$50 Your Way January 2022!!
I am aware of the TWITTER malfunction (i.e. no button) I’ve written to Giveaway Tools and asked for help. Waiting to hear back.
OHHHHHHHHHH alright, maybe ONE or three more months. Maybe longer. December was good to me. So, why not continue?! Right? I mean we can play this by ear. Besides GoDaddy managed to keep my blog up all month! AND I found out I can also pay month to month and not just a huge expense in January. I mean HELLO!!!!!!! December was expensive.
I had planned on Selena and Alice being here the week after Christmas. Unfortunately, Selena’s Father-In-Law was diagnosed with bone cancer. (Prayers for Bob are always appreciated!) So, Selena, Dan and Alice went to Tennessee. Now we will have our Second Christmas later in January and just a long weekend instead of a full week. You know me! I will take what I can get!
My excitement of Christmas 2021 has really backfired. BIG. TIME. Y’all remember that I decorated for Christmas with ALL of the trimmings, 3 trees, garland, lights, gnomes everywhere ummmmmm the day after Halloween. Yup, now I have to leave the entire set up alone until Alice and Selena leave. Could be all the way until Valentines Day. WTH!??! Don’t LAUGH! If I have to leave it all up until March the damn house is staying decorated until 2023!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the snow. HOLY GUACALOME Batman! We got snow! We got snow that I doubt will ever melt. Last year I mean the year before…… ahhhh hell the winter of 2019-2020 was so mild that I perhaps may have mocked it. Mother Nature HATES to be MOCKED. On the upside, the sled and the winter gear (Including a snow jumper) that I bought Alice can be used until probably JUNE!?
Today? -4 YES, a MINUS!! That’s our high!!
Giveaway Time!!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. As always I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me.
Coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!! (using my links doesn’t cost you any extra money!)
Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!
This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) $50 American $$.
Good Luck Little Peanuts!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

gloria patterson
Hi Connie
Just received my Paypal notice that I won!!! THANK YOU so very much this made my day.
Hope you have a great weekend
Kate Sarsfield
Enjoy, Gloria & welcome to our little group! BTW, feel free to vent, scream, shout, or whine! It’s a great, safe place to just let it all out!
Shelly Peterson
I’m still not feeling the greatest. I hope I can sleep better tonight.
Karen R
The day was okay. I am ready for a better, February.
Sarah L
Good swim today but miss swimming with friends. Then a pickup from the grocery store ahead of 2 days of snow and very cold weather.
Tamra Phelps
So, January is pretty much done. That flew by. I’m glad PB & Whine was still here!!
About to watch some more Monogatari (it’s an anime series).
We’re having a good day. The kids are enjoying some outside learning and fun. Thank you.
gloria patterson
I love the AURATE X KERRY: Lioness Pendant Necklace it just looks bold and something I would wear all the time
gloria patterson
good day had a dr apointment and no test were ordered weather is warming up
Chris L
Freezing cold & my arthritis is acting up.
tammy ta
My day has been pretty quite today. work day almost done.
Polly Hall
getting laundry done, working on the computer.
l p
one month closer to spring but the weather has turned from spring-like to winter again. the day is going more slowly… thanks
Molli Taylor
I am actually feeling incredibly sick today.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m sorry, but where the hell did January go? I still haven’t taken down my baby Christmas tree! I decided to leave it up till I move!
Shelly Peterson
Man I spent the whole night being sick. I feel much better, but I didn’t get much sleep.
wendy hutton
my day is going good so far, a little bit of snow overnight, high winds
Kim Avery
Its still early yet but looks like its going to be a good day. I’m still trying to figure out how its already the end of January though. Blink and February will become March!
Michele Soyer
Where did this month go? For me it flew by… Researching to help make my new plans, then out to work!
Shelly Ruddell
My day has went pretty great so far. I got some things done and enjoyed watching a movie.
The day has gone quite well. It sure went quickly. I hope everyone is safe tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
Ugh. My lips are chapped from having to turn the heat on in here. I hate Winter. The heat inside makes my allergies act up and my skin dry out, the cold outside makes my skin dry and chapped. Just no winning inside or out, lol.
Amber Lee Kolb
It’s been a bit stressful today! Lots of kiddo attitude and melt downs. Tomorrow will be a better day!
Finally the snow has stopped. I just hope rain doesn’t follow.
Sarah L
No swimming today since I had a Zoom meeting with my old chorus. Sun is shining and it got up to 55 degrees.
It’s a good day overall. There were some ‘bumps in the road’ earlier but they have been dealt with. Thank you.
l p
today is going very well. the weather and critters are all cooperating. thanks
gloria patterson
I am having a good day………. we didn’t get any of that major storm. The temp is up to 35 and what little snow we had is melting. And next week we are going to have 2 days in the 50’s
Everything is done I think I need a nap! 🙂
It’s a lovely day so far. I’ve got lots of fun chores planned.
Molli Taylor
So far so good but no one else is up yet lol
Kim Avery
Another relaxing Sunday! Its too cold to even think of going outside! I think I will do some baking to warm it up inside.
Kate Sarsfield
The wind is from Scandinavia and it’s bloody cold! There’s snow in the North but none here as yet.
Their Vintage Pear Cut Ring that costs $350 is pretty.
My day is going fine so far. It is 19 degrees with a high of 42 degrees. It is laundry day.
Michele Soyer
Sunday lovely Sunday….Chicken in to roast and the sides will come later…Sitting here enjoying another cup of coffee and reading emails… Breakfast then a day of leisure!
I’m excited about finally getting snow semi-regularly throughout January.
Crystal K
It’s been a while! Things are going well. Good day, lots of sunshine here.
Shelly Peterson
Today I mostly relaxed. I did go to lunch with my daughter.
Karen R
No snow today. That’s good. I hate snow. Had pizza for dinner. Tried to tweet the sweeps but wasn’t successful.
Kim Avery
Its kind of chilly here. Glad we aren’t in the path of the bad snow storm but praying for friends and family who are.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Slept in. Being lazy.
Tamra Phelps
We got hit with a surprise snow a few nights ago and the snow is hanging on because it’s so COLD out there. Well, at least we didn’t get as much as those hit by that blizzard yesterday.
Polly Hall
It’s Saturday, so I’m relaxing and then planning on making a big dinner of baked BBQ ribs, potatoes, brussel sprouts and rolls.
My day is going pretty good so far. Just been pulling my hair out with our Internet service provider we have not had service in three days.
l p
have to work the kinks out – a bit stiff this morning. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Spent the day pottering in the garden. There’s a storm on it’s way from Scandinavia any day now.
My day is going fine so far. We had a lovely snow last night. Everything is cold and looks so pretty.
I also like their Mini Medallion Necklace that costs $290.
Michele Soyer
Sitting here with a second cup of coffee trying to get motivated to go down and start some seedlings – I always try to have veggies in different stages of growth so all does not come in at once. Lazy bones this morning! Everyone have a wonderful weekend.
Shelly Peterson
I’m not feeling the greatest today. I am glad it’s the weekend.
Karen R
Today was good. Woke up to a dusting of snow. Not enough to make ice cream. The roads were clear.
Sarah L
I did go out to get a free cup of coffee at Circle K. I won it. I don’t like coffee that much but I put a bunch of extra stuff in it and it tasted pretty good.
Polly Hall
It’s nice and sunny outside but only 19 degrees very cold.
Megan Allen
Today was a snow day for the kids! That means I was the teacher today for 3 kids and taking care of a 2 year old on top of that!
The day is quiet and will probably remain so. I did go into my grandson’s room and sweep up the rather amazing amount of debris that he had in there. Like all too many tweens, I guess his idea of cleaning was to sweep it all under the bed!
Shelly Peterson
Heading to dialysis soon. So glad it’s Friday.
Kim Avery
It is going to be a nice relaxing day. I am staying inside where its warm watching the snow fall. Praying for friends and family in the line of the Nor’Easter though. We are far enough west that its going to miss us although it could kick back through Canada but hopefully not as bad.
Kate Sarsfield
Packing up the car with stuff for charity shops. Still no news about a closing date & I’ve been a bit down all week but got to get moving again.
Molli Taylor
I am realyl trying to make up so much lost time an focus is a huge issue
Michele Soyer
Decided to bake today so took out blueberries from the freezer and plan on making aa cobbler with them and some coconut sweetbread – thats it -I picked a lovely eggplant and will make a gratin.. done for the day!
I think that their Vintage Emerald Cut Ring that costs $300 is elegant and pretty.
My day is going fine so far. It is quite early. It is still very dark outside.
l p
the day has gone well – but too fast at the same time. at least there’s more sunlight daily. thanks
tammy ta
My day went as usual. Too fast. Time for bed now.
Polly Hall
Lets see I got a lot of work done on the computer, did some laundry, and had left overs for dinner so that made the day easier.
Sarah L
For some reason it seems to snow on the days I want to go swimming. Such as today: snow and no swimming. I will go tomorrow.
Kim Avery
Took my mom shopping today. I’m starting to worry about her. If she doesn’t get hip surgery soon I’m afraid she will be wheelchair bound. She says its getting harder to walk and even a cane is no help. Hopefully restrictions for elective surgery are ending soon…again. She’s already been bumped 3 times!
My day has gone fine so far. It will be dinner time soon. I made some greeting cards today.
I like this item in their collection: Mini Gold Letter Charm Pendant that sells for $250.
My day has been a busy one for sure. I picked my kitty up from the vet today and just returned home a little while ago. I had to do a lot of driving and I am so wiped out should sleep super good tonight.
Tamra Phelps
My youngest nephew is very into cooking. Wants to be a chef. I’m encouraging him because 1. I like that he is into something and 2. I like to eat, lol. So, he wants to try some new spices from his favorite celebrity chef and they are pricy, so I’m going to try picking up a few each month until June (his birthday month)–and give them to him then. Maybe with a really nice spice rack, lol. Any ideas on new or unusual spices to try??
Kate Sarsfield
I love cardamom. Perfect in sweet or savoury dishes. There are plenty of websites available for buying spices or maybe enquire around your local restaurants for cheaper sources? How about growing his own herbs?
Molli Taylor
so, my therapist assigned me to do one thing at a time and this is SO SO HARD. its 8am and i have failed like 5 times.
Kate Sarsfield
Well, I finally got round to going through Mum’s jewellery. No point putting it off any further. Amazingly, almost half of it was either presents from me or stuff she’d pinched from me. A few nice pieces, her wedding ring & that of her mother’s and the rest can go to charity.
Tamra Phelps
It’s nice you have her wedding band…here’s why I don’t have my Mom’s: my parents divorced in 1978, when I was 13. It all ended in a fight where they both threw their wedding rings at each other. I picked them up and took them to a pawn shop and sold them for cash, lolol!! Yep, I was not a sentimental kid!! I knew my parents were hopeless together…
Michele Soyer
You needed to do that – sorry they were hopeless!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Tammy, you are a one in a million!
Michele Soyer
Nice you will have her wedding ring – when my parents passed I had my dad’s sized for me and kept it safe – then mum passed and added hers to my box.. after husband passed I had them all..My left hand is very interesting ring finger 3 – middle finger 1 band. right hand engagement ring re-set with my mums added….sounds crazy but I needed everyone with me!
Kate Sarsfield
That’s lovely to have them all together with you!
Michele Soyer
One gate done and only lol a few more to go.. not today.. figuring out right now what to do to keep me out of trouble today!
Shelly Peterson
Today was my grandson’s birthday. We celebrated at Chuck E. Cheese.
l p
today is going very well. a friend caught a much-needed break in healthcare costs and it’s such a relief. thanks
Polly Hall
Went to the store, still a lot of empty shelves, I’m so tired of this virus, our store was giving the N95 masks which was nice.
Sarah L
I didn’t count my chickens before they hatched, but today they hatched and I got 500 chickens from UPS. Well, not exactly chickens but dollars from Farm Star Living. I got the email that I had won on January 4th and I was pretty sure it was legit, but wasn’t counting my chickens….
Kate Sarsfield
Wow! That’s a great bit of news! Enjoy, Sarah!
Tamra Phelps
Glad to know somebody wins that because I usually enter every day!! Yay!! Congratulations!!
My day has been a super busy one. I dropped my female kitten off at the vet today to be spayed and I don’t pick her up until tomorrow morning. I sat down to take a break and realized that I miss her!
Today is different than expected. Plans made a month ago had to be cancelled so that leaves time for something else. Thank you.
Tamra Phelps
I swear I get more scammer calls than I ever thought possible. And I’m one of those people who can’t just let the phone ring, even if it says ‘telemarketer’ on the ID, lol. I was raised better than that, as my Mom would say…not answering the phone is rude. Geeze. I think I need to be ruder.
Kate Sarsfield
I seem to have come to a full stop as regards packing. In fact I’ve hardly done anything since the weekend.
Shelly Peterson
My day has just started. I am heading to dialysis today. I had a hard time getting up. I didn’t sleep well.
Molli Taylor
i have a lot to get done today so hoping for no interruptions
Kim Avery
Its still early but looks like a super relaxing day on the couch. I will be drinking lots of tea with honey & lemon though to fight off the crud in my chest.
Michele Soyer
It is a very bright sunny hot day so perfect to paint.. Have to scrap then paint one of the gates.. Poor Delilah hates these times she can’t run around the patio then plop!
Their Oval Cut Solitaire Diamond Ring that costs $3,200 is lovely.
My day is going fine so far. It is just after midnight. I stayed up late making greeting cards.
Molli Taylor
today was a really rough day but im hoping tomorrow is better.
l p
today has been going well – bright sun, hardly any wind. bring on the evening. thanks
Sarah L
We had a snowstorm overnight and this morning. I stayed home and kept warm and am reading my new book.
Karen R
I am starting to feel better. I had chills over the weekend and slept most of time.
My day was going well and got even better with a surprise delivery. Thanks for asking.
Kim Avery
My day wasn’t too bad. Was able to sleep in and even get a good nap before fixing supper!
Polly Hall
Very cold here, did some more snow shoveling and made cheesy creamy broccoli soup for dinner.
Tamra Phelps
I’m trying to cut way back on carbs to lose the last of this weight and have that surgery this Spring. I want it done and the physical therapy done during the warm months!! No limping around in the snow, lol. But man, I love carbs, lol.
Julie Bickham
I am enjoying a nice relaxing night in. I hope you had a great day!
Shelly Peterson
I slept in today and spending the day relaxing.
My day is going pretty good so far. Having problems with the giveaway widget not showing the twitter button like it did before so I am having to copy and paste the tweet into twitter hope that is ok. I have no idea what happened overnight to the giveaway form it’s not just your site it is others too who use this widget. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow and they will have it fixed.
kl p
This day is going very well. The kids have been extra helpful too. Thank you.
Megan Allen
I’m snuggling with my baby and enjoying being a mother today. I hope everyone is well!
My day is going fine so far. It will be a busy day. I have lots to do.
This one is pretty: Micro-Pavé Diamond Eternity Slider Necklace that costs $3,500.
Michele Soyer
Sorted classes out so I am ready to start in middle February…I need to organize all the outside/garden work to coincide with my class schedule – I won’t be outside as much…Really excited about this..today I begin by bathing the pooch then re-organizing outside work details….
Tamra Phelps
That sounds exciting! Do you feel like a schoolgirl again, buying notebooks and folders? That was my favorite part of school, lol. Buying new stuff was fun.
Kate Sarsfield
Great idea, Michele! Hope it goes really well for you!
Kate Sarsfield
Hoorah, my internet’s back! They had to repair a cable that was damaged during the floods earlier in the month so shut down over the weekend & yesterday.
Tamra Phelps
I wondered where you got to!
Kim Avery
Wasn’t too bad until this evening when I had to pick up my son after dark in the snow. Thankfully I was able to drive the main roads and a few side streets. I really don’t like driving in the snow after dark.
l p
the day is going well. managing to keep up with the day-long snowfall. thanks
Sarah L
Connie, how come there is only one tweet allowed now? Has always been 2 tweets a day.
Sarah L
Did a couple of errands including a stop at the library for a book I’ve been on hold for for 6 months. (in fairness to the library it only came out this month – so I got it very fast)
My day is going fast for sure today. I had a ton of running around to do and just got home. Now time to relax and enjoy the evening.
Polly Hall
Lots of snow here, snowed over night and will snow all day, already have shoveled twice.
Molli Taylor
it is definitely monday up in this place. trying to be productive. wish me luck!
Shelly Peterson
I just woke up. I will be heading to dialysis soon.
My day is going fine so far. It is a sunny day. The snow is melting.
Michele Soyer
Starting off this Monday with my new way of moving through this life….After chores I plan on finding out after all these years out of uni how to enroll in a French course. My high school and uni French is very very scattered and I want to do this so badly for me!! UWI has all classes online so I do not have to actually go in and sit with a class of much much younger people…LOL
Tamra Phelps
I’m jealous!! When I was sorting books, I found my VERY OLD High School Freshman French book. You know what I remember from 3 years of French classes?? That very first conversation in the book, lol. I bet it’s been the same for decades… ‘Comment allez vous? and ‘C’est dommage.’ and Je m’appelle Paulette.’ (Our French teacher insisted we all have French names & I guess Tammy just didn’t do it, so I spent 3 years as Paulette in her class!) I bet you have fun with it!!
Tamra Phelps
I thought I would take off the back of the space heater to clean it off–but I never could figure out how to get the screws out. I mean I twisted that screwdriver forever and only 2 would come out…yeah, I gave up.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then a quick trip to Costco for a couple of things and a roast chicken, which I share with my friend.
l p
who would have known we would get rain in winter? so it’s change of plans…. thanks
Molli Taylor
it is a beautiful day out today!
Shelly Peterson
I stayed up last night super late. I slept in and then picked up a grocery order and now just relaxing.
Susan Smith
My day is doing good. I’m watching the playoffs and will be rooting for the KC Chiefs when they play.
I am having a nice quiet Sunday here today. The sky is clear an pretty but it is really cold. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Laurie Nykaza
It’s really windy here this weekend so were in watching movies on tv with the kids.
Kim Avery
Just finished up today’s game foods/snacks. Now I can relax until its time to pick up my son.
Polly Hall
It’s Sunday, just taking it easy watching tv after shoveling all of the snow we got last night.
Michele Soyer
A wonderful relaxing day is beginning…roast going in the oven shortly and a pancake breakfast to make.. then music, and going through old letters and cards that I have saved for many many years – time to throw some of them away….
Henry Chai
Today went very well and we got a lot done… Children were helpful with getting things done around the house.
tammy ta
Day gone by so insanely fast. Always does sadly…
Tamra Phelps
I’ve had a pork roast in the crockpot all afternoon–it smells good. (With onions, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, etc.) — So, I’ve got that to look forward to. Still cold here. Like a witch’s_____, well, you might know how that ends if you had a Dad like mine, lol.
Here is another one of their nice gold items – the Connection Necklace that costs $390.
My day has gone well so far. We had another big snow last night. I had Mexican food for dinner – yummy.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Sun is shining and has melted most of the inch or so of snow that we got yesterday.
l p
this day is going well. bright sunshine and soft breezes help. thanks
It’s a beautiful day here today. And gives me so much energy to take on what needs to be done.
Polly Hall
A snowy day here in Michigan, so I made homemade pancakes for breakfast to keep us warm.
Well, I woke up in a dandy mood this morning but it has all gone downhill since then. Having computer issues too today which is driving me to drink lol.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Rough day. Today would’ve been my late father’s 80th birthday.
Kim Avery
I’m back to getting up at 6:30 a.m to take my son to work again. He has yet another problem with his truck. Hopefully this is the last week and last 100s of dollars worth of parts.
Kate Sarsfield
I decided to go through my clothes again & took 1/3rd to a charity shop & recycling. Who knew I had 12 pairs of black tights (pantyhose) and 14 black bras? Fine for when I was doing 9 performances in a row but haven’t done that since March 2020 when we first went into lockdown so out they go!
Michele Soyer
Re-thinking my daily work habits and making some changes…how many projects I do that are self imposed and not really what I truly want – change is always good…Uranus is in direct motion and Mercury is Rx so the perfect time to go over – research and re-think….Happy Saturday!
Kate Sarsfield
Yeah! Make more time for yourself at last. Life’s so bloody short, it’s time to do what makes you happy.
Tamra Phelps
Sounds good to me!! I’ve been looking at all the stuff I waste time on that just bore me or depress me or even harm me. Changes are necessary sometimes, much as I hate them, lol.
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. I’m glad its the weekend!
Tamra Phelps
Back on antibiotics. Looks like the last UTI wasn’t really completely gone, so I’ll do another round. Oh well. At least we found an antibiotic I’m not allergic to!
Michele Soyer
Looking forward to the day you tell us that you are 100%…
Tamra Phelps
Me too, lol!! Some days I feel like I’m just always fighting a losing battle. You know how people get sick and never really get better, they just slowly get worse?? I’ve found myself wondering if I’m that person. Am I fighting a battle I can’t win? Well…what other choice do we have, other than to just keep on fighting?
Kate Sarsfield
Aw hell. Drink plenty. Some recommend cranberry juice – doesn’t work for me, lemon in hot water does. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is get better soon!
Tamra Phelps
Cranberry juice has never really worked for me either… I just have to take the antibiotics, I guess. At least we seem to have found one that I’m not allergic to!
Sarah L
Had a lovely massage at the massage school. Even the snow didn’t stop me, though I came home right afterwards.
My day is going pretty good today. I got out of the house super early to get my grocery shopping done before the weekend and I was able to avoid the masses. Now I am home and taking a break for a while.
Shelly Peterson
My day is just starting. Heading to dialysis soon.
Kate Sarsfield
The news that Meat Loaf is dead has stopped me in my tracks. Taking the day off to listen & reminisce.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That made me so sad.
Tamra Phelps
That was the first thing I saw when I turned on the computer this morning. I remember buying Bat Out of Hell. I really liked his music.
Michele Soyer
I still remember when I first hear Two Out of Three… got in the car and book the album immediately. Spent the afternoon yesterday listening to all the albums then watching the concert footage and videos..His music brings me back…..
Tamra Phelps
Me too. Takes me back to the ’70’s. Bat Out Of Hell was one of the albums I had that went missing when we moved in the ’90’s. I loved his almost operatic style!
Michele Soyer
Sky is dark and the rain is falling – planning on making a savoury plantain pie then who knows? Maybe I will take the day off again!
Tamra Phelps
I don’t know why people don’t make more savory pies. I mean pot pies are such a classic comfort food…and have you ever tried one of those tomato pies, with lots of great cheese??? So good!!
Michele Soyer
Always make a tomato pie when my tomatoes are in….
l p
another roller coaster weather day. so today’s work was indoors – more chances for a coffee break. thanks
Sarah L
Good swim today. Then a stop at Sprouts for some groceries. It was very busy. King Soopers workers are still on strike.
Tamra Phelps
It looks nice and sunny outside…but then you open the door and get hit by freezing temps, lol. The tweet button on the form is still missing for me, lol–I’ve been just copying/pasting the tweet and it works so no big deal, I guess…
Kim Avery
I have had a very relaxing day and my body is thanking me! Made some baked ziti and told my husband that’s lunch/dinner. I needed this break!
My day has gone fine so far. I made some greeting cards with a wintery animal theme. We are supposed to get a little more snow tonight.
I think that their Infinity Ring that costs $120 has a classic design.
My day is going pretty good so far just staying home today and doing some work around the house. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve spent the day taking down Mum & Dad’s tvs and wall brackets then the clearing up. Also washed Dad’s old coat. It’s lovely, about 60 years old, with a fleece inside. He grew out of it years ago but kept it (of course) and I’ll wear it now.
Michele Soyer
Out to the shoppes early this morning – last stop the post …Home by half 9 and decided to take the day off…watered the garden and that was that.. been sitting here doing nothing but enjoying the day reading emails and listening to great music …I wish everyone here as pleasant a day as I…
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to dialysis and then watched my grandkids for a few hours.
Tamra Phelps
Not much going on here. It’s been a rainy, gray day.
tammy ta
My day was busy but it went by fast as usual.
Karen R
My husband and I butted heads earlier. Not an argument but physically. I don’t know what happened because it was over quickly. I have a black eye and he escaped unharmed. Just goes to show what a hard head he has.
Sarah L
Today’s high was 32 degrees just after midnight. Been downhill since then, current temp 20 degrees with all the roads and sidewalks covered in ice. Freezing drizzle all morning and afternoon. I’m just staying home and keeping warm.
gloria patterson
i slept in this morning, and when I got up discovery water was off. But within a hour it was on so that was good. Nice quite relaxed day
Kim Avery
Pretty quiet day today. Ran a few quick errands. My husband has been complaining of having chills. Hope he’s not getting sick. I’ve done everything to keep the germs away! I even spray Lysol and wipe things down after company leaves…not that we get many visitors but when we do I play it safe.
My day is going pretty good today it is really nice out here. I am sticking close to home as the Covid-19 cases are up 237% in our state the highest ever recorded since it all started.
Megan Allen
More snow is coming! Im ready for summer
Have a great day everyone!
Kate Sarsfield
The dentist check up went fine, just a tiny repair to an old filling & no injection needed. When I got back a colleague from the Special School where Mum and I taught rang for over an hour. Haven’t seen her since Mum’s funeral.
Michele Soyer
Sounds like the day is moving along well.. good for you…
Tamra Phelps
It’s always good to get a dentist’s appointment behind you!
Michele Soyer
Sitting here trying to figure out if I want to make lists for my shopping tomorrow or take the tree saw out and handle an unruly tree…I think Iwill have another coffee and ponder this.. lol
Shelly Peterson
Yesterday my car wouldn’t start, luckily I got a ride to dialysis. Today I got my car running again.
Tamra Phelps
Finished shelving books. Started having stomach spasms which hasn’t happened in a while–it’s a left over issue from when I had sepsis, but it had pretty much cleared up. Luckily, it passed in about an hour, so not too bad.
Karen R
It was a good day. Hubby made a big cookie from a sugar cookie mix. Just one biggie. I should keep him out of the kitchen.
Sarah L
Made a quick trip to Safeway. Would have gone to King Soopers but the workers are on strike and I will not cross the picket line.
And yes, the tweet button is not showing up for me either. It’s like that on a couple of other sites, but not all.
Sheena-kay Graham
Hi. I’m doing fine right now.
My day is going just ok so far. I had some running around to do this morning and now just getting back home and taking a little break. It is super cold here sure wish we would get some rain at least.
l p
the day is going well. chores and errands are getting done on time so that leaves some ‘me-time’. thanks
Kim Avery
After yesterdays marathon shovel fest today I’m relaxing on the couch. I know I should go shovel the drifts in case I actually get mail that doesn’t fit in the mailbox but my sciatic is telling me to take a break or pay the piper! Yesterday was super bad but had no choice.
These are pretty earrings: Huggie Earrings with White Diamonds that cost $480 for the pair. They also sell single earrings.
My day is going fine. It is a great day so far. We still have plenty of snow around and people are just staying indoors if they can.
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a bit of a blah day so far: grey skies = grey mood! Plus I’ve just remembered I’ve a dentist check-up in the morning.
Michele Soyer
Grey skies are gonna clear up….. sing the rest Kate!
Michele Soyer
My to-do list today isn’t too long mainly raking and taking vines off bushes and trees on the road side outside the wall/fence….when it isn’t too much the job goes quickly…
Shelly Peterson
Went to dialysis. Not feeling the greatest
Tamra Phelps
Am I the only one who doesn’t see the Tweet button to tweet the Twitter entry, lol??? Oh, well. I’ve just had a rest day. I’m tired and achy from unboxing, sorting, shifting, shelving books for the last three or four days.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home reading a good book. Overcast and 50 degrees. Snow coming on Wednesday.
l p
not a good day for outdoors – freezing rain that will turn to snow later. slowing down. thanks
My day is going pretty good so far. Just cleaning the house today taking it little break right now.
tammy ta
SNOW DAY! I’m lovin it! No work and no back to school for my son. Love the snow!
Megan Allen
Another snow day here! I hope everyone stays warm and safe!
My day is going fine so far. We still have lots of snow around. The high today is 36 degrees.
Their XL Diamond Bezel Necklace that costs $750 is nice.
Kate Sarsfield
Really hard frost last night so fed the birds first thing. It’s so funny watching them with the cat. He never chases them when they’re on ‘his patch’ but the bigger ones stay away & that lets the robins & other small ones get their full.
Kim Avery
We got snow! Lots of it! Not sure how much but more than six inches! Had to go out early to shovel and clean off car so I could pick my son up for work. Driving wasn’t too bad thanks to 4WD but still kind of slick underneath. I’m hoping he gets out of work before dark because I’m anxiety ridden driving in this as it is! Pretty sure I will be shoveling at least once more today.
Michele Soyer
Wound up doing laundry yesterday and pressing – started my down time by late afternoon so I have decided to take today off!! Leftovers for lunch and reading and music!
Shelly Peterson
I relaxed most the day. I did pickup a grocery order.
Sarah L
Good swim today with my friend. Sun was warm and the snow is melting.
l p
the day is going quite well. for some reason, the computer is really slow today. maybe it’s football. thanks
My day is going just so so today guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today but I am trying to turn it around lol.
Molli Taylor
I am feeling really stressed, honestly. My husband is sick and I am far behind on work from taking care of everyone.
My day is going fine. We did get our big snow. At the moment, it has stopped snowing.
Rhonda Grisham
Cold and snowy here today. I’m really not a big snow person….I’m kinda over it.
Kate Sarsfield
Freezing cold today but it’s dry so I’ll do a bit of tidying up outside. Other than that, still packing bits & bobs and sorting stuff for donating.
Michele Soyer
Sunday glorious Sunday! Steady slow rain, a cup of coffee and just sitting in the gallery – eventually I must get up and make breakfast!
Shelly Peterson
I slept in and then spent some time with my daughter and grandsons.
A positive day – the clouds cleared away and the sun was just wonderful. It was warm and a great day to get out an ‘play’.
Tamra Phelps
Sorted through another three or four boxes of books today. I’m being brutal about which ones I want to keep and which ones I can donate. If I probably won’t read it again, it goes. I’m still left with more books than shelf space, lol. And I have books doubled up on every shelf… I might have a problem.??
Karen R
Today was a busy day. I went grocery shopping. Then I bought my bundles of paper products at Costco and filled up my Camry. Then on the way home I stopped and got pizza.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Sun is shining and it got up to 50 degrees. Most of yesterday’s snow has melted.
The day started out cloudy and cold but the sun came out and has warmed us up. Just right for a walk.
My day is going nice and quiet so far knock on wood. I am just taking it easy today. I did a ton of running around yesterday and I am still totally spent just taking is easy for the rest of the weekend.
l p
a slow start but the pace picked up after lunch. bring it on!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m just back from a drive around town. Sometimes I almost forget what other people look like!
Tamra Phelps
I can see the street and parking area for the apartment building from where I sit in the living room, and I have developed way too much of an interest in people coming and going…I’m like a watch dog, my ears perk up and I think ‘oh, people…and they’re going out…to an actual public place…where there might be other people!’–And I’m not even a people-person, lol!!!
lei g
My day is going very well. I was able to get some extra chores done while the kids are playing outside.
julie murphy
I’m tired. I worked double shift.
Kim Avery
My day is just starting but we have wind chill warning all day so looks like I’ll just stay hunkered down. I do know I have to get bundled up and start the car & let it run a few minutes. I’ll do that when I have to check the mail.
My day is going fine so far. I had oatmeal for breakfast. Big snow is on the way for tomorrow!
I think that many people would like this necklace: Femme Gold Pendant Necklace that costs $400.
Michele Soyer
Dreary rainy day – perfect for baking – something simple rustic – finishing up the apples and pears in the frig..
Shelly Peterson
I’m tired today. I’m glad its the weekend.
tammy ta
I had the day off today, so of course it was good.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home watching the snow fall. Don’t have to be out in it.
lb p
starting the tax receipt gathering is frustrating but fulfilling when you find what you’re looking for.
My day is going pretty good. I just got home I did some serious damage at Costco today and I am worn out.
A great day to get out and hit the trails for some socially distanced exercise.
My day is going very well. All the phone calls I needed to make were completed – now it’s time for play.
Kim Avery
I am enjoying a nice relaxing day watching it snow. My son finally has his truck running again so its relieved a lot of stress for now.
l p
today is going well – having to stay in due to the ice out there, though. thanks
wendy hutton
my day is good so far, happy to see the snow plow through
Megan Allen
Today is a very hard day for my family. We have all worked so hard to keep covid out of our lives. Covid finally caught up with our family and claimed the life of a member that has been fighting cancer for 3 years. Hold your loved ones tight and always tell them you love them.
Tamra Phelps
I’m so sorry, Megan. Too many people have been lost to this. I’ll be glad when this Covid is gone.
Kate Sarsfield
Oh no, Megan. I am so very, very sorry for you & the family.
Karen R
The day is going well. Hubby is vacuuming; my most dreaded chore in the house. I am getting a blood test, later.
Molli Taylor
it iis my stepchild’s birthday, and i am trying to catch up on some work! busy day ahead!
Their Diamond Brooklyn Bridge Ring that costs $390 is sweet and dainty.
My day is going fine so far. I had grits this morning for breakfast – yummy! I am working on a big project.
Kate Sarsfield
What a blooming mess! My sister’s dog had walked, jumped & pulled apart my pots of bulbs etc. Anyway, managed to sort them out & re-arranged them so that the dog can snuffle in between them. She may have been chasing a mouse (or worse) & she is a springer spaniel so it’s her nature.
Tamra Phelps
It’s a good thing you were there to check!
Michele Soyer
Sorry that happened – I can picture the mess…
Lori Byrd
I have to go to work. I hope the snow we are expecting, starts after I get home tonight!
Michele Soyer
Time to wind down for the coming weekend….My only must today is turning the compost and spreading the driest in my garden…I will probably find more to do but as of now that is about it! Happy weekend to all…
Shelly Peterson
Spent the day relaxing. Then my daughter and grandson came over for dinner.
Tamra Phelps
I spent another day sorting books and shelving them. At least I’m making headway. I’ve emptied a few boxes completely and rearranged the living room shelves. (It had books on it, just not the ones I wanted.)
tammy ta
My day went ok. I am off tomorrow, so that is good.
Kim Avery
My day ended on a good note. After two weeks of getting up at 6 a.m to take my son to work then waiting until after 5 p.m to pick him up he finally got the last part for his truck and its back running! I don’t know how much more my poor body could take but I do know I need to be looking into finding something more comfortable for my car seat when driving!
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. But I overdid it a bit and my knee is yelling at me. OK, so 3 times a week may be too much. Back to just twice a week for a while.
Paula Stafford
My day has been an exhausted one. I had to take my husband’s to his doctor today. They tried to get his blood pressure down and on top of that he’s a diabetic. But finally they brought it down. Thankful he is okay now. Hope to have a better day tomorrow.
My day is going fine today. Am staying warm.
Molli Taylor
This is hopefully our last day of school at home and i think we are all ready to get back to normal!
My day is going pretty good just staying home and being quiet today and avoiding the crowds and covid out there.
My day is going fine so far. I had oatmeal for breakfast. I am going to make some greeting cards today.
One of their unique gold pieces is this one: AURATE X KERRY: Lioness Pendant Necklace that costs $550.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m going down to my sister’s house later to check on all my outdoor pots/plants that we moved there a month ago. She’s pretty hopeless when it comes to plants & her dog is very energetic – just hope they’re ok!
Michele Soyer
One can only hope.. and I am positive all will be well!!
Kate Sarsfield
You were wrong!
Michele Soyer
An easy peasy ay today – starting flower seeds and doing some transplants. the rest of the day I see playing with the pooch!
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh! Sounds like heaven to me!
Shelly Peterson
Today was just a typical dialysis day.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been sorting books. Finally. It’s a time consuming job. Drag boxes out of closet, try to separate them, drag them, bit by bit into the living room for this shelf—or drag them into the bedroom for those shelves, In a wheelchair, lol. It’s frustrating how life slows down in a wheelchair. There is no fast speed for me. But it does motivate me to drop these last few pounds for that knee replacement!!
Kate Sarsfield
When I was in a w/chair I used an old hostess trolley to move things around inside. Any chance you could pick one up cheaply?
Tamra Phelps
I told my brother to look for a kid’s wagon, lol. I need something on wheels!
Kate Sarsfield
Sarah L
Went with my friend and we both got hair cuts. 55 degrees with some high clouds.
My day is going pretty good found out for sure last night that my kitten is a little girl not a little boy so I am trying to find just the right name all over again.
l p
this day is going well and getting better. can’t wait to get outside for some ‘real’ air. thanks
Kim Avery
My day wasn’t too bad. Took my mom to run errands. Plus we picked up some cbd gummies to see if it helps with her hip pain at night. Can’t wait until they start elective surgeries again. Poor mom has had this operation postponed 3 times since the pandemic started.
My day is going fine so far. It is quite cold here. The sun is shining, so that is nice.
I think that their Medium Chain Necklace is nice for $130.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It really is beautiful!
I had a really bad day yesterday but today is going good.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I woke up in a funk today. Hopefully we both have a better tomorrow!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s one of those glorious winter sunny days so I’m off into the garden for some pottering about.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am not sure I have ground anywhere outside. Have FUN!
Michele Soyer
Picking basil this morning for pesto – then i have to take all the glassware out of the buffet wash and put it back – at night when the light inside is one you can see how dusty the glasses are!
Connie: The Head Peanut
AGAIN Michele you have so much more energy than I do. On that dusting note; if The Husband continues to write notes in the dust I WILL be borrowing the back hoe and digging a big ole hole in the ground. (I am sorta just kidding)
Shelly Peterson
I spent the day with my daughter. She made us enchiladas for dinner. They were yummy.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am getting so excited, my daughter will be here in 36 days! I can’t WAIT!!!!
Kim Avery
My day went pretty good. Thought I would get a day to rest but ended up shopping for my mother in law. Only an hour out of my day. Came home and took and hour and a half nap.
Connie: The Head Peanut
NAPS!!! Oh I do love a good nap.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a stop at the library to pick up 2 books I had on hold. Sunshine and 55 degrees.
Connie: The Head Peanut
We have rain today, it’s making the snow just a sheet of ice. I tried to make another snowman….. NOPE. ROCK hard snow.
Molli Taylor
I have been sick on and off for a week. It’s not a terrible sickness but I cannot seem to shake it!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Molli, I’m so sorry. I hope you can shake it soon.
I think that this $280. necklace is pretty: Gold Herringbone Chain Necklace
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love the Gold Herringbone. It really is so pretty.
My day is going pretty good just doing some stuff around the house today and hunting down a giveaway that I won two months ago on another blog.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hate when giveaway wins take so long to arrive. Good luck.
l p
it’s going well – a great day to get out and about and do the outside chores. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Nooooo inside day. It’s 28 degrees here. LOL!
Kate Sarsfield
Up early again. I don’t understand how I can still be tired after 8 hours sleep but I am. What I really need is to get out in the fresh air but it’s too wet.
Connie: The Head Peanut
NO kidding! I don’t understand how I can be so tired. I JUST WOKE UP!
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t have a great start to my day. Went to leave for dialysis and my car was stuck in the ice. I had to call for a ride and was late
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh no!! I’m so sorry Shelly.
Tamra Phelps
Kind of a dull day here. Not much going on with me. That’s fine, lol. We all need slow days.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I agree, except my slow days seem to be going on and on and on!
It has been a crazy day for me. My kitten which I thought was little boy went in to heat a couple of days ago and so now I am thinking that I have a little girl kitty but still not sure yet.
Sarah L
Went to Costco for roast chicken and a few other things that were on sale. Sunny skies and 55 degrees. Still snow lumps on the side streets.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh I miss Costco Chicken. Our Costco is over an hour away……. although I am NOT opposed to eating the chicken on the drive home.
Kim Avery
My day has been rough. Lots of miscommunication. I’m really hoping my son gets his truck fixed tonight or tomorrow. This getting up at 6 a.m & waiting til he is off work is wearing on me. Mainly because the muscle relaxer I need to take makes me sleepy & I can’t take it when I really need it. Patches and roll on lidocaine eases it but I really need to relieve the stress.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hang in there Kim!
Megan Allen
Today I am of course still trying to clean. Have a good day everyone!
Molli Taylor
It is SUCH a monday around here. looks like we are home n isolation all week because a kid in my older ones class got covid and we are being safe.
My day is going fine so far. I had eggs cooked over easy this morning. They were yummy!
Their Gold Rope Chain Necklace that costs $380 is very elegant.
Kate Sarsfield
We had a tiny bit of snow last night so I made a snowman! About 1″ high but still a snowman 🙂
sheila ressel
Woke up at 3:45 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep. Sent hubby off to work and starting to get sleepy now. Will probably go back to bed.
Michele Soyer
Serious work today – sand papering then giving the back door a new coat of stain/varnish – then the same to the gallery screen door and all wooden areas…
Good day, repaired things around the house.
Gina Ferrell
My day went fine as I was tired with the gloomy cold weather. I could of took a long nap today but didn’t.
Shelly Peterson
I slept in today then spent time with my daughter and baby grandson.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend. Then a stop at King Soopers to pick up my curb side delivery. I will be going to a different store during the strike.
tammy ta
My day went ok. I got groceries this morning. Almost bed time now.
l p
a softer, gentler day today with what seems to be less chaos/frenetic energy around. thanks
I love the Organic Pearl Drop Rectangle Hoop Earrings. Beautiful.
I’m having a good day. Rest and relaxation! and Reading!
Kim Avery
My day is going pretty good. We were supposed to get a lot of freezing rain but looks like not as bad as predicted. Although its raining now & will be dark soon and temps drop I’m hoping it will be ok. Still have to pick son up from work. Why couldn’t his truck break down during the summer?
Tamra Phelps
So, it rained all night and most of the day here. So, no more snow. Now we have very soggy grass and mud. Great. This has been the rainiest Winter I’ve ever seen. And several of those rains have turned into storms. Just weird KY weather/
My day is getting a little stressful and it is only Noon. My male kitty just went into heat and I can’t get him in to the vet to get fixed until the 26th because they are all booked up. I am so called their office tomorrow morning I am already on the cancellation list but we need to go this week. Ahh… being a pet parent has its challenges that is what I keep telling myself today.
sheila ressel
Good Morning! It’s Sunday so church today then some grocery shopping to get ready for the new week.
My day is going fine so far. We are going to gave a nice breakfast. The temperature is 39 degrees – a warmer day for us.
Their Large Gold Figaro Chain Necklace that costs $300 is nice.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m giving all the houseplants a shower today to dust them – let them drain off in the bath & they should be fine. Usually do it outside later in the year, but all the shifting furniture & sorting stuff has created a lot of dust.
Michele Soyer
I have 6 loads of laundry to do and already got 2 done – all the drapes, curtains and comforters from the holidays…When all hung up I plan on a restful music filled day!
Kate Sarsfield
Michele, you’re making work for yourself! Stop! Please stop!
Michele Soyer
Kate I have to keep moving – all my cardinal energy! You work like this too!!
Shelly Peterson
I’ve been super lazy today. I have done nothing.
tammy ta
As every day my day went by way too fast, Got my 3rd shot today.
It has been a day filled with accomplishments.
Karen R
Today has been a mixed bag. I have been so sleepy all day. Hubby ordered Papa John’s pizza for dinner.
l p
despite the reading on the thermometer, it’s quite nice outside. time to take the bones for a walk. thanks
Kim Avery
Not too bad of a day until I started feeling sick. Supper didn’t turn out as planned but my hubby was ok with it. Expecting freezing rain overnight & I’m wondering if its my anxiety kicking in knowing I have to drive in it to take my son to work & its going to be worse by the time I have to pick him up.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Grey skies and 39 degrees. Swimming tomorrow.
Paula Stafford
Ty for opportunity to win a gift card. I have entered hundreds of swweps way before Christmas so I hope to win at least once. Happy New Year.
Nigel Soper
My day has been encouraging though sore as I have Fibromyalgia and Osteo Arthritis.
Tamra Phelps
It is cold, cold, cold!! Still snow covering all the grass, but the streets are pretty much clear, and the sidewalks are okay, too, except for some slick patches., Thursday was my birthday and my brother’s gift to me was sen ding me the men u of a local restaurant and saying ‘pick what you want and I’ll set up a pick-up on my day off’–so I told him the catfish basket (catfish & fries) and some fried pickles. Hmm. Does that sound very Kentucky???? LOL. Well, that’s my idea of fine dining! So, I have that to look forward to!
Michele Soyer
Kate Sarsfield
Ew! Catfish? Well, any kind of fish really! Do they serve it with the head on? Those tendril sticky-out things? Now, fried pickles? Never even heard of that but I do have a jar of pickles and a frying pan …
Tamra Phelps
Lol, no I don’t eat fish with the head still on, lol. Or with any ‘skin’ still on. Catfish is just fileted and then dipped in batter and fried, usually, though you can bake it. The restaurant serves it in a basket with fries, sort of like fish and chips in the UK. (In Ireland too???) Fried pickles are cut in slices, dipped in batter and fried, too. You’ll notice fried is a theme here? Yeah, that’s what I can’t have on a diet, so that’s my treat, lol!!
My day is going pretty good so far. It is like a spring day here cold but still really pretty it’s hard to believe we were snowbound a week ago.
My day is great. I have been having bad hair days and don’t want to go places to get it cut. I ordered Velcro rollers (haven’t used them in years) and used them for today and I love how my hair turned out. With a birthday tomorrow I’m feeling good about my last day of this age.
Tami Vollenweider
It’s going okay here. It just started raining,so I don’t feel guilty just to do some chilling in my chair and play on my computer!
Megan Allen
Today I am cleaning or at least..trying to! Have a wonderful day everyone!
It’s a chilly and snowy day here so I think I am going to make soup and work on a puzzle I got for Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway!
wendy hutton
good so far a quiet daturday morning around here still very cold out at -30
Cindy Merrill
I am looking forward to having an important medical prescription filled today, it’ been delayed for more than a week now.
Cathy French
So far so good however I did just roll out of bed a few minutes ago. Hopefully will be a good day as I have alot planned.
Rhonda Grisham
So far so good! Other than the fact that we’ve been snowed in for 2 days and it’s 15 degrees…ugh I’m not a huge fan and we aren’t used to this kind of weather. Hopefully we can dig our way out in a day or so.
Michele Soyer
Outside this morning to do some re-potting then fancy holiday drapes and curtains come down and new ones go up…better get a move on…
Their Large Gold Curb Chain Necklace that costs $220 is very nice.
My day is going fine so far. It is early and the temperature is 22 degrees. It is supposed to warm up to 42 degrees later today.
Kate Sarsfield
I stopped entering competitions at the start of the year just because there’s so much stuff to do with the house sale. I now have a couple of hours ‘extra’ each day to myself, get to bed before midnight and am up earlier. I do feel the benefits physically & get better quality sleep. When I started comping I used to win around $100 a month but lately nowhere near that & with the exchange rate it’s just not worth it. Still do online surveys though; last year earned over €800 in cash & gift cards that I use for my groceries and I bought a laptop for myself at Christmas to use when everything’s in storage!
Michele Soyer
Great win for you…
Tamra Phelps
I stopped doing blog giveaways a year or so ago (except this one because I like it, lol.) It just took too much of my time! I still take a bout 15 minutes most days and hit a few big sweeps–and win a few now and then.
Shelly Peterson
Today was a dialysis day. I picked up a grocery order on my way home and then visited with my daughter and granddaughter
It has been snowing all day, making the outdoors very quiet. Kind of eerie but the day went well regardless.
Eric Wright
My day is going just fine. Trying to stay warm and keeping busy entering sweepstakes. I live a very exciting and interesting life lol
Sarah L
Good swim at the pool. Finally got myself up and out and swimming. Sun is shining and it almost got to 60 degrees after yesterday’s high of 23.
I love the AURATE X KERRY: Lioness Pendant Necklace.
My day is going well. I get to have my little grandson over for a sleepover!
l p
today is going really well – the kids and dogs are having a ball outside in the snow. thanks
My day has been super busy so far. I have been dealing with a naught kitten today and I also had a lot of running around to do today.
The day is going very well despite the challenges that keep popping up.
Whew – it’s going really quickly. Weather changes in the offing.
It’s sort of like ground-hog day here. What we had yesterday is coming again today.
Molli Taylor
there was a positive COVID exosure at my kids’ school so we are online for right now!
wendy hutton
my day is going good so far, but really tired of cold weather
Kate Sarsfield
It snowed last night! Well, perhaps a 1/4 inch!!! All gone now of course, just as well as I have to take the cat into town for his booster. I’ll do a click & collect of groceries as well. Still no news on the house sale but the first snowdrop is up!
Michele Soyer
Well glad that I did all my shopping yesterday and can begin this morning to take down the trees and the decorations.. need happy peppy music to do this – get really sad when I see all the holly go!
Tamra Phelps
The place looks so bare when the Christmas decorations come down, right???
My day is going fine so far. It is in the wee hours of the morning. All is quiet and dark and I hear a train whistle in the distance.
The AURATE X KERRY: Lioness Chain has an interesting and eye catching design.
Tracy Robertson
It’s been a busy day with work and taking care of a couple of loved ones who haven’t been feeling real well lately, but not a bad day. I’m looking forward to the weekend, even though I have a shift on Sunday.
Shelly Peterson
I stayed in today with all the snow we got. The roads were bad.
Tamra Phelps
Snowing. Cold. So, I’m staying inside, watching TV, messing around online. Reading gossip magazines, lol. In other words, nothing productive!
Michele Soyer
Enjoy my dear!!
elicia p
WEll today was better than yesterday. That is a start~
tammy ta
My day was pretty boring. I made a good supper for my family. Tried a new bisquit recipe.
Kim Avery
I had a pretty good day. I was able to take a nap. I’ve been getting up at 6 a.m to take my son to work & picking him up after 5 p.m which has been putting us a few hours behind dinner time.
l p
this day is going well and made better by a letter from a long-time friend. thanks
Sarah L
Sigh. Wind chill is not as cold as Wendy. Only -4. My swim friend called and said she wasn’t going to the pool today so I didn’t either.
After I finished my housekeeping, I watched television and simply relaxed most of the day.
wendy hutton
my day is going ok definitely staying inside was -41 here this morning
Molli Taylor
I’ve been sick for a few days but feeling about 90% today so that’s good!
Michele Soyer
Off to do my monthly groceries…bulk store, grocery, hardware, post office and finally the plant shop.. Hopefully back home by half 2…
My day is going fine so far. It is still very early. It is still quite dark outside.
Their Medium Gold Figaro Chain Necklace is very nice I think,
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Women’s Christmas everyone! The day when us hardworking, under-appreciated women take time for themselves. Of course it’s raining & Omicron rates are high so that’ll mean staying in on my own again! Anyway, still plenty of paperwork to sort through & pack/shred.
Michele Soyer
Happy Day Kate! Stay warm and safe…
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis today. we have a Winter storm coming through tonight through tomorrow bringing 3 to 8 inches of snow.
Kate Sarsfield
OMG, Shelly, stay warm for Heaven’s sake x
My day went well. It was horridly freezing outside, warm and toasty inside.
It’s another day to be grateful for having shelter and friends to lend a hand when needed.
Tamra Phelps
I’m freezing. It’s definitely gotten colder these last few days. It’s just below freezing out there and supposed to start snowing tomorrow.
Michele Soyer
As I said to Kate you stay warm and safe!!
Sarah L
Went out to do errands early so I could get back home before the snow. Good for me! It is now snowing and blowing with slick roads. 10 degrees with wind chill of -5
Kate Sarsfield
Ugh! Stay warm and safe!
l p
this day is going well and it will continue. thanks
My day is going super good and super fast today. I had a ton of running around town to do and I just got home. It was so nice to get and and about after being snowbound for the entire holiday season!
Kim Avery
I had a very long and exhausting day! Took care of everybody and now I’m taking care of myself with a hot cup of tea!
Molli Taylor
Welp. Feeling sick and there was a positive COVID case in my kids’ class, so that sucks!
elicia p
Having a crummy day. When you dream about your teeth falling out it’s always a bad sign.
Learned about a hour ago my neighbor is deciding to put a fence up because she wants a new dog.
I hate fences~ we have bushes between the property to divide the yards.
My day is going fine so far. It is warmer today. I am boiling a frozen ham bone for soup and it smells great.
I think that their Medium Gold Curb Chain Necklace is nice.
rita leonard
it is a windy cold day in Ohio and we are just recovering from a week of guests
Kate Sarsfield
Frost on the ground, sun shining, hungry birds and so much bloody work to be done. Might just have a mug of tea and think about something else instead!
Michele Soyer
I have to get motivated to get up and start taking slowly of course all the holiday decorations…one tree at a time….
Shelly Peterson
I ran some errands with my daughter. It started snowing again and the roads got super icy.
Tamra Phelps
Sometimes, getting anything done around here is like pulling teeth. For the most part, until I can have that knee surgery, I am in a wheelchair. It is impossible for me to get to the mailboxes here. The law says every one has a right to have access to their mailbox, so the apartment complex either needed to repair the wheelchair access sidewalks that are too damaged to safely use or allow me to place a wall mailbox just outside my door. They said the wall mailbox is the way to go. Fine. I bought the mailbox and it has been sitting on a table here for over a month waiting for them to install it (my brother was ready to do it, but the apartment owners insist their guys do it.) So, I’ve called and emailed twice. Now, I guess, I have to start getting difficult (nagging, lol???)– well, fortunately, I can do that. It seems that nobody does anything until they actually start to be annoyed by you, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Gawd, how this little things annoy me! Well, they’ve met their match in you. You’re some woman for one woman, as we say here!
Tamra Phelps
I’m good at annoying people like that, lol!!
l p
lots to do and lots got done so that’s the best possible. thanks
Sarah L
I had planned to go out and do a few errands. Didn’t make it out of the house. Now I’ll have to do them tomorrow before the snow starts.
My day is going pretty good been busy doing stuff around the house today and laundry. I am excited that we are getting some rain this week and it is warming up a little bit.
Kim Avery
My day could be better. My son ordered parts for his truck in hopes to finally get it fixed. Supposedly FedEx delivered them last night. Walked all over last night , this morning AND this afternoon asking neighbors. No one has seen them. He can’t start a claim until tomorrow & is extremely upset & I can’t blame him.
My day is going fine so far. I am making some white bean and ham soup in the slow cooker. We had a little snow yesterday and a little of it is still hanging around.
Their Aura Beaded Necklace is also eye catching I think!
Shelly Peterson
I just woke up and I’m drinking some coffee.
Kk P
Today started out well with a bright, sunny day. It is really cold out there, though. ‘Bundle up’ is the phrase of the day.
Karen R
It is a cold 21 degrees this morning. We’re expecting snow this afternoon. We’ve been lucky so far.
Michele Soyer
Dreamt of my husband last night but before I could ask him his opinion on my future plans I woke up!! Have to try again…The opinion counts but I am still moving forward…
Kate Sarsfield
When are you going to let us in on the plans?
Kate Sarsfield
Just been out feeding the birds. It froze hard last night and now I’m debating whether to shower now or later. Later won by a mile – too snug in my pjs!
Tamra Phelps
How did it get to be 2022??? Seriously, I feel like we jumped from about 2003 to 2022. I don’t know if I remember a bloomin’ thing in between, lol. I mean 2022. That sounds like something from a futuristic sci-fi movie.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Sunshine and 50 degrees.
This day is going well despite the weather challenges. Thank you for this month’s contest.
Kim Avery
My day has gone ok. Got a little snow but not much which is crazy for new york! My son was expecting a package from Amazon and FedEx says they delivered it but after a half hour walking around the house & shining flashlight on neighbors porches its no where to be found.
l p
back to the deep-freeze again so it’s work inside today. best part of the day is your blog. yay! thanks
My day is going pretty good just got done getting some firewood in for the evening and boy is it raining out there! I mean it is raining cats and dogs out there it is such a blessing we so needed this snow and rain in our area.
Kate Sarsfield
There’s a big funeral in the village. At least it’s not raining. The old man died suddenly on New Year’s Eve. The Church service is restricted to family only, of course, but I can hear the graveyard blessings from my doorstep. Just watching the cat going up & down the hill checking out everyone!
Shelly Peterson
Today wad a lazy day. I did go to lunch with my daughter
Tamra Phelps
I swear I have dropped every single thing I’ve picked up today!! I even dropped a bowl with dry Jello gelatin in it…man that stuff goes everywhere and it’s like grit when you walk on it. It doesn’t matter how much you sweep— you have to get out the mop. At least I hadn’t added water yet. That would’ve been a real mess!
Terri Quick
My day was ok. Just stayed home and relaxed. Happy New Year everyone.
Karen R
All in all my day has gone well. Hubby made pasta for dinner. I watched the new movie about Lucille Ball on streaming television.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. My friend was not feeling well enough to go swimming so I didn’t go by myself.
I am so happy that you are continuing your blog I am so addicted to it. I look forward to reading your posts and love your Instagram so so much. Oh my day is going pretty good just got home from doing some grocery shopping it felt SO GOOD to get out of the house. I have been snowed in for the past TEN days I was staring to crack lol.
Jodi Hunter
day is going well, just a lazy Sunday at home with the family.
Kim Avery
We finally have some winter weather here in NY. Unfortunately it started with freezing rain.
Here we are starting a new year. We had some washer disfunction this morning. It can only improve from here.
I also like this gold chain in their collection: XL Gold Curb Chain Necklace.
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra just messaged me to say you’re staying put for now. Now that’s the best news to start the New Year with!!! Thanks, Connie xxx
Michele Soyer
Connie thank you! It may be raining outside but I am smiling in here..All the best to you in the New Year…
Shelly Peterson
I am so glad to see your blog still going. I took my decorations down today and watched my grandsons for a while.
Lynne Foster
I had a good day and am now relaxing with some TV watching!
Tamra Phelps
You just brightened my day with an email, lol. I was so down about PB & Whine possibly being gone that I had avoided even checking. Then I saw an email from PB & Whine & saw your post!! Now, how many people can say someone was actually glad to get an email from them, lolol??? You can!!
Michele Soyer
Here we are Tamra!! What a nice surprise.
Tamra Phelps
I decided to let you and Kate know when I saw neither of you had commented on the post, lol. I thought you might have been like me, sort of down and just afraid to check and see if it was here. ?
Karen R
The first day of the year is going well. Happy to hear that you are continuing the giveaway. The decorations will keep you in the holiday spirit long after the snow has melted.
Sarah L
Connie, I am so happy that you are continuing your blog. I just checked Sandpoint weather and you are 5 degrees warmer than me in Denver. 15 for you, 10 for me. I am just staying in and keeping warm.
Happy New Year to you. I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw your blog was still up today and you are doing another giveaway made my day. I was thinking with all of your followers maybe a company could sponsor your giveaways from now on?
My day is going fine so far. Happy 2022, everyone! I am glad you have decided to continue – hopefully through the entire year and more!
I like their Gold Round Link Chunky Chain Necklace.
Ken Ohl
Getting ready to head to work hope all goes well