I had chosen too. It’s so cute.
Had a good day. Worked the Moose game this afternoon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent. I’m glad you had a good day.
Polly Hall
I saw my first robin this afternoon so it must be spring.
Connie: The Head Peanut
This gives me hope. BRING on SPRING!! It’s snowing here, that weird big flakes that look like they are coming down in slow motion.
l p
the day is going well. somehow my ‘to-do’ list doubled over night. time to get moving and checking chores off the list. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh no! Well, I hope some of the to-do’s are easy.
Lisa Vance
My day is going great! I got a winner’s notification ealrier. An excellent start to the new month!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Lisa congratulations! I do love getting winner notifications.
Shelly Peterson
I went to Costco this morning. I have to go do laundry.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m working on laundry too. At least my laundry room is connected to the craft room so I COULD play too…. I’m feeling lazy though.
It’s quite a good day here. It finally stopped snowing and the sun came out so the snow sparkles. I have to get out shovelling soon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Katrine, it’s snowing here and gray and drab. I would love some sunshine.
I speak only one language.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Katrine, you are in great company, lot’s of us are one language folks.
The Viking shirt I would choose is Cosmic Sloth Dreams Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
OH MY GOSH!! My Granddaughter would love that t-shirt. That is a great design.
Penny Lebaron
I love cats and they have unbelievable selection of cat t shirts. I like the retro techy cat tshirt the most
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s so dang cute!! Great choice.
Penny Lebaron
I speak seven languages. Grew up speaking a different one each day of the week
Connie: The Head Peanut
Penny Lebaron
My Sunday is going like any other. I drive three hours each way to see my son and then back again.
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOW! That’s amazing. Drive safe.
We had a tornado warning last night for the first time in 13 years! It turned out to be a water spout that weakened once it hit land, but we were worried because it was supposed to go right through us. I’ll be sure to watch the National Weather Service special about it tonight…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tornados are scary, scary. I’m so glad it missed you.
gloria patterson
After niece and great niece left I threw a frozen meal in the microwave. Ate and worked on the computer
At 8 I sat down to watch a old action movie (a favorite) The movie started and the next thing I knew it was 2:30 am and the tv had a notice, having problems check your cables. I turned the tv off and the next thing I knew it was almost 9 am. A 7 yr old little girl can wear you out…. in a good way LOL
Have not done much of any thing today. Will do laundry later but other wise just a lazy day
Michele Soyer
Congrats to you Gloria!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh, I hear you. When I watched Alice I went home exhausted. They are a ball of energy aren’t they? I would love to have that much just an hour a day. I would get so much done.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
I can speak 3 languages. English, sign language and kidney stone Tourette’s language (a language in which every word comes out in some variant of the F word – it’s how I work through the tremendous pain)….
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL Kim, that made me laugh, although I am sorry for your pain. I know baby sign language. Alice and I learned together. It was such a big help. It kept her from being so frustrated when Non didn’t know what in THE WORLD DO YOU WANT?!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, I’m fluent in the kidney stone language too!
Kim Pincombe-Cole
So happy we’ve finally made it to March. This year has been tough for me physically!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope the rest of this month is smooth sailing with no pain.
The octopus chillin tee from Viking Goods is so cute! I like the little hat it is wearing!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That is a cute one.
I do know a little bit of French, but I only speak one language. I hope to maybe learn another at some point!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I would love to learn French, Italian and sign language.
My day has been okay so far– up early and have some various chores to do!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I was up at 4 and said. NO. Went back to sleep until 8. I am still sleepy. I think it’s the weather. COLD and snowy and gray. I hope your day is excellent.
wendy hutton
day is still early, going good though, a bit of snow overnight, got that cleared off, forecast is not calling for anymore snow and is supposed to warm up in a few days
Connie: The Head Peanut
Not here. Snowing hard. Weatherman LIED to us. LOL I hope you have a wonderful day.
Kate Sarsfield
Awake at 5.30 (thanks boys), back to sleep. Awake at 8 (thanks boys), back to sleep. Finally up at 11 but haven’t done a whole lot – too bloody cold. The sleet’s due to clear this afternoon so I’ll go for a little walk and clear up after the wind then water & feed the indoor plants.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh man, I have got to remember to water the inside plants. Thank you Kate.
Weather is nasty here too. Not sleet but snow. I’m over the snow already.
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I am doing laundry and reorganizing my pantry today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Working on laundry here too. The pantry? I find that when I do clean and organize it The Husband ……………… wellllll never mind. LOL I’m not cleaning the pantry. LOL
Well, the day is starting off good we have power and I think it has stopped snowing for the moment. We don’t have a generator we need to get one but then again we always say that when it snows. Thankfully we have a wood stove which I will be getting going here in a few minutes. We have been in Blizzard conditions for days now enough already!!!!!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Heather, the generator was truly the best investment we made. Then we added the wood burning stove. It’s awesome!! I don’t know why we waited so long.
I am ABSOLUTELY with you, I am OVER THE SNOW! bring on Spring.
Heather Swanson
Had lovely Chinese meal out with friends.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds perfect all the way around. Friends and Chinese food. Perfect.
Ashley S
I’d probably buy something from the sloth collection for my aunt. She loves sloths.
Connie: The Head Peanut
The sloths are so stinkin’ cute. My Granddaughter loves sloths.
Ashley S
Unfortunately, I only speak one language. I have attempted to learn French and Spanish but it’s lost to me now.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ashley, you are in great company. Lot’s of us here only speak one language. I like to SAY that I will someday learn another…….. but everyone that knows me knows it ainte happenin’.
Ashley S
My day went very well. Had a relaxing day and then had family over for dinner and to watch the hockey game.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ashley, I would love to watch a hockey game in person. It’s on my bucket list. I hope you had a great time.
Had a good day. Watched some soccer and played a family game tonight.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love that you have a weekly family game night. I’m so jealous.
Marlene V.
I only speak one language but can understand quite a bit of Czech.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Marlene, that is so cool!! Czech is such a cool language to listen too. I don’t know a single word, but I do love the sound.
Marlene V.
I really love the Bear Happy Hour Softstyle Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love all the bear t-shirts. The happy hour is so cute. I’m with you I want the softstyle tee.
Marlene V.
My day is easy going and lazy today!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Lazy day sounds absolutely wonderful.
Tamra Phelps
It’s been a chilly, gray day here in KY. I keep waiting for March to turn Spring-like.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here. Gray, icky, cold, snowing, gross day. I WANT SPRING!!
Belinda Skuta
I speak only one language unforunately. Would like to learn another!
Connie: The Head Peanut
You are in great company Belinda.
gloria patterson
I know better but I do it anyway……………. MY plans for the day was to sleep late, get up and make a pot of chili…………………….
Niece texted me………………. great niece wanted to come spend the day. It is always a fun filled, busy day when she is around. Mom got up early and came down, they painted, played games, cards, makeup…… We went down stairs to check the mail and Zay’s grandmother came in the building. We all went to the rec room and said around and talked. When we got back up stairs mom decided she needed a nap. Zay and I got on line to shop ended up on amazon. Let just say I got sweet talked into a life size doll and a car seat for it.
Her mother picked her up at 6 ………….. so doing a little of this and that …….. and I done I WILL SLEEP GOOD TONIGHT
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Zay!! You lucky little girl. LOL!!!!!! I bet you did sleep like a rock.
l p
Viking choice:
Sleek Rascal Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh that is a cute tshirt.
l p
for fun – 1.5 languages. thanks for asking.
l p
the day is going well. up early and out the door to get a bunch of errands taken care of. it was surprising warmish, despite the temperature being quite low. very little wind so that really helped. still snowing…. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here……. snow….. I don’t think it snowed this much in February. I’m really over it now.
wendy hutton
my day is going good, a bit of snow again today, its cold, got some baking done, yummy brownies
Connie: The Head Peanut
Brownies??? I AM ON MY WAY!! LOL
Shelly Peterson
It snowed again today. boo. Today I am going to my granddaughters birthday party.
Kate Sarsfield
Another day of sleet & horrible wind so basically did as little as possible. Did manage a bit of a walk just to get some fresh air but the wind is sooo cold. Then a big bowl of leftover chilli – yum!
Congrats Gloria! Enjoy your win xxx ps: St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales (Mum was Welsh).
gloria patterson
THANKS interesting
Carolyn D
I only speak one language. I took Spanish in school, but I only know a few phrases.
Carolyn D
My day is going well. I am going to celebrate my niece’s 6th birthday this evening.
Heather Swanson
I shopped for a friend & got my bargains too.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent. I do love a good bargin
Lisa Vance
Love the product choices. I’d first go with “Should Run Wolf Cotten Tee”
Connie: The Head Peanut
THOSE are hysterical! I love all the animals that say Should Run. Cracks me up.
Lisa Vance
I speak one language, English, but can read and understand a little Spanish.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s great. I can understand a tiny bit of spanish. TEENY tiny. LOL
Lisa Vance
It’s a lovely Saturday here in Orlando, FL and my day is going well. Hope the same for you.
Connie: The Head Peanut
LUCKY!! It’s cold and snowing here. Enjoy your sunshine.
https://vikinggoods.com/collections/new-arrivals-1/products/raven-in-the-rain-cotton-tee is what I’d choose!
I like the Metallic Celtic Crosses Long Sleeve
Connie: The Head Peanut
I’m with you. I love all things Celtic. The designs are beautiful.
My day is just beginning. I hope it goes well.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you have an EXCELLENT day!
I speak two. English and French. I have an understanding of Spanish but do not speak it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s wonderful. French is a great language. I always wanted to learn Italian.
Polly Hall
At the Lake house for the weekend. It’s a nice relaxing morning I’m working on the computer and watching all of the fishing boats in our cove. Usually they are ice fishing this time of year but with our crazy winter it never got cold enough for it to freeze thick enough. Connie does your lake freeze for ice fishing?
Connie: The Head Peanut
Your Lake House sounds amazing. Our lake does freeze. Not this year. I don’t believe anyone was able to ice fish this year. It’s such a crazy weird winter. It’s SNOWING again here. A LOT!
We got hammered last night by a MEGA storm not sure HOW much snow is out there still dark out. I don’t mind a little snow but let’s not get crazy! Also the power has gone out twice this morning and that is were I draw the line. How did the pioneers do it?
Connie: The Head Peanut
Heather, every time we drive anywhere with mountains I say the same thing. Then add all this snow?! I am so thankful I didn’t have to travel by wagon. I can’t even imagine. I hope you keep power! Do you have a generator? We have one and I am so very thankful.
Shari Dalton
I would pick the Skydiving Squirrel Cotton Tee. so very cute!
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL That’s a great t-shirt.
Shari Dalton
I speak one language.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Me too.
So far my day is going okay. Its going to be a ccccold one today , actually all weekend, so i am staying in other than shoveling snow.Blah!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Yea, this snow thing is for the birds. I threw out my back yesterday shoveling snow and now I really want to just sit with my heating pad and ignore the snow.
Sara Alvaro
I’m partial to the Octobike.
Connie: The Head Peanut
SO CUTE!!! Great choice.
Sara Alvaro
English, Italian, and French.
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOW!!! That’s AMAZING!! I can barely speak English.
Sara Alvaro
My day? So far so good. Up since 5:30. It’s gping to rain all day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
YUCK!! We had rain yesterday. Today we have snow. I’m REALLLLLLLLLLY over the snow.
Fredrick Pauly
There’s a lot of cool shirts, but probably the Bear Guitarist Cotton Tee in Steel Blue.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love my bears. I thought about that one. It’s so cute.
Fredrick Pauly
So far, so good. It’s raining right now, which is good thing.
Connie: The Head Peanut
We had rain yesterday. Today snow. Tomorrow WHO knows. PLEASE don’t let it be freezing temperatures? That means a solid ice driveway.
Heather Swanson
I just speak English.
Connie: The Head Peanut
You’re in great company.
Heather Swanson
A very good day pension papers in order & saved lots at the stores & got a lovely prize pack i won from an author.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a great day!! AND Congratulations on your win.
Heather Swanson
Thankyou Connie
Tamra Phelps
March. Geeze, how did we get here so quickly. At least Spring will be here sometime this month, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Please let it be soon. I’m FREEZING!
Tamra Phelps
I have been buying Bigfoot stuff for my oldest nephew since he was tiny and obsessed with it, so the shirt from Viking Goods with Bigfoot playing guitar is now on my radar, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I LOVE the bigfoot stuff. I had Alice convinced that Bigfoot lived here and used the tree house. THAT kinda bit me in the butt….. she was afraid to walk around the woods with me. I finally fessed up NO Bigfoot at Non’s house.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I speak English, lol. I had 3 years of high school French, but sayig I speak it is a bit much… I can follow it a little.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s awesome! I can kinda a TINY bit understand Spanish. It’s funny, I will hear 10 minutes of talking and pick 3 words. LOL
Molli Lillian Taylor
the hotned twin dragon tee is adotable!
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHMYGOSH!! That’s an awesome design.
i am working so hard and pretty proud of myself today!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s excellent. I love that feeling of accomplishment.
I can only speak one lanuage….barely. Haha just kidding!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh Natalie, I’m 100% with you there.
I would choose the Winter Beanie Doodle Pooch Softstyle Tee because I used to have a poodle!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh, that’s such a cute design.
I had a pretty typical day at work but the weather is getting warmer!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Natalie, I’m so jealous. It’s freezing here in Idaho. AND SNOWING. I’m so over the snow.
gloria patterson
I FOTGOT!!!! Fingers sometime faster then my mind 🙂
Thank you!!! I am so thrilled to win. I truely enjoy this blog and the people so much
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhhhh thank you. We love having you here. I’m so truly lucky to have so many amazing friends here.
gloria patterson
Cataract YOU will be so happy to get rid of them. It is the best thing and easy thing I ever did. I had no ideal that taking steriods could add to cataract problems………….. I took and are still taking them for over 3 years…………………. knees both ……………. wrist both (till hand surgery on one)
Off to krogers this morning, ate my last bag of chili in the freezer this week and need to make more. I make a big crockpot full and use all kinds of beans in it. And sometimes meat sometimes not. SAT TO DO LIST
Home took a 2 hr nap now some stuff on the computer…………. PLANS FOR WEEKEND LAZY DO NOTHING
We are having spring weather
Connie: The Head Peanut
You are so lucky. I’m freezing. The Cataracts, I can’t wait. The Husband had his done a couple of months ago and he is so happy.
Chili sounds like an amazing dinner. I’m making potato soup.
gloria patterson
My brother has a parrot that was OLD when he got her. Her name is RUBY and she is so spoiled. He has had her for over 20 yrs. He would like this shirt
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s A CUTE tshirt! I love parrots. I had one, until my Dad scared it (by accident, I THINK) and it flew off it’s perch into the wall and broke his little neck.
Having a good day. Had nieces and nephews over to play with their cousins.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds like a perfect day.
I would choose Solar Bear Incognito Heavy Cotton Comfort Colors Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
Excellent choice.
I love the Viking Goods octopus with the stocking cap! Besides English, I speak some French (probably not so well anymore), a few bits of Croatian from my dad, and a teensy bit of Spanish (which I understand better than I speak). Tonight I have to go to a birthday party out of town, I really hope the weather holds off…
I’m still a little sore at canceling my travel plans for today and tomorrow, but I might just take it easy…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hear ya, I was shoveling snow and tweaked my back. I’m thinking a heating pad is in my future very soon.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s a super cute tshirt. Croatian. That’s awesome. Travel safe.
Polly Hall
It is sunny here today and any sunny day is a good day. Do glad that your hubby is doing well.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Thank you Polly. Me TOO! It’s raining here but snowed all day yesterday and overnight. Soooooo our road is going to be SO MUCH FUN. NOT!! LOL Enjoy your sunshine.
I like the Eagle Sky High Cowboy Soar Softstyle Tee. Thanks.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I had to go look at that one. It’s AWESOME!! Great choice.
Kate Sarsfield
Happy St. David’s Day to anyone with even a drop of Welsh blood in their veins.
It snowed last night, with more due and the wind is the sort that makes your eyes water. Managed to get to the supermarket for catfood and the makings for a big pot of veggie chilli for later. Not a hope in Hell of doing anything outside today and not in the mood for housework, so I’ll listen to a play or watch an old movie on YouTube.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Happy St. David’s Day to you as well.
I agree, stay home, curl up with the furbabies and watch movies. Sounds like a GREAT way to spend a Friday.
gloria patterson
Funny I got everything at the store today to make chili. Sometimes I have meat sometimes I don’t. But I am a big fan of adding all kinds of beans to chili. I will make a crockpot full, keep some out to eat for a couple of days and the rest in to freezer bags. Nothing better then pulling out that bag of chili and into the microwave…………. just hits the spot. Happy St. David’s Day to you what ever it is 🙂
I am never in the mood for housework. 🙂 movie …. naps ….. chili …. fur baby love WHAT MORE COULD A GIRL WANT 🙂
just one language – English
Connie: The Head Peanut
Me too. I did take French in jr high. I know ONE word. Crayon means pen. It cracked me up then, it cracks me up still. LOL
so far so good. The sun’s out!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Lucky duck! It’s raining here and COLD! Enjoy your sunshine.
Heather Durkee
For the Viking Tees I love the cow gum bubble design!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh I love cows! I had to go look. THAT IS SUPER CUTE!!! Great choice.
I love the Chillin Cheetah Cotton Tee that is too cute. Boy they have some fun stuff on their site thanks for sharing.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh THAT is super cute! NOW the way my brain is working this morning I THOUGHT this said Chillin’ Cheetos. Funny…. they don’t have a chillin’ cheeto on the site. I might need more coffee.
I speak only English. I took German and Spanish in school but don’t remember it all.
Connie: The Head Peanut
EXACTLY!! me either.
My day is going pretty good sure is a little chilly here we finally got a dusting of snow woohoo! Hope you have a great first day of March.
Connie: The Head Peanut
March is coming in like a lion here. Snowed all night, now it’s raining cats and dogs.
I’m fluent in English and Spanish.
Connie: The Head Peanut
SWEEEEEET!!! I am officially jealous. I keep saying someday……….
Shelly Peterson
I only speak one language.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Same here.
Shelly Peterson
I haven’t gone to bed yet, but I am about to.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohmygosh. I swear my brain is NOT fully awake yet. My first thought is it’s almost 11am…. HOW are you still awake? Palm to my forhead…. look that the time stamp. LOL I need more coffee.
Shelly, I hope you slept well.
Shelly Peterson
I like the Dragon Reflection Cotton Tee
Connie: The Head Peanut
Don’t they have the BEST Dragon t-shirts??