Real Anti-Aging Results With PMD!!

How many times have I complained to you guys about aging?!? Ghaaaaa I so wish I would have been sun smart in my younger days. Does anyone remember baking in the sun with baby oil and iodine? Yup, it was a thing! I don’t even know if they had sunscreen in the 60’s and 70’s, at least that’s my story. Sun worshipers would never think of blocking those bronzing, browning rays!!

At 57 I wish I had do-overs! I promise to wear a hat AND sunscreen! Since it doesn’t seem like do-overs are in my near future I am fighting this fine lines and sun spots with my PMD Personal Microderm!

Your skin cells are constantly regenerating. The dead skin cells fade your natural glow and of course make your skin look older. Sun spots will fade with some of those dead layers of skin. AND! Those expensive products, serums, moisturizers and such will actually absorb better as in 20% BETTER and MORE effectively after using your PMD!!

I am thrilled with this PMD! Instead of costly trips to a dermatologists office or visits for expensive facials I am doing the same treatment at home!!

The PMD is a great way to remove dead skin cells, with an intense microdermabrasion treatment. You can actually see results in ONE TREATMENT!!

Once your PMD arrives the first step is to watch the video to learn to use this amazing tool the correct way.

Starting with a clean, dry face, you will use the white training disk so that you can learn to use the PMD. This helps you learn to hold the PMD and your skin to get the best suction; therefore getting the most benefit of the PMD. You want to glide the PMD over your skin.

The PMD combines patented technology with a perfectly calibrated vacuuming suctioning system in one hand-held amazing tool. Place an exfoliating disc on your PMD, then glide it across your skin, upwards and outwards, holding your skin taunt with the opposite hand. The cup that surrounds the exfoliating disk sucks the skin in, kind of like a vacuum but not nearly as strong. It doesn’t hurt in the least. Remember don’t go over the same area twice. Here is a great 3 minute routine:

Yup! 3 minutes is all you need to see amazing results!!

When you’ve used the PMD over your entire face, wash your face and apply a good balancing toner to neutralize the PH in the skin. Then add your serums and watch how much better they work!

Be sure to clean your device.
Step 1: Clean the cap and the disc with rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) or an antibacterial soap.
Step 2: Clean the filter by running warm water over it and rubbing it between your fingers and thumb.
Step 3: Always remember to place the filter back in the device.

You can give yourself a PMD treatment every 6-7 days.

The PMD comes with different disks to gradually move up in strength. The blue disc for sensitive skin, green disc is medium strength and the red disc is for maximum strength.

Microdermabrasion provides several important benefits for the skin. The treatment smooths away dull and rough skin texture, and it softens fine lines, wrinkles, burn scars, and acne scars. The treatment also improves the skin’s tone by fading uneven pigmentation, sun damage, age spots, and skin blemishes. In addition, microdermabrasion, which combines the power of a vacuum suction with exfoliation, reduces the formation of acne. The vacuum achieves this by clearing out clogged pores and releasing trapped dirt and oil. This leaves skin more clear, vibrant, and beautiful.

The benefits of microdermabrasion cause skin to become rejuvenated, while promoting new collagen growth and cell renewal. Also, since the dead skin cells on the Stratum Corneum act as a barrier for the skin, once they are removed through microdermabrasion, skin care products will be more fully absorbed into the skin, maximizing their effectiveness. All these microdermabrasion benefits combine to uncover youthful and radiant skin.

After using my PMD my skin is soft! My pores look smaller. Fine lines are diminishing and the deeper lines are looking softer! My skin looks so good that I didn’t even wear any makeup for our Thanksgiving family dinner! And I felt good ABOUT IT TOO!!!

My age spots are fading and I’m positive with more continued use they will be a thing of the past!!

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Not a single one!! I truly believe that the PMD makes such a positive difference in my complexion that I truly am getting do-overs!! I will NOT be looking my age anymore!!!
The PMD sells for $159.00 (Worth EVERY SINGLE penny and more!!!) This is truly what your skincare regimen has been missing!

Get 15% off now using code: at checkout!!



  • Ashley O.

    This looks awesome! May have to go buy me one with my tax check! Something like this would be amazing for the feet ya know!!!!

  • Carol S.

    If only we all knew then what we know now! I hated going out in the sun when I was young as I have such light skin. I would burn within minutes plus it made my freckles prominent. As far as age spots – I suppose each one has a story!

  • Rosanne

    I will be 61 this week. Yes I too did the baby oil and iodine to get as dark as possible with a LOT of sun damage. Now I’m wishing I could win the Powerball to get laser resurfacing!

  • Angela Poplar

    I have olive skin colour so I never worried about my skin in my 20s, now that I’m in my late 30s Im starting to notice oddities creeping in…a little wrinkling in my neck, creases in my forehead, smiley lines…help!!! lol! ( no seriously though!)

  • Monica

    My mom told me a couple weeks ago that a friend of hers has this product (they gave it to her as a Christmas present) but that she didn´t like it and my mom was wanting it hahaha.

  • Patty R.

    I’m glad there are directions (meaning arrows) to show how you should use the product. I probably would have made little circles all over my face, if there hadn’t been.

  • Donna B

    I sat out in the sun all the time when I was younger and I surly regret it now. I fear what my face will look like in a few more years. Thanks for the review, interesting product!

  • Lisa Brown

    I have this unit, use it, and love it. It really has done a great job resurfacing and smoothing out my “orange peel” skin 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    You know, the fact that it will make your moisturizer absorb better is a big plus to me! I have such dry skin these days.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Lol, I do remember the baby oil days, too. My niece, 12, is horrified when I tell her that at her age I would deliberately ‘lay out’ as we called it, every day during the Summer. I guess I was lucky that I bored easily & just didn’t have the will power to lay out for hours!


    I’m very lucky with my skin, thanks to genes (Mum & Dad, both in their 80s, look younger than friends of theirs in their 60s) and also because I burn easily I NEVER went in the sun when I was younger. Yes, Connie, there WAS sunblock around then but I used to babysit for a woman who did bake herself in baby oil – she now looks like a battered handbag!

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