$50 Your Way March Giveaway!

Here it is…….. My $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!

The March Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by.  This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and definitely going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases are always appreciated. It’s also very appreciated if you like my reviews on Amazon. (Again… I am the queen of subtle hints!!

Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!! Unless you are Sarah, last months winner. I totally messed up and sent her a GC she didn’t chose. Again…. SO SORRY Sarah!!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!


  • Mai T.

    March has come and gone in the blink of an eye. It’s not a particularly productive month for me but I hope for a brighter month in April.

  • Sue E

    My day is wonderful having talked to my daughter & her kids, who are vacationing in TX to see WrestleMania. They are having a great time1

  • Tamra Phelps

    We had a few scattered storms today, but nothing scary. Hopefully, it stays that way. (A few tornadoes popped up in surrounding states.) Otherwise, it was a good day!

  • Heather Swarthout

    Today was pretty good! We went to the library and did story-time, then came home and cleaned up the house. I’ve been doing an online Pampered Chef Party (I’m a consultant), and I’ve been enjoying that today as well. Today was easier than yesterday. Tomorrow is packed full of good things to do!

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. When I woke up, I thought it was Friday, so when I soon realized it was Thursday, I feel like I got a bonus day – yeaa!


    Another day, another early start & a long drive up for Mum to have a PET scan. Thankfully we managed to get out of the city before the rush-hour traffic started to build up so now it’s homemade pizza & a glass or three of wine and no rehearsal to rush out for!

  • Kari

    I have to admit I’m having a grumpy day, LOL! I have a terrible sinus headache and I just want to go back to bed and hibernate for the rest of the day.

  • Mai T.

    I find talking about my feelings hard, even when talking to the boyfriend. This is not a great way to handle hardship, I know. I just don’t want to talk about them.


    Today was tough going. We left the house early to get to Dublin. first to one hospital that specialises in cancer treatment and then onto another hospital for more scans. We got home just before 7pm & I just had time to grab a yoghurt from the fridge & head into town for another LONG rehearsal. I’m only now beginning to unwind & it’s past midnight here. We have another early start again tomorrow for yet another type of scan. Hopefully all will go well so Mum can start on the chemo & radiotherapy asap.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class, the water was nicely warm. There was a snow shower while we were in the pool but it stopped before I had to go outside.

  • Rosie

    It is a really nice spring day – finally! so I’m digging it, especially as I have to walk everywhere, so it is so much less hassle.

  • Heather Ellis

    I’m feeling a little frustrated with this weight plateau I seem to have hit. Think I’ll double up on my daily walks for a week or two and see if I can bust through it…

  • Carrie H.

    I joined a project-a-week group. Not certain if this was crazy or a way to motivate myself to get things done. Right now I am leaning towards crazy.

  • Mai T.

    I was 80km away from home to apply for my new visa and it was such a slow service that everyone got frustrated waiting. With the refugee flow, every process drags on forever.

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. I’m happy b/c there was a giant problem that I finally figured out isn’t going to be a huge hassle, at least so far, it is looking much better. I was thinking how much I want to feel happy and just a tiny bit carefree this spring, enough to feel fun and not dragged down with a huge problem that is almost impossible to resolve – yippeee! … I think!

  • ginette4

    I have plans with my parents and sister to go see Miracles from Heaven..so excited to see this movie..hoping my husband can make it

  • Gracie Kahl

    I went to see Batman vs. Superman last night! I went in with low expectations and my overall reaction was, “meh”.

  • nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)

    It’s all wintery and stormy here today so we’re spending a quiet day inside. I did end up making macaroons though.


    I bought a huge bunch of Spring flowers reduced to half price after the Easter rush so this afternoon I’ll take them up to Dad’s grave.

  • Mai T.

    I had to go renew my visa today at the place 80km from where I live since the local place is full of immigrants. What a nuisance and a waste of gasoline!

  • ginette4

    Day is going well..still a little on the weather, it’s raining now..so depressing..I need some sunshine then maybe I’ll get better

  • Rosie

    I’m having a decent day. Just appreciating whatever health and well being I have, I found out someone I hadn’t seen in a year has Lou Gehrig’s ALS, and now my complaints seem so trivial.

  • Gracie Kahl

    I had a nice Easter. Not sure what I’m going to do today, I think I might just hang around the house and get some things done.


    A nice quiet day! Mum’s gone out to lunch with some friends so I’m cleaning the house then I’ll head into town to get some food for the week. I’m taking her up to Dublin a couple of times this week so we’re going to be busy.

  • Mai T.

    This feels like a day of The Beattles music and a movie from the 90s so I’m doing all that. It’s also sunny so I should go out to get some vitamin D.

  • Lisa F.

    I actually have a cold, so my day isn’t going quite as good as I wish. This has been going around work and my co-worker sitting next to me was coughing all week long. Boo!

  • Cathy French

    Today is so beautiful outside my boyfriend went fishing. Didn’t catch anything cause its still too early in the season. Today is a good day!


    It’s a beautiful Spring day here. A couple of April showers but mostly sunshine. The flowers are blooming, there are baby lambs in the surrounding fields (and one in the oven too!) and I’m having chocolate for brunch!

  • Sue E

    We had a sleep over with our three of our youngest grandkids, because we won’t get to see them on Easter. The other side of the family gets to see them too (I guess) 🙂

  • Gracie Kahl

    My whole family is varying degrees of sick, so I made a big batch of chicken noodle soup yesterday. It’s almost gone already, so I guess I’ll be making some more today.


    Storm Katie kept me awake for hours as did pain in the glands in my neck. I just hope I’m not coming down with something – I don’t have time to be ill!

  • Rosie

    It’s Friday and I’m having a good day. It is cold and rainy, but I’m inside so I don’t mind. Going to do some holiday cookin’ soon.


    Well, it’s Good Friday so just about everywhere is closed. I’m just getting things ready for next week which is going to be pretty busy taking Mum on a couple of trips to hospital in Dublin for scans etc. before she starts chemo & radiotherapy. Another long night of rehearsals ahead of me.

  • nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)

    It’s a storm day here. It’s ice raining like crazy. I keep expecting the power to go off, but I’m ready. I made a big batch of Hot cross buns and have lots of meat and cheese for sandwiches.

    • nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)

      Heather, I don’t know you, but that is the most wonderful thing. “God’s got it.” He does.
      Hugs and prayers.

  • margaret peg m

    Hi, I spent the day w/ my three wonderful grandchildren, all under 5, and ‘bamma’ is a tired mess, but had a great day!

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok. I ended up eating a huge batch of popcorn for breakfast, I had intended to be able to bring with me as a snack for the afternoon. At least I’m not hungry!!!

  • Gracie Kahl

    Going shopping today! It’s been a while since I’ve done that, looking forward to treating myself a little bit.

  • nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)

    Pretty good. Got lots done. Getting everything clean for the power outage tonight. We’re expecting a huge storm.


    Ah, the absolute luxury of being able to sleep until I woke naturally! It’s the little things that mean the most, right?

  • Heather E

    Felt myself heading into a funk yesterday, but God is good. I got a decent night’s sleep and a better outlook this morning.

  • Mai T.

    Last day in the office before the long holiday of Easter. I’m not so excited about this short vacation but better something then nothing.

  • Sarah L

    DENVER — An early spring blizzard caused multiple crashes and closed several interstates and highways in Colorado on Wednesday.
    Some of the major roadways have reopened, but travel problems remain.
    Yep. I just stayed home.

  • Rosie

    Day is going ok. It is kind of a dark and rainy day, but I’m inside, so I don’t care, and don’t feel bad being inside like you can when it is sunny and gorgeous out!

  • ginette4

    My day isn’t going well at all..started getting ill last night, spent most of the next on the couch running from the washroom to the couch..hate being ill

  • Cathy French

    Today is going pretty well. Its hard to believe its that time of year again as my boyfriend is out doing yard work.


    I’ve finally finished weeding, spreading horse manure & mulching my flower beds etc. It’s due to rain tonight and for most of Easter weekend as well, so perfect timing! Now I’m going to spend some time pampering my much-abused hands & nails (I hate wearing gardening gloves)!

  • Heather E

    Spring is back, and that makes me very happy. The last 2 days it was in the 30’s when I took my 5 am walk, today it was mid-50s. 🙂

  • Mai T.

    One of the co-workers got sick yesterday at the restaurant and left early so we 3 remaining were struggling hard for the evening full of customers.

  • Cami Valenzuela

    My day is going great 🙂 been getting ready for family to come visit. Hope your day was pretty good as well 🙂

  • Richard Brandt

    We went out to Steak & Shake to celebrate my birthday a day early and because I had a coupon for a free double steakburger and fries because, hey, it’s going to be my birthday. And it doesn’t get any better than that, does it?

  • Dawn Monzu

    Well….my day is going pretty darn good. I hope your day is going good as well! I am getting excited about Easter. We are going to my sister’s house in Walnut, Iowa. She has a nice little place out there, and we will have a huge egg hunt! YAY! God bless and Happy Easter everyone!

  • sheila ressel

    Well I got up really early, around 4:20 a.m. so I’m able to get a jump start on things around the house but I probably will have to take a nap later, lol!

  • Heather E

    It’s still early, but the day has gotten off to a BRISK start. It’s only in the 30s ~ unusual for Florida in late March.


    This morning the farmers started spreading sillage on the newly-ploughed fields. I won’t be able to hang any washing out for a day or two unless I want it to smell of fermented poo! Anyway, other than that, I’m taking Mum out to lunch at a local garden centre (the most divine quiche!) and then this evening a couple of hours rehearsal for the musical Oliver!

  • Mai T.

    The globe I purchased as the boyfriend’s gift arrived right on his birthday and needless to say, he was thrilled with it. Now he’s had what he wished for.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. Then shopping at Costco. Then a stop at Kohl’s to use the $10 GC they sent me. Got new pair of slippers for $1.20.

  • Heather Ellis

    Feeling a little melancholy. Just found out a high school classmate passed away from a heart attack last night. He was 45…

  • Cathy French

    Well today my back is hurting pretty bad so I’m sitting here at my desktop computer with a heating pad. Lets hope it gets better before I have to start dinner.

  • Gracie Kahl

    I’m taking advantage of the nice spring weather by going to the botanical gardens later today. It’s so nice to get outside when it’s warmer.


    Spring really is in the air and it’s the busiest season for all our local farmers (apart from harvest of course). They’ve been tilling the fields around us since dawn ready for planting and that’s what woke me up! Ah, the joys of country living!

  • Carrie H.

    FINALLY, really started basement organization! Now to move on to the kids’ rooms & get things around for our school consignment sale

  • Mai T.

    We had coffee and cake at the boyfriend’s parents yesterday to celebrate his birthday. He’s 26 and I’ll also be in 1 month. Time flies when we’re having fun.

  • Sara Lima

    I’m doing great today, thanks !:) I slept in LAAAATE. I got some dishes done, had the chance to enjoy breakfast with my fiance, and now we are watching Thor, cuddling on the couch! 🙂


    Another busy, busy day: The biggest (and dirtiest) job was changing the filters in the well. That took 2 hours and thankfully I used to help Dad do it so I knew what to do or we’d have had to spend a fortune getting them done. The difference in our water pressure is huge! Then into town to do a complete run-through of Oliver! Only 2 weeks till opening night and nerves are getting frazzled!

  • Rosie

    going good. I got up really early and cooked up a bunch of things, then headed out. Brrrr hard to believe first day of spring!

  • Heather E

    It’s a bit chilly for the first day of spring! Still playing nurse to the son who had his wisdom teeth out on Friday. He’s a big ball of pain who doesn’t want to take the meds because he is afraid of getting addicted. Sigh…

  • Cathy French

    Well today is my boyfriends’ and mine 18th anniversary. Yep 18 years ago at 8:30 pm we met and have been together ever since. Today is a golden day!

  • Mai T.

    I had a blast yesterday with the ladies from work. We went to eat at a Mexican restaurant and then back to my place to dance Wii U. It was a super fun night.

  • Rosie

    It’s Saturday and I’m luvin’ every minute! I’m not actually getting much done, but every now and then I cut myself some slack!


    I didn’t sleep well last night so I started the day with that muzzy, headachey feeling. Two hours of gardening has sorted that out!

  • Carrie H.

    I start the day with explicit plans in mind. Now if I could only accomplish them without being derailed by small boys.


    Another busy day today. Up early to take Mum for more blood tests then I did the weekly shop while she sat enjoying a cappuccino in a coffee shop! Got home & unpacked it all then did a load of weeding & clearing ready for a trailer-full of horse manure that a friend is bringing tomorrow! And then one of the bathroom taps came off in Mum’s hand so water everywhere! Fixed that and am now sitting down for the first time (it’s 3pm here) and I still haven’t had breakfast yet!

  • Sandy Weinstein

    my day could be going alot better, the tax person i have been using for the past several yrs, told be even with a month, he could not get my taxes done, did this last yr and i almost got really screwed. so searching for someone to do my taxes. ugh

  • Tamra Phelps

    Feeling a little better today, and I’m hoping it sticks this time & doesn’t just ease up then hit again. Right now, we’re just waiting for my brother’s family to get back from Florida. Expecting them any time!

  • Heather E

    Frustrating morning. Got my son to the oral surgeon for wisdom teeth removal and was told he didn’t have an appointment. Oh really? That’s not what my little card says. “We’re booked. We can’t see him today.” No apology. Grrr. Booked a new appointment for three weeks from today. After we got home they called and said they can do him tomorrow. That means another day off work for me, but at least he won’t have to get more time off….

  • Rosie

    Doing OK. I’m feeling frustrated b/c I keep trying to effect certain changes, and have tried every angle, tactic, method….

  • Terri Irvin

    We are planning to go to our Irish pub tonight and I am really looking forward to that. Very busy week and weekend ahead.

  • Tara

    It’s Thursday.. Can’t wait till the weekend so that I can sleep in.. I am wearing green today in celebrating of St. Patty’s Day. But, that is the end of it.. 🙂 I don’t drink beer.. lol

  • Gracie Kahl

    I’m hoping nobody pinches me today since I’m not wearing green. I’ve never really cared about St. Patrick’s day, and I don’t even think I own any green.


    I’m having a pj day as it’s St. Patrick’s Day and everything is closed. I aim to do as little as possible. Nothing more strenuous than shaving my legs!

  • Mai T.

    I left for work early this morning in order to leave earlier. My ex boss says he’s presenting my thesis today at a university class and I feel so honored.

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok. There is an guy sitting next to me coughing the entire day, and it is annoying and I hope I don’t get sick.

  • ginette4

    Day isn’t going well at all..hot water tank went kaput, we had 1″ of water all over the basement floor..what a mess


    Another early start to get to yet another Dublin hospital – I’m feeling really tired but before I curl up in a quiet corner I’m going to put the battery of the ride-on mower on charge. Mum’s been nagging about cutting the grass!

  • Tara

    Slow start to my day. Wishing I had rain boots.. See Deadpool last night thought it was funny.. Looking forward to the weekend already.

  • Cathy French

    Today is get as much as can done day. Already done with a few loads of laundry, changed bed sheets now just need to do dishes and clean our fans from all the dust and cathair.

  • Dawn Monzu

    My day is going GREAT today! I hope your day is going just as good. I am just sitting here entering tons of giveaways! Yesterday I found out I won a Casio Graphing Calculator, so I’m excited! The weather is beautiful today, all we need is the sun to come out. God bless everyone!


    We’re just back after driving to Dublin for a visit to Mum’s oncologist. Not good news I’m afraid. The cancer is back. She’ll have to undergo chemo & radiotherapy and another major op. We’re still getting our collective heads around it. On a brighter note, I’ve got a long rehearsal for Oliver! tonight so I’m heading back to bed for a nap!

    • Tamra Phelps

      I just saw this. I’m so sorry you guys have to go through that. Sending good thoughts, prayers, hope, karma, everything I can think of in your direction!

  • Gracie Kahl

    My day is going pretty good. It’s the first time this year it’s been warm enough to wear a skirt instead of long pants!

  • Mai T.

    The bonus from work is being paid this week so I ordered a birthday gift for the boyfriend. It’s a globe that cost 100€ so it’d better arrive on time.

  • Tara

    My day has been okay, it started a little rough.. It’s Monday – we just had the spring forward time change so your body is out of whack.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my niece & nephews are at DisneyWorld this week, but it’s not much of a week off for me. No babysitting, but I’ve managed to come down with some yucky bug. I’m so tired of feeling blech, lol.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. Then off to the grocery store to get corned beef, cabbage, potato & carrot to fix for St. Patrick’s Day.


    It’s a glorious Spring day here in S.E. Ireland! I’ve had a busy morning doing chores, then finished off with a VERY long phone call to our phone company to sort out Mum’s phone bill. Finally got her on a package that suits her and, more importantly costs a heck of a lot less each month! Taking her to the doctor in a bit to get the results of her recent blood work, so fingers crossed!

  • Carrie H.

    a greay, rainy day and I have umpteen errands to run. Fingers crossed I can get most of them done before preschool lets out.

  • Mai T.

    So a good friend of mine sent me a wedding invitation yesterday. One of us is finally getting married. I’m happy she’s found her half and figured out her life at this early age of 26.

  • Rosie

    my day is going well. Taking it easy. It is warmer, and walking today wasn’t so bad. I just realized I don’t have anything to make for a supper today, don’t think I can cobble anything with what is on hand, so probably walking to the store, too.


    Sunday, supposedly a day of rest but, as the saying goes, ‘no rest for the wicked’! I’ve got a busy couple of days coming up so I’m preparing for those.

  • Heather E

    I’m giggling at my poor parents. They arrived yesterday and had to set their watches back an hour due to changing time zones. Then this morning they had to move them forward again. And tomorrow when they head home they will have to move them forward AGAIN. Lol! They are so confused…

  • Sue E

    It was my husband’s birthday yesterday and some of the family came over and brought cupcakes and presents. It was a wonderful FUN day!!

  • Terri Irvin

    A good day for me so far, Laundry is done and my garden weeding is done for the day. Now I am going to kick back and enjoy some seafood for lunch. Tonight, reading in bed because my hubby and I have a early morning run planned.

  • Cathy French

    Today I have a massive headache and need to go the grocery store so I’m sure the headaches gonna get worse. Relaxing tonight for sure.

  • Carrie H.

    I know it’s early, but the pumpkin seeds I started will be going in the ground today. Starting tomato & flower seeds!

  • Mai T.

    An exhausting Friday evening makes me scare of today’s work at the restaurant. People, please don’t pour in today or else I’ll die after my shift.


    It’s Saturday – yay! But it’s 6.30am – agh! I sat on the bed last night to fold a mountain of laundry and fell asleep. Woke up a little while ago with all the lights on, telly on, hungry cat etc. etc. Thing I’ll put a load of washing on, pop out for the papers then go back to bed!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my brother’s family has gone to DisneyWorld, so no babysitting for me. Of course, I feel like I need to watch SpongeBob just so things aren’t so quiet around here!

  • Rosie

    pretty good. I finally got my glasses fixed, nobody could figure them out, finally hit pay dirt! It is a little warmer, and enjoying walking all over the place to get my chores done.

  • Cathy French

    Today is a bit weird. I was ill last night so I guess I needed the extra sleep but got up way too late to get everything done that needs done.


    Well, yesterday I drove Mum into town for some blood tests. We ended up miles away at a medieval heritage site, having lunch and buying her a new handbag! The sun shone & she thoroughly enjoyed her little jaunt!

  • Mai T.

    We did not make it out the panic room. The theme was really hard. It was a great experience though. I hope I could enter the other themed room soon with friends.

  • Jo Anne V

    My day was awesome — took and nice long walk and enjoyed the beautiful weather and my dog got to sniff out all the new scents in the neighborhood. Spent part of the day just relaxing and enjoying a good book.

  • Rosie

    My day is going fair to middlin’ so far. Could be way worse, could be way better. Trying to focus on what I can do, and not on what I can’t.

  • Cathy French

    Woke up real early again today but have a little more desire to get things done. Got an appt later today then make dinner. Nothing special about today except I’m ready to tackle some chores.


    I finally found out the reason why we couldn’t make calls on our landline – the service provider blocked all our outgoing calls by mistake!!!??? I have just finished fuming at them and still have steam coming out of my ears. What if Mum had been here on her own & had fallen? AARGH! I AM SOOOOO ANGRY!

  • Mai T.

    Today’s team building day and I woke up excited. I’m waiting for the day ahead, especially MAKE IT OUT challenge.

  • Sue E

    Today is a sad day for our family!! Today is the anniversary of our son-in-law’s death.
    He was murdered 5 years ago. R.I.P.

  • nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham)

    Really well actually. I felt a little sick this morning, but managed to get in a little nap and now….raring to go.


    Crazy wild wind all night that caused power outages in my area, along with phone lines & internet. Everything came back about 20 minutes ago, the dinner’s in the oven & I’m all over the internet like my life depended on it!

  • Mai T.

    I had a great dinner with my females friends yesterday but the food was off though the talking was awesom. I wish we could do this together more often.

  • Hollie Jahnke

    My day was great!! It was 66 here!! That’s a super warm day for March in Michigan. People were already wearing their flip flops!

  • Gina Ferrell

    My day is going well just really tired today and doing lots of spring cleaning. I will hit the bed early tonight and start my day early tomorrow with a smile.

  • Terri Irvin

    Gorgeous Spring day in Southern California and I am going for a brisk walk and later to meet a girlfriend for coffee. The grandchildren are coming over later to watch a movie with grandma and grandpa.

  • Annmarie W.

    My day has been going well today! Kids got off to school, hubby to the office. I went for a walk with the dog because it’s beautiful weather! I hope you’re doing well, too!

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. I ran out thinking I had to do certain obligations today that aren’t fun, and after I left realized I don’t have to do until tomorrow, so I’m feeling extra cozy.


    I got into my car this morning to find a big puddle at my feet. Now what? Actually I do know as it’s happened before. The windscreen washer bottle has a hose running the length of the car from the front to the rear wiper & it’s sprung a leak. More flipping money I don’t have and what a stupid design.

  • Carrie H.

    it’s supposed to be over 70 today! 70! AND sunny!!! we will be starting some tomato & pumpkin seeds today to celebrate

  • Sarah L

    It’s unofficially Spring for me. All the snow that gets piled up in my front yard from them clearing the driveways FINALLY ALL MELTED! And I saw the first dandelion blooming today.

  • Sandy Weinstein

    i would say my day is going as usual. still recovering from surgery. trying to get taxes and other paperwork done.

  • Rosie

    My day is going pretty good. It is warmer, and I’m getting some responses to some inquiries I had made about some things. Progress, I hope.

  • Hollie Jahnke

    Today is going pretty well! The kids have their book fair at the school tonight so that should be fun! 🙂


    I had the weirdest dreams last night, one involving Jane Fonda & a dildo, whatever that was about!!! Needless to say I’m really tired today.

  • Heather E

    Well, it’s early, but I’ve already walked 3 miles and completed the last FAFSA for the year. I guess that’s a good start to the week. 🙂

  • Dawn Monzu

    Well, my day is pretty much over. It is late, but I am up entering giveaways! haha My day was actually really nice. It was gorgeous outside today! I am so lucky to have such a great, caring family that I am surrounded by! God bless everyone!

  • Mai T.

    The thought of letting my mom fly alone from home to here scares me. She does not speak English so it’ll be super hard without any help. And airlines are never useful.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, whatever was making me so sick seems to have ‘broke’ last night. I feel better today, but still coughing a lot until I clear my lungs, I guess. I’ll take that!

  • Heather E

    You know how there’s clean and then there’s “my mom is coming to town” clean? Guess which oneI am working on today? Lol!

  • Gina Ferrell

    My day is going good and I’m relaxing today since it’s Sunday and tomorrow is going to be busy since it’s Monday.

  • Rosie

    My day is going good. I’m getting the chance to catch up with someone I haven’t been able to have a good solid chat with for years!

  • Cathy French

    This morning I awoke to a terrible back ache. Need a new bed. So today I’m gonna be relaxing with a heating pad.


    Here in Ireland, today is Mothering Sunday so I made up a little hamper of goodies for Mum including a bottle of bubbly! She’s happy, so I’m happy!

  • Hollie Jahnke

    My day is going pretty good so far. I’m looking forward to spending this wonderful Sunday with my family.

  • Mai T.

    Waking up late this morning with good coffee and laundry. I plan to go have a dinner date with the boyfriend but he’s so fat already, maybe what he needs now is a good workour regime.

  • Heather E

    Today I was able to listen to a friend who is going through a rough patch. It was a blessing to be able to be there…

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been another sick day for me. This cold just hangs on. I’ve just been sleeping, watching TV & playing on the computer.

  • Rosie

    I’m trying to feel not too stressed, working on paperwork very complicated. At least it is cold out, I’m not missing much being inside where it is warm and comfy!


    Our boiler broke down last night, on one of the coldest nights of the year, I might add. I went to bed wearing 4 layers, a hat, scarf & fingerless gloves. One of the great things of living in a rural area is that because everyone knows everyone else (and their business!) there’s always someone to help. He came, he cleaned & conquered! On a Saturday and would only take €20 (about 15 dollars) for his trouble. There are good people out there, you only have to ask!

  • Mai T.

    I really want to get out of this relationship and this boring town but I’m too poor to afford anything. I so regret the days I was lazy at school.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today, I’ve just been trying to get over a cold & sore throat. Honestly, I’m so tired I just want to go back to bed.

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. I’m looking forward to it warming up, since it got cold again, and I have a bad cold I can’t shake.

  • Cathy French

    Today is going to be relaxing if I have any say. LOL Just being on the computer today and making a grocery list for tomorrow.

  • Heather E

    It’s my hubby’s birthday. The 3rd one now that he has spent away. I miss him. Looking forward to the fulfillment of God’s promise to me that He will bring him home…


    Ugh! What a change in the weather: it’s grey, cold, rainy & windy! I have to head into town later to get a bit of grocery shopping & other bits and bobs and am not looking forward to it!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh. I’ve felt sick all day; just wishing I could go back to bed. It’s just a bad cold, but those can just annoy the crap out of you.

  • Rosie

    My day is going well. I’m managing to get some things done, and I love that feeling when you can cross things off the “to do” list!


    Today I’m playing catch-up doing the chores I should have done yesterday. I’ll take Dad some fresh flowers later this afternoon if the rain keeps off.

  • Mai T.

    I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day. You never know when it’s going to be over so I refuse to have a bad day – Paul Henderson. So today’s the day I embrace the moment.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, boy. My day would be better if I wasn’t dealing with a chest cold. I am so tired of coughing. Honestly, I just want to go back to bed, lol.

  • Gina Ferrell

    My day is going good so far just got done grocery shopping and putting all the good things away and now I want to snack and enter sweeps and contests. LOL

  • Rosie

    My day is going ok, I’m not looking forward to walking home tonight with 50 mph wind and rain and temperatures way back down. Not a good day to carry groceries home, either.

  • Edye

    Hi! My day is going good so far. I’m going to go pick up some grocery items with my family and come back home and crochet. Hope your day is good <3

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee


    Today started off quite well and full of good intentions then I sat on the bed while putting on my socks & fell asleep! Oh, well, the chores can wait another day!

  • Mai T.

    I bought a lottery ticket today and hope to win a prize of 40 million EUROS this weekend. I will definitely build the biggest dog shelter ever for my country.

  • Sue E

    My day is not going well!! I don’t really want to get into it, but it has to do with my 17 1/2 year old grandson – he is really acting up! Teenagers!!!!!!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    My day has been boring, lol. It has poured rain all day, so I just stayed in and did nothing but watch TV and play computer games until my niece & nephews got home from school. Then we watched SpongeBob. Now, it’s NCIS time.

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK. I’m on pins and needles about an elderly relative in the hospital with complications, otherwise everything is a good day.

  • Cathy French

    Today I’m trying to get several loads of laundry done but if history is any indication I will get one done then have to rewash it again tomorrow. So far so good today


    Happy St. David’s Day to all Welsh people everywhere! Mum is Welsh (she didn’t learn English till she went to high school) and this is the day for making her feel special.

  • Denise E.

    Well, after several days of above-normal temperatures most of our snow melted away. Unfortunately I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning to the sound of a plow going by…I didn’t even want to look, but I did. It’s still snowing and we are expected to get up to 4 inches. Rats!

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