$50 Your Way November Giveaway!!

This is my November Your Way Giveaway.  Back in September I decided to combine my two personal giveaways to make a single $50 Your Way Giveaway.  This giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!  Congratulations Kathie C!! Kathie chose PayPal.

Origami Peacock

On to the November Giveaway, same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by.  This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.

Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!! Because of Facebook’s new rules I can’t make Facebook likes an entry HOWEVER!!! I am giving extra entries if you share this giveaway on Facebook, the entry is REFER FRIENDS FOR EXTRA ENTRIES.

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and every one of you!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!



  • Mai T.

    It’s the first day of the Christmas month, I’m trying to participate in all kinds of advent calendar I could find online. I wish Christmas days are closer so I could have some rest and good food.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, it was a nice day until about 2 hours ago, when my 10 year old nephew realized his phone wasn’t in his backpack. They searched their house, then our house (across the street) & realized it had to be somewhere in the yards in between. So, they all spent an hour outside in the dark with flashlights looking for a phone in the grass…& the phone’s case is green camo, lol. Finally found it!!!

  • Trisha McKee

    My day is going okay. It is a bit stressful because I have to go to work tonight. I would much rather stay home and watch holiday movies and enjoy my Christmas tree.

  • Betty C

    My day is just starting and it’s snowing. It’s so pretty but I really hate driving in it. There is no way I can get to work without going up or down a hill and the older I get the more I dislike driving on slick streets.


    Any tips on how to get rid of the smell of curry? I whipped up a big pot of it last night and now the kitchen/dining room smells like Mumbai! It’s too wet & windy to leave the kitchen door open & the extractor fan doesn’t seem to make any difference! Other than that, my day’s going fine, thanks!

  • Mai T.

    Last day of November is here. I feel the Christmas spirit all around when the city square is lit up with Christmas decorations. We had also fireworks on the Christmas opening day.

  • Stephanie Larison

    My day is going great. I was super productive…went through all the kids clothes and toys and donated 7 huge bags of stuff. Got to make room for the new baby!

  • Carolyn Daley

    I am feeling a bit bummed this evening, but things are going to be better in a few minutes once my loaded potato and chicken casserole is ready.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home except for a quick trip to Walgreens to pick up my free 8X10 picture. Now to enter lots of end of month contests.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a rainy, nasty day here in KY. Yuck! Oh, well, at least it’s just rain. Before it got to us, this rain was an ice storm west of us!


    Another very windy night that kept me awake till 6am. Got up 10ish to find that we had no power – poop! So it was a matter of keeping warm until the power came back at 3pm then quickly got the dinner prepared & in the oven, had a quick shower, did a bit of ironing (ugh!) and here I am!

  • Mai T.

    I had a super fun time with the girls today. We dined at a fine restaurant in town. Then we went dancing in a club with great music. We all went home early as the club got more and more crowded.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today started bad. I reached for my roll on deodorant & couldn’t understand why it was burning. Hmm, it was actually roll on mentholated arthritis medicine. Geeze! That stuff is hard to wash off, lolol.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    My day is going great! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Today is cooler but sunny and we are just hanging out and relaxing.


    Another wet, wild & windy day in the ‘Sunny South East’ of Ireland! Still I have to look on the bright side: it’s too wet to wash clothes so that means no ironing! Happy days!

  • Mai T.

    It’s a super windy Saturday. I want to bike to work but it does not look feasible now. I hope it’s not so crowded today in the restaurant though it’s Christmas opening.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Not a great day today. Nothing horrible happened, just a dozen little annoyances, lol. I seemed to drop everything I picked up, I accidentally ate something I’m mildly allergic to, and at this point I just ought to go back to bed & stay there, lol.


    It’s only 3pm here but I left the house at 6.30am (agh!) to take my niece to Dublin for an appointment & back, then did the weekly shop and ran a couple of errands around town and headed home. It bucketed down all the way back – honestly there were flash floods, lightening & everything. I’ve just got out of my wet clothes & had a big mug of tomato soup to warm me up and I intend to do absolutely nothing else for the rest of the day!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was long, lol. We aren’t doing Thanksgiving dinner until Saturday (too many had to work today), but I’m babysitting while others go shopping for those deals.

  • Jennifer Boehme

    I had a busy day. And most of Christmas decorations are up. Taking it easy now. Hope everyone here had a Happy Thanksgiving!


    I had a lovely evening yesterday when 2 friends arrived down from Dublin. Both Mum & I taught with them and it was lovely to catch up & reminisce – we laughed ourselves silly! I actually went to bed with a smile on my face! Then back to the usual bleh hundrum today but I’ve got Pilates tonight to look forward to. I have to leave the house at 6am tomorrow morning to drive my niece up to Dublin for 9am – ugh!

  • Mai T.

    I have the intention of going back to my birth country and work again today. Leaving the benefits of this great nation is never a wise idea. But I miss mom and her food.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was a pretty nice day. No rain, a little chilly but not horribly cold, so it was a nice Fall day & I had nothing much to do, lol.


    Busy morning preparing an Indian meal – we’ve got 2 friends arriving down from Dublin for a late lunch. I haven’t seen them in ages & they both live overseas now so weren’t able to get back for Dad’s funeral. It’ll be good to catch up!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    My day is going great! I’m packing to go away for a couple of days to the beach for Thanksgiving. Can you believe Christmas is only one month away!?!

  • Mai T.

    Yes, as expected, snow has melted and now it’s slippery as hell outside. I’d rather it much of snow or no snow at all. The time in the middle is the worst.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my niece & nephews are now out for Thanksgiving break, so I can expect some early morning babysitting this week. (We live across the street.) I expect a loud day tomorrow, lol. So, tonight I’m enjoying the quiet.

  • lissa crane

    Well I got into a bit of a fender bender this morning, so my day isn’t so good. Everyone is ok and it wasn’t much damage or my fault, but even a little damage is expensive to fix, so I am a little worried today! On the bright side, neither me or the other guy was hurt and we both walked away, so I guess it could have been much worse! Just not something I want to deal with right before the holiday!


    Brrr! It’s still close to freezing here but at least the cold wind has dropped. I managed another small walk again today, just down to the village & back (about 30mins) which is brilliant progress, even if I do say so myself!

  • Mai T.

    It’s so cold to wake up today and it took ages to scrap all the ice off the car windows before we can leave anywhere. Weather forecast says it’ll be plus degrees and everything will melt soon.

  • Tamra Phelps

    What a day. My youngest nephew (6) decided to show me how to catch popcorn by throwing it in the air & trying to catch it in his mouth, lol. needless to say, I wound up with a carpet covered in popcorn, lol.

  • lissa crane

    My day is going great! I had a wonderful breakfast with my kiddo’s and we are having so much fun planning our Thanksgiving feast! We have a lot more food shopping to do and it will be hard work, but in the end I’m sure we will have a great holiday, as always!


    I don’t know what’s wrong with my body clock but I was still wide awake at 6am. Then I slept till lunchtime and woke up with a bad pain in my back. I skidded on a piece of moss while I was out walking yesterday so I must have pulled a muscle.

  • Mai T.

    Last week of the month is here again, which means extreme business of reports. I hope everything goes fine this time since I’ve screwed up many things during last week.

        • Tamra Phelps

          She is. She’s just fed up with having to wait so long to get her dentures, lol. But that’s how it goes when you use a teaching college. You go at their (the students) speed to get it done at half price.

          • KATE SARSFIELD

            Good to hear she’s on the mend. I was used as a ‘guines pig’ for a (then) new technique for veneers. My dentist was also a Prof. at the main dental hospital in Ireland and I had the whole thing recorded & before and after photos etc. surrounded by eager students! Now I am a bit of a drama queen & do enjoy being the centre of attention, but with my mouth wide open? For 5 hours? Still, 25 years on my composites (the veneer is painted on like nail polish) is still ((touch wood) as good as new.


    I’ve just had a lovely lazy day so far but I’m going for a short walk soon before the sun goes in. I’m trying to get my leg stronger and walking a little bit everyday gets me into the fresh air as well..

  • Pamela Gurganus

    My day is going really good. I got up this morning and cooked breakfast for my husband. It’s cool and raining outside, so it’s going to be a nice, relaxing day!

  • Mai T.

    I won a prize from a blog giveaway so it’s kinda a goo start for Sunday. Though snow is still everywhere and we need to plough our way to the car, it’s kinda fun since it’s still the very first days.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It was a gray, rainy day & I swear it started getting dark at 2:30, lol. Not a great day. Oh, well, nothing went horribly wrong.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home except for going out to get a replacement pizza. They gave me the wrong one yesterday. Gave me the right one today.


    Even we had a bit of snow last night (Ireland) which is really unusual for here. It didn’t last but the temp fell below freezing for the first time this year. Another excuse to pile on another layer of clothes and get out all my woolly hats! Busy morning doing the usual chores and I’m taking Mum up to visit Dad’s grave in a little bit before the sun goes down,

  • Bonnie Caselman

    First snow of the season here in my part of Missouri. Not much but it was there. I had to laugh at Mai T’s comment. “My mortal enemy”, ha ha ha! I so agree!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Well, once again I’m still up and can’t sleep! But we’re supposed to have stormy weather later today, so maybe I’ll get a good nap in.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class then I went to Home Depot to get mouse traps (silly buggers) and then to Kohl’s to look for some warm pants. Didn’t find any so I just got some Godiva chocolates with the $10 gift card they sent me.


    It’s a lovely day here in S.E. Ireland: cold but dry & sunny. We”re in for bad weather this weekend though so I’m trying to get all my errands done before then! Had Pilates again last night & even though I’m fat, unfit & over fifty I’m the most supple in the group! I’d like to be able to say it was from doing exercise but the truth is I’ve always been able to do the splits etc. and ballet when I was little certainly helped!

  • Jennifer Boehme

    My day went fine, but real cold today..and this is not the worst yet. My Pug seen vet and got meds, she has a cold or pneumonia, but 24 hrs later, and she is acting better than before she went sick and coughing.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was a little gray & overcast, but it will look good compared to this weekend. We are supposed to drop below freezing! Well, it had to come eventually.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. Got 3 packages from UPS: books, essential oils and my new swim suit. ARC came by and took away some stuff (have to do the 1-in 1-out thing)


    I went for a ‘nap’ yesterday that lasted nearly 5 hours! Obviously I thought I wouldn’t sleep last night – how wrong was I! I slept from about 2am till almost lunchtime and I’m still tired. The only time I felt this tired was when I had jetlag! What’s going on? Should I be hibernating?

  • Pamela Gurganus

    Well, it’s going to be another rough day. I can’t sleep again and I can feel sickness coming on. I just hope it comes and goes before Thanksgiving!

  • Tamra Phelps

    What a day. Trying to help my 10 year old nephew with his science homework drove me to cussing, lol. Why teaches 4th graders physics??

  • Barrie

    My day started with a moody teen but once she was at school my dogs snuggled with me. Despite rain and dropping temps, the day is good.


    Another night, another storm so I got very little sleep and I had an early appointment this morning at the Doctor to keep an eye on my thyroid. The wind was up to 90 miles an hour but the worst seems to be over and we didn’t lose power thankfully!

  • Mai T.

    I’ve decided to go home to mom on Lunar New Year for a week. Though it’s not a long time but I know mom will be glad. Can’t wait to leave, it’s another 2 months.

  • Birdie Skolfield

    My day went wonderfully. I went to lunch with my husband & daughter, lots of laughs & tacos. Im so lucky to be able to spend time with them.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my youngest nephew is here, so I’m in my 3rd hour of children’s programming, lol. How much SpongeBob can one person take?

  • Mai T.

    It’s been 14 days since I started the project of 1 minute stretch every hour. It feels great but people still look at me like I’m a maniac. I think they’re all happy with their big bellies.


    I’m having an ok day so far. Storm Abigail has finally blown her last so I’ve been tidying up the garden & fixed a loose gutter. Not bad considering I’ve only been out of a wheelchair a couple of months!

  • Mai T.

    The Sunday went by so fast we are tired of the Monday again. Doctor Who has been our companion this weekend so we’re looking forward to watching his new adventures.

  • Bonnie Caselman

    It’s my Friday!. That’s one good thing about working weekend nights, when everyone else is dragging themselves to work Monday morning, I’m doing my happy dance leaving work for the week.

  • Barrie

    My Sunday is going…meh…my beloved Packers lost with so many chances at the end to tie or win! Such a bummer. Now I’m off to deal with a teen who’s in an odd mood…her words. BUT I’m blessed to have sight, be alive, and see the beautiful day!


    Oh, Lord it’s a day for curling up by the fire! Not too cold or wet but Storm Abigail is still in full, in-your-face mode and it’s getting dark already (4pm here). I made some of my peppery homemade tomato soup last night so time to wrap my hands around a steaming mug & snuggling down with my latest book.

  • Jennifer Boehme

    My day is just starting and my Pug is breathing weird and coughing sporadically. Vet not open till tomorrow, so she I may be spoiling her a little extra today, I feel so sad she is not feeling well.

  • Mai T.

    We are quite disappointed with the expensive cake since it’s not as good as we though. We’ll order another one in the future with chocolate so it can’t go wrong.

  • Pamela Gurganus

    It has been an absolutely wonderful Saturday! The weather has FINALLY turned cooler here in central Florida and that always makes me happy!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s a fairly nice Fall Saturday here in KY. It’s about 60 outside, which is great when you consider this time last year we were below freezing & it had snowed several times already, lol.


    I stayed up late watching the events in Paris unfold and then tried to get news of friends living there. Thankfully all are safe. I cannot understand the mentality of anyone who would even consider this sort of atrocity. Yes, I would fight to defend my family if someone/something threatened their happiness/life but this killing of hostages & bystanders … can’t get my head around it.

  • Linda Meyers-Gabbard

    So far so good. Have been awake since 3:30 am after 2 hours of sleep. I have fibromyalgia, for those who don’t know much about it, one of the symptoms, side effects, horrors(lol) is insomnia.
    You can go days without sleep. It is NOT FUN.
    You can be so tired you don’t think you can keep your eyes open for one more minute, you go to bed and you toss and turn all night, and you get absolutely no sleep at all.

    Just one of the many, many, many horrors you have with Fibromyalgia.
    Don’t get me wrong I am not complaining. Yes, it is difficult, disabling and debilitating, there is no cure or magic pill to relieve the pain (contrary to the commercials the pharmaceutical companies run). I have learned to live with it and am accepting lot in life.
    I am blessed with a support system that have read up on Fibromyalgia, an know what I am going through, I am grateful for each one of them.

    My issues are nothing compared to what millions of others are going through. My heart goes out to each and every one of them.

    Prayers to the people in Paris and the families of the victims. It is sad. May God be with them.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was a pretty good one! Nice Fall weather, got to see my youngest nephew & haven’t seen that dang mouse for several days (fingers crossed, he’s gone.)

  • Sarah L

    New lady in my swim class. I love teaching my class; we joke around and have a good time. Off to hear a concert tonight that a friend is singing in.


    At last Storm Abigail seems to have blown itself out! There’s hardly any leaves left on the trees now but the sun is shining & it’s dry (phew!), so no complaints from Monamolin, Co. Wexford.

  • Mai T.

    We ordered a huge raspberry cake for us to eat at no occasion at all. Sometimes, indulging yourself with cake is just the best feeling in the world. Money can certainly buy short-term happiness.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I found a really good deal on the Skylanders Superchargers at Toys R Us, which my youngest nephew NEEDS for Christmas, go it’s a good day!

  • Rosie

    My day is going OK, could be worse. I did get covered with cold wet water from a truck that came close to the sidewalk and a huge arc of water went all over me, so I’m soaking wet, and realize I have holes in the bottom of my sneakers from the amount of water that they took in. but I’m drying out and getting things done!

  • Bonnie Caselman

    Good >>> Already know what I’m going to fix for dinner. Bad >>> Youtube seems to be on the fritz and I’m starting to have withdrawals.


    It’s lunchtime on the 12th & I feel like I didn’t sleep at all last night. It’s been very stormy here in Ireland & there’s worse to come apparently. All I know is that I’m really tired & I have a late night ahead of me with a Pilates class and choir practise.

  • Mai T.

    The post office has one job and it manages to screw up my order. Instead of receiver name, there’s a sender’s name written on it. Now I can’t pick it up til I’ve got proof it’s mine. What a nonsense!

  • Christy Caldwell

    I woke up late, kids missed the bus, they had to have an extra meal tonight AFTER dinner, my dryer broke, and I didn’t get a nap. ? I’ve had better. Hehe

  • Tamra Phelps

    I spent most of the day still fighting the battle to get the mouse out of the house. He has taken up residence in my closet & that just won’t fly!

  • Peter G

    I am having a relaxing day and enjoying the nice weather. The lawn needs to be gotten into shape and I am going to the garden store.


    Another day when I woke up needing more sleep. Perhaps it’s the recent change in the hour but my body clock is all muxed ip (as we say in our house!).

  • Mai T.

    It’s a day full of phone conferences and people are awful on these things. They keep shouting without knowing others can hear them clearly enough. Technology is not for old people.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was a typical Fall day here in KY. A little bit gray but later the sun came out, lol. Not bad compared to last year when it was snowing by now.


    Another cold, wet & windy day, but I had a lot of errands to run so at least I was kept busy. Choir practice tonight and we’re starting on Christmas stuff ready for a couple of recitals we’ve got coming up – bah humbug!

  • Mai T.

    It’s a really cold day today. I went to the tax office to stalk people’s income. I earn quite well but I have 2 jobs. Co-worker are making more than me even with only 1 job. I hate this world.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Still trying to convince that field mouse to leave our house peacefully! Lol, he just won’t listen to reason, so the traps have been set. Secretly, I hope he just leaves!


    The storm last night not only kept me awake, it also blew one of the bins over, so that’s my main job for today; picking up rubbish from around the house & field – ugh! It’s still very wet & windy though so I might leave it a while longer!

  • Mai T.

    I’m again back to thinking of moving home today to be near mom. I hate that country but my mom lives there so I need to re-consider the options.Leaving a civilization to be living in a low life country isn’t easy.


    What a change from yesterday! It’s bucketing dowm & the wind? It’s the tail end of a hurricane or typhoon from the Atlantic. I’ve dug out the flashlights & candles as we always have power cuts in this kind of weather but at least we have a roof over our heads.

  • Mai T.

    I wish a happy FAther’s DAy to all the good Fathers in the world. Mine may not be the good one in my definition but I love him and forgive whatever he’d done to the family.

  • Madeline

    Day went pretty well. My hubby sold his jeep so he’s really excited about that. I’m planning a b-day party for my daughter.


    It’s a glorious Autumn Saturday – the sun is shining, the laundry’s drying in the breeze & I’m about to defrost the freezer. I love messy jobs!

  • Mai T.

    I just woke up, drinking coffee and eating breakfast now while waiting for time to past and then I’ll go to work. I hope it’s not a crowded day for the restaurant. The weather is bleak and rainy.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It was kind of a gray day today, and my niece was here (home sick from school.) Now I guess we wait to see if we all catch it, lol.

  • Rosie

    woops It’s Friday and I’m loving it!! Getting ready for the holidays, recipes picked and starting to get my baking items – whopeee! so many good sales, too!


    Friday afternoon and I’m just back from Dad’s grave. The guys are there putting up his headstone. It really is so final & permanent. God, I miss the old bugger! I don’t have anyone to argue with anymore!

  • Sarah L

    I’m leaving for our chorus retreat at Estes Park on Friday afternoon and won’t be back until Sunday and don’t plan to do any computer stuff for the whole weekend.

  • Mai T.

    It’s Friday and I got a message that I’d be salary raised if I learn new techniques at the restaurant for a month. What great news! I need all the money I can possibly earn now.

  • Rebecca Orr

    Hello there! The weather here in NY was super nice today. I heard that things are going to be getting chilly in the next week though. I am not the biggest fan of the snow so I am not looking forward to our first flakes. I am however excited for Christmas! I have three kiddos and I know they are super excited too! They can not wait to see what Santa will bring them.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was pretty nice. Nice weather, in the 70s, but tonight things are going to get cooler & stay there, I think, lol.

  • Sarah L

    FedEx came to my door this morning with a package I had to sign for. Turned out to be the Back To The Future trilogy that I don’t remember entering for. Probably was a second place prize for something else I was trying to win.

  • Heather Cowin

    My day is going super well, and I hope the same for you! 🙂 It’s been pretty quiet, aside from the usual dog barking in my home!


    At last I’ve found some pretty bras that fit instead of plain matronly over-the-shoulder-boulder-holders! And only 12 euro each (about 10 US dollars). Thank you eBay! Made my day!

  • Becca

    My morning was a bit on the stressful side, but then I went to yoga and did orientation at a new job. Then I went out to dinner with my dad and now I am watching the VMAs. My day is going to end on a great note!

  • Sarah L

    How was my day?????
    Whoppy Ding Dong!
    Greetings from Magzter! We wish to convey our heartiest congratulations to you on being chosen as the winner of ‘Explore the World’ giveaway contest, and you have won yourself amazing gift cards worth $5,000. Grand Prize includes one (1) $2,000 American Airlines gift card, one (1) $2000 Marriott gift card, and one (1) $1000 VISA® gift card, for a total value of $5,000.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s just before 6 p.m., and it’s dark outside. The days are suddenly so short, lol. But it was a pretty nice, warm day for November.


    It’s still early-ish here but I’ve been busy with chores & now the sun is shining so I’m going to potter about in the garden till it gets too chilly – I love getting my hands dirty!

  • Mai T.

    My day has been down since I saw a video of forest thieves snatching rhino horns, leaving them injured and left without mercy. I wish those would die the most painful death.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Wow, it’s getting dark too early now, lol. The day seems over but it’s just 6:30! I need to get used to this, I guess.


    Ay, it’s a grey day today! Grey sky, grey mood … but I’ve got choir practice tonight so time to warm up my vocal chords! Just as well we’ve no neighbours!

  • Tamra Phelps

    If my Grandpa were still alive, today he would’ve been 101. He passed away in December 2001, so he’s been gone for a while, but on days like this we all still miss him.

  • Kristin S

    My day is going well! Exercised, grocery shopped, applied to some jobs, about to make stuffed shells for our second wedding anniversary. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Jennifer Boehme

    I have had 2 hours of sleep, back hurts. Get pain shots in 2 days, yay. Have ham & beans in the crockpot and visiting bloggers while I have to sit.


    It’s 2pm Monday the 2nd November here in the so-called ‘Sunny South East’ of Ireland and actually it’s not a bad day at all. It’s been really mild for the time of year & the sun is shining but the mildness brings with it lots of mist & fog which isn’t great for driving in but is very atmospheric! I actually managed a small walk yesterday to the graveyard and back. I brought Dad some of the last of this year’s roses; beautiful yellow ones that brighten up his corner of the cemetary.

  • Mai T.

    First day of November at work. I wish myself luck and consistency with new lessons to learn in my job. I hope November goes easy on me since the holiday is approaching.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a fairly nice day. I’m a little stunned at dealing with about 200 trick-or-treaters last night. And spending about $40 on candy…with none left for me, lol.

  • Barrie

    This Nov 1st morning has been lazy and wonderful, sitting on the couch next to my teen as she does her homework. Drinking my coffee and eating a few pieces of leftover Halloween candy…life is great!

  • Pamela Gurganus

    My day is going absolutely amazing! It is November 1st and next to Christmas, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Today is also my 12th wedding anniversary. It is so fantastic being married to my best friend. Happy November everyone! 🙂

  • Stephanie Phelps

    My day started early for some reason I woke up at 4:30 and could not go back to sleep! I would love to blame it on the time change but I think it is just me! It is going well though I already got a lot done!


    It’s lunchtime on a VERY misty Sunday. For the first time ever we had no trick-or-treaters last night but it was probably out of respect following Dad’s death. Mum’s just back from playing the organ at Church so we’re going to have lunch & then go up to put fresh flowers on his grave for All Saints (today) & All Souls Day (tomorrow) and then we’ll probably just take it easy, munching on all the chocolate krispie cakes I made for the children!

  • Bonnie Caselman

    Well it’s my birthday today so that’s a good start! And I get off work in less than four hours & gonna have lunch with mom.

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