$50 YOUR Way Monthly Giveaway! November 2023

Hello, little Peanuts. November is here. We are 62 days away from 2024?!?! WHAT!??! Yup, I’m full of great news today. Christmas is only 55 days away!

Today we put the snow tires on my little orange Subaru. You can blame me if it snows tonight.

I made a quick trip to California in October to watch my Granddaughter Alice perform Ursula in The Little Mermaid.  Since I still can’t believe the set of pipes on this kid, I’m sharing the video again. She’s ONLY 12!!

Wasn’t it just yesterday I was teaching her to read Pajama Time??

One more set of pictures. I finally went and retrieved the SDCard from the Trail Cam. Interesting bunch of animals. A mystery cat, A mystery dog. A skunk, lots of deer (but check out he cute little fawn, rabbit, and a really pretty bird.

November Giveaway

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!


This September Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stopped by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon options only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This giveaway is $50 US. This is a giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements and of course going through PBnWhine for your regular Amazon Purchases is always appreciated. Going thru my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission.

Win $50 Your Way! Tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, you can expect that all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course, ME!!

So, GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t forget to keep coming back… month after month….. year after year (you get the idea)

I am sorry, that stupid tweet button still doesn’t work. I’m so sorry!

GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I got that PET scan done today. So, that’s one worry over. Next week I go to the surgeon to see about setting a date for surgery.

  • gloria patterson

    When I left this morning with coat zipped, hood up, gloves and mask on……….. it was almost 30 degrees. I had to do some shopping had not been to the store in almost 2 weeks. When I walked out of walmart a little over a hour later temp was 50 degrees. I even got gas standing out with coat unzipped and nice warm breeze. We are in the 50’s for the next 5 days

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Highest temp today: 23 degrees 🙁 Had to head early to the Doc to get the BP monitor fitted & bloods done but the lock of the car door was frozen. Tried heating the key, spraying de-icer … eventually managed to get the back door open & clambered through to the front!

    • gloria patterson

      LOL Been there done that YEARS ago. Today I would never been flex enough to get from back seat to front. I solved that problem then by NOT locking the doors.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Sorry, but I had to laugh!! There’s something you can mix up at home and spray into the lock the night before a freeze to keep it from freezing–I’ve heard people talk about it. Look it up on google, I bet it’s there.

  • clynsg

    Managed to get the payroll checks for my grandson’s business out of the way early this morning, but have had real trouble getting the sign-in for the SSA for another grandson (the disabled one) reset. I can understand trying to make things safer for information on the internet, but so often the fix is completely unworkable.

  • Polly Hall

    My day is not going to badly, busy, I got my grosery shopping done today, vacuumed the house and drove 30 minutes both ways to help my husband take his truck into a service shop.

  • MPaula

    I answered an ad posted at the bus stop for people to adopt or foster a kitten. I went to get one 2 days ago. I was told that they had successfully got rid of fleas, the kitten was eating hard food and was litter trained. Only 2 of those were true! Not only is she full of fleas and flea dirt, I don’t think she had been combed. The nit comb I’m using has 2″ tines; every time I run it through her fur, all of the tines are covered with (mostly) dead fleas, dirt and fuzz (her undercoat). Some of the fleas are still alive but stunned, easy to kill. But that means whatever poison they used is still on her.
    So it’s an interesting start to the day. She is a cutie and that makes it worthwhile. (Have you ever met a kitten that wasn’t a cutie?)

  • heather

    My comment is not posting so I am trying it again. My day is going good so far just listeing to the news headlines. We are expecting some snow right above us tonight.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have to get up at 4 a.m. and leave here at 6 a.m. for a 7 a.m. appointment in Lexington for a PET scan. Ugh. I just hate the scans because they take place at the butt crack of dawn.

  • KaLei

    It’s a good day here. I had to make a bunch of phone calls and was able to connect with everyone. That usually doesn’t happen, so I’ll take it. Now it’s time for a coffee break.

  • gloria patterson

    It was 30 this morning and now up to 35………………………… BUT thursday high of 50 high temp for the next 5 days.

    It is to cold to go out so saving all my errands for tomorrow

  • heather

    I am just getting things going here this morning. I like to get up before the sun everything is nice and quiet. Hope you have a great day.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well one birthday behind me now 2 others and by the time Christmas is here I only have 3 more to go! All of us winter babies…Today I have got to get moving and do something.. lol….put on some music grab the broom and get going..

  • gloria patterson

    I am so happy that I am retired and don’t have to go out if I don’t want to.

    When I wake up I always check my phone first thing. Alert – School bus running 2 hr late due to cold (28) weather. It was still dark didn’t look out the windows. About 8 am checked phone again and OMG we got ice and snow. School canceled and don’t go out if you don’t have to. One woman posted she left home at 6:30 am and at 8 she was still not at work. It was just a light dusting of snow but with the temp the road were a mess

    Right now temp is 25 …………… tomorrow high of 30 BUT by thur we are back in the 50’s

  • heather

    I am up and getting the house warmed up super chilly here this morning. I am doing stuff around the house today and in the yard before the rain hits later this week.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I think I will be glad to see the end of this week, lol. I have to be in Lexington at 7 a.m. Thursday, so that’s a bummer. Ugh.

  • gloria patterson

    It was 33 this morning when I left at 11 am……………… Had my heavy coat on, gloves and hood up. Had to do some running around.

  • heather

    I was up and out the door early had to do some grocery shopping. I am all turkeyed out and needed to get some different things for dinner this week.

  • l p

    the day is going well, although far too quickly. a bit of snow this morning disappeared quite quickly. very happy the construction crew took the day off. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    My system is so screwed up…………… Wide awake again at 4 am

    Finally at 10 decided I needed a nap………………… 3 hrs

    Just being totally lazy today

  • heather

    I was up at 3am so I am getting the house warmed up drinking my tea and coming to my favorite blog. Hope you have a great Sunday.

  • Michele Soyer

    Making lists for tomorrow – have to make e a quick trip to do a bit of shopping – the refirgerator and pantry is empty…

  • Tamra Phelps

    The weather has already declared it to be Winter here. And my joints ache already, lol. Well, it’s going to be a busy week with doctors appointments this week. Slightly dreading it all.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Where did Saturday go? Awake early with Loki telling me that Ginger Boy, the stray, needing feeding, went back to bed and woke up 6 hours later! Just time to shove a pizza in the oven & vacuum the oats that little Bryn managed to pull apart all over the floor. Happy days!

  • heather

    I was up super early this morning just getting the house warmed up it was 25 degree here last night. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • gloria patterson

    Sister in law had so much good food…………. And when we got ready to leave everybody filled plates to take home.

    I was going to watch this movie that started at 8:00, turned the movie on leaned back in my recliner. The next thing I knew it was 2 am

    Didn’t get up this moring till almost 8 have not done much all day ………… lazy day

  • Polly Hall

    I had a really nice Thanksgiving with my husbands brother his son, my brother, our son and a friend of his brother that had nowhere to go. But I am very tired from doing all of the cooking.

  • gloria patterson

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!! Don’t work to hard getting the food ready and enjoying the time with family and friends.

    Off to sister in laws in a bit with my Kroger shrimp ring and my Walmart pumpkin roll.


  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I am getting ready to hit the kitchen soon to start cooking hope my turkey is thawed.

  • gloria patterson

    Great niece wore me out yesterday slept till almost 6 am. My mother gave me a grocery shopping list so off to walmart I go. I got everthing on her list and then this other stuff I know she likes. I have a folding wheeled cart that I take in the car lets say that cart was full!! The temp is about 40 just a little cool. Our temp is going down the rest of the week.

  • l p

    the day is going well. had a surprise visit from some family members – really made my day. good thing I had done some baking yesterday. thanks

  • heather

    I was us at 4am this morning just was done sleeping. I am doing some cooking and baking today so I guess I was ready to start early today.

  • Michele Soyer

    Thanksgiving Eve – making phone calls and catching up on emails… after breakfast taking out the turkey breast to thaw and making 2 apple pies….prepping the stuffing and then a nice single malt, music and my book!
    To all here who celebrate Happy Thankgiving! I am so grateful for all my blessings!

  • gloria patterson

    Niece texted me last night and wanted to know if I wanted her little pain in the ass today. Of course I said YES ……….. don’t think Zay was feeling real good she didn’t want to go out for breakfast and she didn’t want to go shopping. So we did painting and other crafts for awhile. Then off to great grandmother’s. They did makeup for each other. Then zay decided to be nosy in grandma’s stuff. They always have a good time playing together.

  • heather

    My comment didn’t post so I am trying it again. My day is going pretty good so far today. I am getting ready to do some major cooking tomorrow ahead of Thanksgiving Day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Got on well at the Doc. My BP was 130 over 70, say 125 to allow for anxiety. So def. not high. Going in next Thurs. for full bloods, 24-hr heart monitor (that’ll drive the cats crazy), and a new med for 10 days.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well normally on this day I would be doing all my lists for the holiday meal – pies and all the side dishes – even with my husband gone these 6 years my daughter and I have kept up traditions….with all my holiday dinnerware packed and with what is going on we are having a small non elaborate Thanksgiving – I do miss the hoopla but we are concentrating on moving so the joy and thanks are in that….I do plan on baking tomorrow!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Lord, it gets dark so early that I start to wonder why I even got out of bed, lol. Well, it has been a slow day but not too bad.

  • heather

    It has been one crazy busy day for me. I did a lot of running aroud and just got home a while ago. I am taking a break and thinking about what to make for dinner.

  • Anonymous

    Wide awake again at 4:30 this is getting old. Up and moving lots of running around this morning,. While at walmart I saw them putting Poinsettias out and though my would love one. So into the cart poinsettia, and a pumpklin roll. Check out and here and there…………. lunch time….. Stop at long john silvers and pick up fish/chips/hushpuppies and Crumbies! While there mom ate most of the fish and even had a piece of pumpkin roll. Home put everthing away………….. sat down in the recliner 2 hrs later feeling rested.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Stormy night & stormy day so no going out today but never mind, the cats get plenty of exercise scooting up & down my unpacked boxes! Been getting a bit dizzy again lately so going to the Dr. tomorrow morning.

  • Michele Soyer

    Up caffeinated and dressed – someone is coming to look at the property this early morning! Wishing hoping and planning – channeling Dusty Springfield!

  • Tracy Robertson

    My day is going well. It’s a busy Sunday and I had a lot of things to take care of, but it all came together well. Thank you for the chance and Happy Thanksgiving!

  • MarciaF

    A much better day than a week ago today. I had an epidural this week and while it’s not perfect, a lot of the pain has been relieved.

  • l p

    the day is going well despite the early start. who ever heard of construction on a Sunday morning? oh well, more time in the day to do things now. thanks

  • Denise Low

    I am just relaxing today. We had family over yesterday fo our Thanksgiving Dinner. And I am tired so I am just going to chill.

  • gloria patterson

    I though I was over this time change but guess I am not. 4:30 am wide awake I could not go back to sleep. Finally got up etc etc little this and not much of that. About 11 took a 2hr nap. Doing paper work clean up today.

  • Ken Ohl

    Not great my wife is suffering with mouth pain the doctors can seem to fin and get rid of I’m praying everyday that this pain will leave her

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went to the laundrette, picked up some firewood and some decent brown bread for later. Walked Bryn round the wilderness that poses as a garden and scrubbed my welly boots. That’s about it, really!

  • Rosey

    My day is going great. I’m a little out of sorts though with time. I’m hoping to change things up here shortly so that I have more of it!

  • Polly Hall

    It is my birthday today and I had a very nice one. Watched my nephew’s son practice in the marching band They will be marching in the Macy Day Parade on Thursday. Then we went to dinner with my husbands brother and wife.

  • gloria patterson

    Was up early and full of pep!!! All of the building posting flyers for my nieces hair cutting session next month. When I got back worked on and watered my flowers. Cleaned a little. Made egg salad and had a early lunch. Have clothes ready to go down stairs and do laundry.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the weather is wonderful for the time of year. getting lots of chores done – love crossing things off the to-do list. thanks

  • Maria G

    Hello!! Im very happy because its almost Christmas and my son is very excited, we are going to put out decorations this weekend.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Woke up this morning with one cat on my head, one on my chest & the stray ginger tom sitting on the windowsill looking in! Put the harness on Bryn & we all went out to feed Ginger. Bryn & I stayed out for best part of an hour getting to learn the smells etc. Hopefully soon he’ll be able to go out by himself.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today I should go out and weed again but I have no desire to….trying to motivate myself to do anyhting at all – my courses are done for now so I do plan on studying vocab over the season..next week is Thanksgiving and I pray that this is my last one here….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I finally got the transportation arranged for a scan I have to have next week. That took 2 weeks, lol. It is a giant pain dealing with some of these companies.

  • gloria patterson

    Up and out at 7:15 am this morning……….. off to eye appointment, you have to get there early to get a close parking spot. Got to see the Dr and everything is looking great and for the first time in over 50+ yrs I don’t have to wear glasses. My eyes are 20/25 and the right eye will continue to get better.

    Off to Kroger and walmart and them home. Surprise no nap yet!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Full of good intentions to continue working on the house till I turned over & slept till lunchtime. Ah well, it’ll still be there tomorrow! Have had a couple of mini-power outages lately so need to check the batteries in the torches.

  • l p

    not exactly the day that was planned. the kids were helping make cookies when one dropped the cocoa jar – cocoa all over the kitchen floor and in the refrigerator. the mess was cleaned up, cookies were made and they were very tasty. time for a rest. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Gotta love life…Agent called to let us know he was sending another aerial photographer .. we did this before but what the hell….the gentleman comes and from the looks of his photos is really good – one problem he cannot read a cadastral sheet! we had to explain it to him and watch the drone flying away in the basic direction of the property and hope it is right…well all the property looks the same just acres of it – he did the house and barn pond etc right so tht is on the money….today I should sanitize the aviary but blah! Ok I will….

  • Polly Hall

    The weather has been very mild for Nov. so today I did some yard work and put out some holiday decorations on the front porch.

  • gloria patterson

    Woke up at 4 am to go to bathroom………………. and could not go back to sleep! Finally got up got dressed did a little of this and that.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I actually got 6 hours sleep last night with the boys curled beside me. Feel so much better today so attacked my to-do list with gusto and am so relieved!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Really busy day at the welfare centre but we had a couple of older teens who walked the dogs which took some of the pressure off. It seems that for every cat/kitten that gets adopted we get 5 handed in. My back hurts so a bowl of soup & bed is called for.

  • gloria patterson

    For some reason I am full of pep today! Don’t know how long it is going to last. Feeling better today is the day Dr said I could be around people………………… Home I am 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterday the evaluator for the bank came to do another evaluation – it feels like we do everything – the same thing – over and over…there are times I feel like I am in a hell loop and can’t get out! LOL. anyway one must keep chugging along….every season of your life begins and ends for a reason…eventually we will board the plane and fly on – champagne anyone???

  • Tamra Phelps

    Bus was 10 minutes late picking me up for an appointment today, so I got there 20 minutes late. Argh. This has become the way they operate. You have to tell them a time half an hour early just to get there on time.

  • gloria patterson

    Feeling OK today not full of pep but not needing a nap 🙂 I am allowed to go out Wed with mask BUT I am betting that I don’t. Have to go to eye dr Friday for final check on my eye and maybe get prescription for glasses HOPE NOT but what ever.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some running around. I am making some deviled eggs today can’t wait till next week and don’t have to. Have a great day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    More piles of poo & very little sleep. The amount of work left to do on the house is becoming overwhelming so I made another list, breaking down each task into smaller units. Hopefully I’ll be able to get even one thing done per day.

    • gloria patterson

      Kate maybe the cats don’t like the liter you are using………… maybe try somethings else. Also placement of box or BOXES. Good Luck

      • Kate Sarsfield

        I use the same as they had in the Centre but I have tried a couple of others as well. Loki even spent 2 hours outside today then came in & crapped in the corner!

  • Erica Ardali

    Well I had an insanely busy day today at work and I struggle with Fibromyalgia. So tonight has been a sleepless and painful one. But stumbling across this giveaway has perked up my spirits a bit, so thanks for that.

  • gloria patterson

    Feeling so so, not good not bad. While I was at med express yesterday I picked up a card for “clincal research” on Covid. So I called left a message they called me back today and I told her I was taking the paxlovid and she said I would not qualify. OK thanks just hung up and she called back, there was a another stuff if I wanted to go today. Why not it was less then a 10 minute drive, filled out some paper work, she did 4 nasal swabs and handed me a check for $75.00 Told her I was available for any more studies

      • gloria patterson

        Kate it was a first for me. But I guess they would have clinical researches all over the world. My niece and her partner get calls from the one they deal with at least ever other month. Last one took them less then 5 mintues and the each made $50.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    There I was all geared up to do some work on my sadly-neglected house, then I discovered a smell in the wardobe/storage room. Three hours later I had cleared up a pile of poo & pee covered over with a couple of my sequined dresses. They’re hanging outside dripping away. Not in any mood to do anything now.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today is the holiday Divali.. It is raining and that of course does make it hard to keep the deyas lit – maybe later i will take a trip thu the village and look at the lights! We used to drive all around to see the lights when my husband was alive….

  • Mike Bratek

    It’s been a crazy weekend, but the best thing would have to be for our Cleveland Browns beating the top team in our division, the Baltimore Ravens, by a score of 33-31!

  • heather

    My day is going prety good. I had to make a run to the grocery store because I am craving some spinach dip in the sour dough round bread.

  • gloria patterson

    Well lucky me caught a cold while in recovery, there was air blowing on me had to ask for another blanket…………

    Told kick my butt cold going on yesterday. Spend most of the day sleeping!

    This morning my brain kicked in and said “OMG could I have COVID” So got a test kit out and ended with 2 bold lines………………….. YES

    Go to the Dr surprise they don’t test me they just gave me a prescription for PAXLOVID Also got 2 prescriptions incase my cold goes in to my chest. He told me by Wed I would be cleared to out

    After all the years and ALL of the shots … I get COVID

  • Michele Soyer

    Lawn man was due here at 6am it is 8am and no sign of him – I should be used to people always being late here – in all the years I ahve lived here it still amazes me how being on time is not a priority…maybe I am just cranky today! LOL

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Have I ever mentioned the night sky in Cloonfinnaun? It’s magical! No light pollution & no curtain poles up yet, so every night I go to sleep looking at the stars! Loki’s outside & Bryn’s shut in his cage so I can have breakfast in peace. Should never have introduced them to natural yoghurt!

    • gloria patterson

      “Cloonfinnaun” Its a good thing you grew up around there that would be hard to spell 🙂

      The night sky is why a lot of people have a sky light in their bedroom. The night sky relaxes a person. Sounds like your family is getting better all the time.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m kicking myself! I fell back to sleep after the cats woke me complaining about their empty bowls. By the time I woke up I had only 3 hours of daylight left 🙁 First frost of the year last night.

  • Michele Soyer

    Sun is shining brightly so out to pick up more coconut leaves and debris – lawn man coming tomorrow to cut and trim… Also the handyman is coming tomorrow to remove and install a new door from the patio area to the downstairs apartment…

  • gloria patterson

    Had to go get my eye checked. Was there at 7:30 (got a close parking spot) To check in had to stand in a line. Everything goodsee you next week! Got to stand in line to checkout. Had to go to korgers. Got home put everything away. Went to my mothers for a while, home. Gathers stuff I picked up for a friend in building who is sick. Back home OMG my knee was screaming!! I sat down in the recliner got up 3 hr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, knee is still screaming Being lazy sitting in my desk chair and moving to different rooms. Got a feeling I am not doing anything this weekend

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back to the test centre &, phew!, my car passed it’s road-worthiness exam for another year. Home, brunch & let Loki out by himself. He came back 30 mins later when I called him. Getting the hang of this!

  • Michele Soyer

    The best laid plans….I was going to bathe the pooch then chlorine all the walkways – it is pouring! Well guess I have to have more coffee and read for the balance of the day!

  • l p

    the day is going well despite the late start. got all the errands taken care of, a couple of necessary phone calls, and now ready for tea. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    Had my cataract surgery this morning (6 am) took a bit longer today…….. they were very busy. But peeking around the plastic shield its looking good.

    Got home took a 3 hr nap, pulled food out of the freezer Being very lazy today

  • heather

    I had a ton of running around to do this morning and now I am just getting the house warmed up sure was cold here last night but I am ready for it.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back to the mechanic & now the car’s fixed and it ‘only’ cost 800 rather than 1k. When I got home at lunchtime I went back to bed with the boys and they’ve only just woken me up, hungry (18.30). Back to the test centre with the car tomorrow.

  • Michele Soyer

    Life is ever changing – last year this time I said this was my last holiday season in this country – Thanksgiving on would be in a new country and a new home – well how wrong was I ! Anyway making the best of it grateful that I can once again say this is my last holiday here….

  • Tamra Phelps

    I expected the bus at about noon today for a 1 o’clock appointment–so I was puzzled when I opened the door about 11 to find a little tag on the door saying they had been here but I wasn’t here. What??? I had to call them. First they denied I had scheduled for 1 but I always get the confirmation number. So I gave that to them and they admitted I was right. Anyway, Billy picked me up about 12:30. He told me they had sent him here at 6 this morning!! I didn’t hear him knock because he didn’t knock, lol. He knew it couldn’t be right. It was obvious I wasn’t even up yet. He left that tag so I would know I needed to call. Oh, well. At least it was nice today. Got up to 77 here.

  • gloria patterson

    My niece was in the apartment building from 9:30 to 12:30 cutting and do hair. I was down there talking to her and others till she was leaving………… then decided I needed a nap

    So i have done nothing Head to the hospital in the morning at 6:15am and should be home before 9:30

  • heather

    My day is going so so just got home from doing some grocery shopping. I got stuck behind a woman in the 15 items or less line and she had a FULL cart of food and no one said anything to her! Ticked me off heck it ticked us all off who had to stand there and wait for her.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Very tired now. Just in from the animal welfare centre. Six cats/kittens & 2 dogs re-homed since last week but so far this week they’ve taken in 2 dogs and 15 kittens. That’s a lot of poo!

  • l p

    today is going well. no fog this morning so it’s safer and warmer out there. need to get some errands run later so hopefully the sun will stay out to warm us up. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Valuer had to cancel yesterday due to the torrential rain ,,…this morning I have to get out there and remove all the tree branches and debris.. sun is shining so the job will not be too bad…then a nice bowl of soup for lunch and maybe, just maybe a cocktail!!

  • gloria patterson

    This was going to be a lazy day………. BUT …. Got a visit from great niece grandmother (she lives in my building) she was taken care CC who is great nieces cousin. She likes to visit she can play with Zay’s toys and dolls and then we will go in the other room and paint, color, and look through my jewelry boxes.

    So I have done nothing

  • Tamra Phelps

    They called late yesterday from the doctor’s office to tell me they were cancelling today’s appointment because they had forgotten to schedule a scan the doctor wanted before he saw me–so now I have to do that later this month (and be there at 7 am–bevcasue that’s when they can squeeze me in) and that way it can be done and he can have a telehealth appointment with me on the 6th of December and I still see the surgeo on the 7th.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Long day today: Woken at 5 again with the sound of rustling in my room. Loki & Bryn had found the hidden stash of ‘treats’ and had eaten half of them, including some of the wrapper. By the time I’d tidied that up, they had both puked it all up in the hall & bathroom. Of course then they were hungry … Out of the house by 10, and collected a lawnmower I’d ordered online, did some grocery shopping, bought fuel for the fire & took the 2 lads for their 2nd flu vax & 1st leukemia vax. €170 for the 2 of them and my card was declined – AGH! I’d forgotten about a direct debit. Very nice about it & I can pay it tomorrow when I’ll have funds. Home, fed cats and self, lit fire & now we’re all curled up in bed.

    • gloria patterson

      ROFLMAO The joys of being a cat mother! Lesson learned store treats where they cannot get them……………….. Sorry They are loving on you now………….. slowly you are being trained LOL

  • l p

    today is going well. lots of thick fog today. it’s hard to even see across the street. hope the sun comes out soon to burn the fog away. lots to do… thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Went to the grocery yesterday and to the bank evaluators office to make a deposit on this new evaluation.. surprisingly
    ( the receptionist told me the scheduler would call in about 2 weeks) i recieved a call that he wanted to come today – hmm not 2 weeks. 1 day! LOL….so half one this afternoon we will have the property valued for the 2nd time…he is in for a surprise with the 6 acres – he thinks he is going to walk the whole property – told him he really should consider satellite imagry instead….unless he wants to wear boots and carry a machete to cut bush!

  • gloria patterson

    trip to walmart to pick up a few things………. and of course I always get more then I planned. Ran a few other errands. Got home about 2 and I was exhausted…………. Nice long 2 hr nap.

    • Nicole Watson

      Hi I’m not good. Been down and depressed for the last 2 days. One amazing thing happened to me though. I got to wake up and see another beautiful day. Thank God always. Having problems with my van it overheats in short distances but long distance driving it doesn’t. Hopefully I can get it figured out soon. Thank you for letting me vent. It feels good to get all this off my chest.

  • heather

    I just got in the door from doing some big grocery shopping boy does that wear me out. I am taking a serious break right now.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Cats woke me at 5am AGH!!! Fed them, back to bed & slept till 8. Tidied up, back to bed & slept till 3pm. Outside with Loki till 5.30 planting the last of the spring bulbs.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a bad day here. Realized the new wheelchair won’t work out. (Too wide for the lift on the bus.) So, I guess I’ll have to return it and find a different one.

  • gloria patterson

    In a one bedroom apartment I had to change 6 clocks this morning. Have not done much of any thing there are things I need to do but……………….. LOL

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day outdoors collecting wood, planting bulbs … Loki got stuck up a tree again, but he’s beginning to work things out and got down by himself. You should have heard him! Non-stop yowling! They both get their 2nd vax on Tuesday & soon I’ll be able to take little Bryn out with a harness on.

  • gloria patterson

    Lazy saturday for some reason the last of couple of day I have been sleeping till 7……….. maybe getting ready for time change.

    Won a air purfier almost 2 years ago and the fillter decided it was time to change it. So ordered new one got it this week……………. their was NO direction in on the filter box!! Finally found my paper work it took me a bit and then all at once do this and do that and filter was in.

    So all I have left to do is the laundry later……………

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some shopping. It is 75 degrees here today sure is pretty but I want some rain.

  • Marcy Meyer

    My day is going pretty good. Just doing the normal Saturday chores of laundry and house cleaning. I got my workout in and ready to relax.

  • Lisa Williams

    I was thinking about going out and about today but there is rain and high winds going on outside,it’s been this way since midnight and I’m waiting for things to calm down,so I’m staying in with my 2 cats.

  • l p

    the day is going well despite the early start. robocalls started at 6:30 this morning. at least they’re done now (hopefully). it’s overcast today but we avoided the miserable weather forecast for us so far. busy day so must get to it. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Gardening today catching up what I should have done when the wasps attacked me. Loki the tabby, spent the whole time with me, exploring, climbing trees, getting stuck. Luckily he’s very vocal and keeps in touch all the time!

  • DebP

    Well, I’m up and walking on my hind legs. My computer is starting to take forever to get going in the mornings, so I’m thinking it might be on it’s last legs. Not a good time for it.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the lymphedema clinic today for the edema treatments, which really help. Tuesday I go back to one of the cancer doctors (the cardiac oncologist who has to okay me for surgery.) So, busy next week with that and more clinic appointments.

  • gloria patterson

    It was 32 when I got up this morning decide to delay going to the grocery store. At 10 it was almost 45 so off I go. Couple items I wanted kroger didn’t have so off I go to Giant Eagle. Usually it takes me about 8 minutes or less to get to the other store. Today so much traffic and I took a short cut it still took me almost 30 minutes less then 5 miles.

    I can say I put all the grocery’s away but that is about all I have done since I got home

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Gorgeous day today, if cold, but I missed out on most of it by going back to sleep! Took Loki the older of the 2 outside while I chopped logs & he met a TREE!!!

  • l p

    the day is going well . we were supposed to get a major weather change overnight – hasn’t happened yet – but winter is coming. thanks

  • Anonymous

    So glad October is over and all the sadness with it… Have a new realtor, great guy but I now need a new property appraisal for the banks he works with – I feel like all I do is go in circles and spend spend spend.. LOL Trying to keep the chin up!

  • gloria patterson

    Another day of not getting much done…………. NO nap and still things I need to do

    I did cut up a butternut squash —- ALL it takes is a big knife and a hammer. Cut it in squares and added meltd butter and date syrup. Baked – timer- stir – bake – time Done!! It was so good!
    And as for clean I pulled the foil off the cookie sheet and threw it away DONE

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Annual car test today – passed everything except the handbrake warning light suddenly came on for no reason. So, back to the mechanic & then back to the testing centre within a month. Bummer!

  • heather

    My ass is chapped today! I had a dental cleaning scheduled for this morning. First they called me on Monday to confirm, then they called on Wednesday to confirm again, then today as I arrive at thier office (50 mile drive at $5.00 a gallon for gas) they say to me oh we tried to call you to cancel your appointment for this morning!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so chapped can’t even stand it! I am so having an adult beverage and best not talk to anyone else today until I simmer down! Thanks for listening I need to vent.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hmm, I wonder if Alice’s flair for the dramatic could have anything to do with who she spent her days with when she was young???? THE DRAMA QUEEN BEE!!! Dang, it is so cold here in KY!!

  • gloria patterson

    No trick or treaters last night and I didn’t buy any candy so I don’t have to eat it. 🙂 Woke up to 35 and light dusting of snow. Of course the snow idiots want more.

    A little bit of this and not much of that run the heat off and on. At 7 pm the temp is 35 and by 7 am it is going to be 26

    Makes me glad that I don’t HAVE to go out.

  • l p

    the day is going well. nothing untowards from tricksters last night so that’s a good thing. not much snow for the first of November which is always a good thing. thanks

  • heather

    I just changed the calender in the kitchen to November 1st still can’t believe it. It is going to be almost 70 degrees here today I am waiting for the rain love the rain. Hope you had a nice Halloween mine was quiet which is good.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Whoopee! No trick or treaters so I get to eat all the chocolate myself!!! Fireworks are illegal in Ireland except at properly organised community events & with a licence so children/families tend to go to those instead.

    Took my car back to the mechanic & am paying in instalments. There was a powercut (another storm) so he couldn’t even take my card – I transferred the money myself when I got home just now. Cancelled my stint at the rescue centre as I wasn’t sure how long it’d take.

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