Holiday Cash Giveaway!! $1500 CASH!!
I am trying very hard to have a TON of giveaways for you guys for the Holidays. Hopefully you can win something amazing to make your Christmas and entire Holiday season WONDERFUL!!! Check out this giveaway!! Three winners will each win $500!! I know that would make MY Holiday’s merrier!!
Terms & Conditions: This giveaway opens on 11/20/15 and ends on 12/20/15. It’s open worldwide, void where prohibited. There will be three (3) winners of $500 USD which will be paid via PayPal, or gift card of winners choice. Winners must be 21 years or older to win. Winners must complete all entries to be entered to win. Full Lives Reviews will choose a winner no later than 12/24/15 The entries will be verified and the winners will be contacted via email. The winners have 48 hours to respond and claim prize. If the winner doesn’t claim prize within 48 hours their prize will be forfeit and a new winner will be chosen. By entering this giveaway you are abiding by all laws and regulations in your country.

Sarah L
Yum. Peanut Butter Cookie Truffles
Patty R.
Basically our only holiday tradition is burning a bayberry candle on Christmas Eve. The legend says something like: “This bayberry candle comes from a friend
so on Christmas eve burn it down to the end.
For a bayberry candle burned to the socket,
will bring joy to the heart and gold to the pocket.”
But I have heard another variation.
Jennifer Boehme
My favorite holiday tradition is driving to look at Christmas lights. Still fun.
Denisa Ivascu
I love decorating the Christmas tree.
Francine Anchondo
Watching classic christmas movies
Mai T.
Finding a way to weave serving others into my holiday traditions is my favorite. Go sing Christmas carols at a local nursing home, make cards for troops, or drop dessert off to a local women’s shelter. This will not only teach my children valuable lessons about what’s really important, but it will lift your spirits, as well.
Jennifer Boehme
My favorite tradition is baking with my niece. Done that just today, with the Christmas music on and her singing.
Colleen Boudreau
Opening one gift each on Christmas Eve.
Sarah L
Singing with my choir
dec 18
My favourite holiday tradition is when we decorate our tree
Francine Anchondo
watching christmas movies
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with my family on Christmas eve!
Mai T.
On our oldest daughter’s first Christmas we read her the Christmas Mouse which is my husband’s favorite childhood story. Now we read it to all our children on Christmas Eve before we tuck them into bed to dream of sugar plums.
ken ohl
watching a Christmas Carol Christmas Eve and than gathering with the family on Christmas Day
dec 17
My favourite holiday tradition is getting together and decorating the tree
Sarah L
Have to get more eggnog tomorrow.
Francine Anchondo
go drive around and look at christmas lights
Patty R.
Time’s ticking down, fingers crossed. Good luck everyone.
Mai T.
This year we’re going to teach our children that there is more to life than getting a Sony Play Station. We’re limiting gifts to one per child and one gift to share. We are going to donate our time to a charity or soup kitchen. It’s our job to teach our kids that there are rewards beyond money or things. We hope we’ll have fun in the process.
Jennifer Boehme
My favorite is decorating the house with the Christmas music playing.
dec 16
My favourite holiday tradition is the decorating of our trip
My favorite holiday tradition is going to the midnight mass!
Mai T.
Every Christmas we buy an ornament to celebrate something that happened that year. When we got married, we bought a wedding ornament. The year we graduated from college, we got one with a diploma. This year we had our first baby. We plan to pick out an ornament for us, and start our daughter’s collection. We look forward to unwrapping the ornaments every year and remembering why we bought them.
Sarah L
Getting carols stuck in my head.
Our family Christmas tradition is exchanging presents (Secret Santa).
dec 15
My family tradition is decorating our Christmas tree
Joy Q
I love the tradition of spending precious time with close friends and family.
The Frugal Exerciser
I love feasting with the family and I love playing games afterwards.
Mai T.
We do 12 days of secret surprises for a neighbor starting today, bringing the appropriate number of goodies — one on the first day to twelve on the twelfth day. And we’re keeping our identity a secret. When the children were smaller we revealed ourselves on the last day because we thought they wouldn’t keep it a secret anyway.
Mai T.
After the kids are in bed on Christmas Eve, we leave a trail of elf prints from our fireplace through the living room. To make them, cut two sponges in the shape of small shoeprints, then dip them in a plate of “elf dust” (flour, baby powder, carpet deodorizer). The prints always stop at the tray of cookies and milk left out for Santa and sometimes the elves are a bit naughty and play with the presents. Our children love to figure out exactly what path the elves took.
Opening presents on Christmas eve
Sarah L
I like attending the Singalong Messiah.
ken ohl
Watching Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve and gathering with the family on Christmas Day
Jennifer Boehme
Favorite tradition is watching everyone open presents one at a time and watching their smiles.
dec 14
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with my family
Charlene S.
My favorite tradition is reading “Twas The Night Before Christmas” to my kids on Christmas Eve.
Francine Anchondo
Baking holiday treats with my kids
Joy Q
I like our tradition of making a bunch of different Christmas cookies.
Mai T.
1 of my favorite traditions: Whiping up holiday cheer by gathering family members to bake and decorate cookies. Assign youngsters manageable tasks such as pouring pre-measured ingredients, stirring, and making shapes with cookie cutters. Older kids can measure wet and dry ingredients, crack eggs, and roll out the dough. When the cookies are cooled, the best part begins: decorating.
Chantelle Walker
I love decorating the tree with my mom 🙂 we put on some Christmas music and go to town. We laugh at some of the older ornaments then comment on how stupid some are which end up on the tree anyway. All the while the dog is on the couch thinking her (or in former years his) humans are doing lol
Sarah L
Lots of eggnog
dec 13
I love decorating the Christmas tree with my family
Joy Q
I like the tradition of gathering the whole family together for dinner.
Mai T.
Trimming the Tree Together is our favorite tradition. The Christmas tree will be our home’s focal point for a few weeks, so we deck it out in style with Snoopy, Barbie, and others in the Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments lineup. We Fluff the branches, then hang lights (make sure they’re in perfect condition first!) starting at the base and working our way up before stringing garlands.
Jennifer Boehme
My favorite tradition is decorating for Christmas and the Christmas music playing.
We sign our Christmas cards the weekend after Thanksgiving and send them out on Monday.
Jennifer Boehme
Another tradition is baking with my niece. She has so much fun.
Sarah L
Putting an orange in the bottom of the stockings.
dec 11
I love going to the tree farm and picking out the perfect tree and cutting it down
Lorraine Bromley
As a single mother of 4 kids there wasn’t a lot of money to go around. Pizza was an extravagance. Every Xmas Eve we would order in Pizza and they would invite their closest friends on the block. As they moved away they tell me they do their best to kept up this tradition. It is a good memory.
Joy Q
I love the tradition of making ravioli with my grandmother for Christmas dinner
Krystal Waters
One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking a birthday cake.
Maranda Hymes
Favorite holiday tradition? Cookies and some classic Christmas cartoons with my family in the living room. The house is lit by holiday scented candles and the Christmas tree. I love this time of year, it makes me so cheerful. <3
Mai T.
Camping out in front of my Christmas tree one night is 1 of my favorite traditions. I Keep the tree lights on, read holiday stories, and snack on holiday treats.
dec 10
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating our Christmas tree
Joy Q
My favorite is getting to spend time with my grandmother.
My favorite tradition is decorating the tree with my family on Christmas eve!
Jennifer Boehme
My favorite is baking at moms house. Now my niece goes over and helps. Christmas music playing and having fun together.
Mai T.
Making holiday decorations ourselves is 1 of my favorite traditions! Decorate windows with paper snowflakes, glue glitter onto pinecones and arrange in a bowl, and visit kid-friendly crafts sites to get creative and fun ideas that will involve my children.
Sarah L
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
lissa crane
One of my favorite holiday traditions is decorating the Christmas with my kiddo’s! We play holiday music and dance around while we decorate too! It’s always something we look forward to!
Dec 9
My favourite tradition os Christmas eve at my parents..dinner together then Christmas eve mass
Paol Trenny
My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas Eve mass and opening of presents in the morning of Christmas Day.
Joy Q
My favorite is spending time with family.
Mai T.
My favorite tradition: As a family, write our holiday letter. Have each member contribute one memorable moment from the year to be recorded to share with friends and family.
Sarah L
I like getting a stocking full of fun things.
dec 8
I love going to Christmas eve mass with the whole family
Francine Anchondo
Baking cookies with the kids
I love the family gathering and smell of cinamon cookies
Joy Q
Spending valuable time with dear friends and family.
I love baking tons of cookies!! And eating them! 🙂
Mai T.
Sitting down with my child and write a letter to Santa is 1 of my favorite traditions. I’m always in for some surprise of how he thinks and wishes.
Sarah L
Lots of eggnog to drink.
Jennifer Boehme
My favorite is making hot chocolate and playing in the snow with everyone. Fun times.
lissa crane
My favorite holiday tradition is definitely when my youngest child puts the angel on our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve! It’s something we have done all her life and she looks forward to it every year!
Dec 7; Favourite holiday tradition is going to the tree farm and picking out the tree, cutting it down then decorating it
One family tradition we do is the one gift adult gift exchange.
Francine Anchondo
Looking at houses decorated with Christmas lights
Joy Q
I like the tradition of spending time with family while sitting near the tree
Mai T.
1 of my favorite traditions: Start a gag gift tradition. Give a funny gift to a family member. Each year, pass the gift on to another unsuspecting family member.
Sarah L
getting new socks
Kate F.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is watching Home Alone on Christmas eve.
Sarah L
Glug wine on Christmas Eve.
Francine Anchondo
Baking holiday desserts
I love going to Christmas eve mass with all of my family
Sarah L
Visiting friends
– Favourite holiday tradition would be when we decorate our doing that as a family
Joy Q
i like the tradition of everyone decorating the tree
Sarah Oswald
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with my kids.
Mai T.
Purchasing or making a holiday ornament for each child every year is my favorite tradition. This is a great reason to reminisce during holiday decorating.
Sarah L
A White elephant exchange is always fun
My favourite tradition; going to Christmas eve mass with the family
abedabun dawn
My favorite Christmas tradition is our Christmas plays at church. The kids always have a wonderful time while learning about the birth of Christ.
Francine Anchondo
Decorating the tree
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree on Christmas eve!
Joy Q
My favorite tradition is just getting together and talking to everyone.
Mai T.
Having my child start an ‘I Am Thankful’ list is 1 of my favorite traditions. Have him add one thing he is thankful for each day. I can turn this into a decoration by having him write it on a paper Christmas tree or snowflake that I then hang across the fireplace or some other area.
Sarah L
Helping out at a food bank.
My favourite holiday tradition is getting all dressed up and going to Christmas eve mass with the whole family
Joy Q
I like the tradition of making special holiday drinks for the adults.
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree with my family on Christmas eve!
Mai T.
Setting aside one night each week to watch a holiday movie or television special, such “Miracle on 34th Street” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” is 1 of my favorite traditions.
Sarah L
Attending holiday concerts
I like the tradition of us going to get our tree at the tree farm
Joy Q
i like the tradition of getting everyone together for dinner.
Mai T.
1 of my favorite traditions: Use an advent calendar to count down to Christmas. There are many varieties of advent calendars, from candles that are burned daily to boxes I open daily.
Sarah L
Wrapping packages with all sorts of recycled stuff.
My favourite holiday tradition is going to Christmas eve mass with the family then to my parents
Faythe M.A
I left another comment here –
Faythe M.A
My favorite thing at holidays is spending time with family, enjoying good times & food.
Joy Q
my favorite tradition is watching its a wonderful life on christmas eve.
Mai T.
Creating a holiday playlist that my family listens to in the car or at home is 1 of my favorite traditions. I never forget classics like ‘White Christmas,’ ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas,’ and ‘The 12 Days of Christmas.’
My favorite holiday tradition is spending quality time with my friends and family. Making memories & being grateful for the time we have to spend with each other. 🙂
Bonnie Caselman
I like the house getting a good “spring” cleaning for company.
My favourite holiday tradition; going to the tree farm and cutting down our tree then decorating it!
Sarah L
We never had an Elf…. We did have an Advent calendar to open every day.
Mai T.
Going to a tree farm to locate the perfect Christmas tree is 1 of my favorite tradition. At home, decorating it as a family or let the kids do their thing. Having some treats and hot cider or cocoa on hand to keep energy levels up!
I love making eggnog french toast every year for Christmas morning!
Bonnie Caselman
I like enjoying the lulll after all the frantic business of the Holidays.
Sarah L
I like hot open faced turkey sandwiches the day after Thanksgiving.
My favourite Holiday tradition is baking all the great sweets that will be shared with family and friends
Mai T.
Reading holiday books before bed each night is 1 of my favorite traditions. The Polar Express, Santa Mouse, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas are all excellent tales to boost my family’s holiday spirit.
Bonnie Caselman
I’ve always loved shopping for gifts for other people.
Sarah L
Eating buckwheat pancakes for Christmas morning.
My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the whole house with my daughter..getting excited it’s almost time!
A big family dinner.
my villa
clean up is in the morning
Mai T.
Starting the ‘Elf on a Shelf’ tradition is 1 of my favorite things to do during the holiday. My kids love it and it will keep them on their best behavior!
Sarah L
Bad link in form for
Sarah L
White Elephant exchange at my friend’s house.
My favourite Holiday tradition is going to my parents Christmas eve..having dinner then off to Christmas eve mass..wonderful memories
my villa
we all end up bringing our own desserts every year and have way too many. we always say that only 1 family member brings desserts but no one ever listens. it’s not really a tradition lol but it does seem like it
Joy Q
i like the tradition of making cookies with the kids
Mai T.
Walking door to door delivering Christmas cookies after I’ve made a batch is 1 of my favorite traditions. I’m sometimes surprised at the holiday spirit of the neighborhood.
Sarah L
How do you share this on Instagram?
Sarah L
Thanksgiving on Friday since the grandkids go to the other parents on Thanksgiving.
Kelly O
Unfortunately most of my favorite traditions and memories are about being with family. It is unfortunate because this year it will just be my husband and I. Everyone else has other plans/needs and so we are doing a solo holiday. In many ways it is making me even more thankful. I am so thankful that I usually have my family for holidays, and that I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful family.
My favourite holiday tradition is baking for it
Joy Q
My favorite holiday tradition is everyone going visiting my grandmother.
Mai T.
Checking out holiday lights in my area is 1 of my favorite traditions. I Get in the car, turn on my holiday playlist, and find brightly lit houses.
Sarah L
My tradition is always making deviled eggs for all parties.
My favourite Holiday tradition is going to Christmas eve mass with the family
My favorite holiday tradition is family holiday parties.
Joy Q
my favorite tradition is making the holiday dinner with my grandmother.
Holy batman, volunteer at the shelter is a tradition. Pick me, pick me! Your next winner!!! Show me the money!!! It would be a dream come true and means more to me than anyone else to win. Starving artist here desperately needs the $1500 to turn my life around, shop and eat. Winner, winnner. Chicken dinner. A life changing experience. Top of my bucket list. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest.
Kitty Iecvan
I love hanging out with family and dining on roasted duck during the holidays.
Mai T.
Seeing a local production of ‘The Nutcracker,’ ‘A Christmas Carol,’ or another holiday-themed show is 1 of the favorite traditions I like. Local residents have sometimes the best creativeness.
Maranda Hymes
Holiday traditions? Christmas movies, hot cocoa, and those amazing holiday cookies. But really all of the holiday season. I see my family, get to celebrate Christmas and my birthday, and people in general are more cheerful.
Sarah L
Working at the food bank to deliver holiday boxes.
heather eg kaufman
I love to see my kids open a family activity on Christmas Eve.
Mary Cloud
My favorite tradition is watching all of our favorite Christmas movies together
I love decorating our tree with the family
Joy Q
My favorite tradition was always helping my grandmother in the kitchen.
Kate F.
My favorite holiday tradition is getting new pajamas on Christmas eve.
Bonnie Caselman
I new trafdition for us in the last few years is going out for Thanksgiving dinner. It is such a relief! So much more relaxing than prepping & cleaning up after a big meal at someone’s home!
Mai T.
Seeing a local production of ‘The Nutcracker,’ ‘A Christmas Carol,’ or another holiday-themed show is 1 of my favorite traditions. The local residents sometimes have the brightest of ideas.
Francine Anchondo
baking Christmas cookies
Megan A
My fave holiday tradition is putting up home made/childhood ornaments with my siblings 🙂
sandra davis
My favorite holiday tradition is opening one present each on Christmas Eve and watching Christmas movies together.
Joy Q
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree on Christmas Eve.
Eating warm chocolate cookies and milk, watching Christmas movies!
Kelly O
One of my favorite traditions is that we are able to open one present Christmas Eve. It is always some of the best gifts. I think, in part, because we focus on just one thing, whereas Christmas day it is present after present, and the excitement is shared among many different items. It is such a fun night, as we all sit around and play with our new stuff.
Going to church for the evening mass. Then the entire family spends time preparing food for the Christmas eve dinner, followed by exchange of presents.
lissa crane
My favorite Holiday tradition is definitely baking Christmas cookies with my daughters! We do it every year since they were little and we always have so much fun! While we make and decorate them we listen to holiday music and tell stories about past holidays. They share their favorite memories from when they were little and I share mine. It’s a day I look forward to every year and it wouldn’t be the holiday season with out it!
My favourite holiday tradition is going to the tree farm and cutting down the perfect tree then decorating it with my family
Heather Howard
My favorite Christmas holiday tradition is reading a new Christmas book every night, stocking with fun things inside, having family/friends drop in Christmas eve and much more.
Thank you so very much for the opportunity, this year has been tough.
Good luck everyone!
I like baking cookies for friends and family.
Mai T.
Getting a handful of friends together and go caroling is what I love to do during the holiday season. I’m surprised by how well-received my singing group is, even if I’m out of tune!
Krystal Waters
Decorating the tree after Thanksgiving dinner.
Kimberley Thomas
My favorite holiday tradition is helping my elderly Mom decorate. As a single Mom ,she and I have done this most of our lives. And we still do !
Francine Anchondo
Christmas eve pizza
My favorite holiday tradition is watching It’s a Wonderful Life on New Year’s Eve. 🙂
Jillian Too
Every Christmas Eve, our whole family decorates gingerbread houses. It’s always a time of laughter and fun.
Jennifer Reed
One of my favorite holiday traditions is all the great food that is presented this time of year.
Jennifer Rote
My favorite holiday tradition is going to the winter carnival to see the festival of lights and Santa.
Sarah L
buttermilk pancakes for xmas morning that my father made
becky steward
Love putting up the tree
Sharon Braswell
I always make Christmas Cookies with my daughter!
I love baking for Christmas!
Alona Y
Every year the whole family goes for a walk all around the wooded trails around my dads house, it’s such a nice thing to do with family.
Connie Lee
My favorite holiday tradition is every year my husband’s very large family (he has 13 brothers and sisters) gets together for a big dinner, with everyone bringing something and socializing.
I really want to win this giveaway because I need to get Christmas Shopping!!!
Patty R.
This is a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.
Heather | All Roads Lead to the Kitchen
I have so many favorite holiday traditions, but our crazy family holiday ornament exchange on Christmas Eve is probably tops!
Sherry Fram
Great giveaway! Thanks!
heather eg kaufman
I like watching the kids open a Christmas Eve gift. It is usually a boardgames or movie for the family.
Darlene Sullins
My favorite holiday tradition is all of us in the vehicle driving around looking at all of the Christmas lights!
Tamra Phelps
A favorite tradition is setting up our Christmas village. My nephews love the little amusement park with the carousel, & Ferris wheel that plays carols.
Gladymar Rodriguez
I love doing the gingerbread house with my brother. We have been doing that for over 14 years. 😀
juli guthrie
My favorite holiday tradition is going home to see my parents! Spending time with my kids and my parents is great.
Bonnie Caselman
I like the evian® Facial Spray’s Bon Voyage Sweepstakes!
Krystal Waters
Another tradition is opening one gift on Christmas eve.
Mai T.
Gift giving is my favorite part of the holiday tradition. Though food and gathering are quite great, gifts bring the excitement of surprises.
Kate F.
My favorite holiday tradition is watching Home Alone on Christmas eve.
Bonnie Caselman
I volunteer to work every Christmas (& usually Christmas Eve) so my coworkers can spend time with their loved ones.
Pamela Gurganus
My favorite holiday tradition is opening one gift each on Christmas Eve.
barbara dunaway
When the whole family use to get together at my grandmother house and have dinner and laugh about thing that we done.
My favorite Holiday tradition is buying a Christmas tree and decorating it.
Sarah L
Opening 2 packages Christmas eve. One contains new PJs and one has a surprise.
Thanks for the contest.
Tamra Phelps
My favorite holiday traditions are all food related, lol. My grandma’s cornbread stuffing or Rum Cake would be right up there with the greatest memories I have.
Kelly O
My favorite tradition is going to my Grandmothers house and helping to prepare the meal, while all the boys play football outside. It is such a great time. I love spending time with all my cousins and I love how each year it grows into a larger and larger group of people.
My favourite holiday tradition is going out to the tree farm..cutting down the perfect tree then everyone decorating it while watching Holiday Classics on tv
Krystal Waters
One of my favorite holiday traditions is eating Chinese food on Christmas day and watching A Christmas Story with the family, I think it’s been at least 12 years we’ve been doing this, it’s so much easier than having to be in the kitchen cooking again.
Lisa Cooper
My favorite part of the holiday season is being with family and friends!
Sharon Braswell
My favorite holiday tradition is going to my Mother’s house and helping her decorate after Thanksgiving! We have SO much fun!! Thank you!!!