Flat Stanley for Alice


Parents and Grandparents have probably heard of this little guy. Flat Stanley is a paper-doll that kids color and cut out. Stanley then goes on an adventure. Stories of Stanley’s travels can be found easily by searching on line.

I thought I would share Stanley’s visit with The Non and PopPop. (See?? I told you I didn’t know what direction Peanut Butter and Whine would go!! I guess I’m trying to find my niche in this is new chapter of my life?!)

Dear Alice,

PopPop and I arrived at our new house safe and sound on Tuesday. It was such a long drive!! We were in the car for 22 hours! That means while you were in school we were driving, then when you were sleeping we were still driving! That’s a LOT of driving. Thank YOU so much for letting me take Stanley with me. He sure is easy to talk to. He laughed at all my jokes and liked my singing too.

Stanley wanted to stop at all the rest stops, so silly!  At one of the stops it was really windy, Stanley made me run after him. You know that NaNa hates to run! Thankfully, I caught him before he got too far.

Flat Stanley

Stanley helped me unpack boxes, boy he sure loves to pop the bubble wrap!! He climbed a tree.

Flat Stanley

When PopPop and I went to Home Depot Stanley ran around like a mad man I finally had to put him in the shopping cart and buckle him in. I think it was all the M&M’s he ate that morning, he just had too much energy.


When PopPop said he was going to drive his cart to the mailbox, Stanley started whining until I finally said that he could go too. He strapped himself in the cart and off they went. That is a very bumpy ride so poor Stanley was a little sick to his stomach when they got back.

Flat Stanley

On Friday Stanley felt well enough to feed the deer in NaNa’s yard. He sure thought it was funny that those great big deer were afraid of him! Yup, Stanley tossed the corn on the ground at his feet and none of the deer or even the turkeys ate any of the corn until Stanley came back inside. Stanley laughed and laughed!! I have to admit that sure was funny!!

Flat Stanley Flat Stanley Flat Stanley

Can you see the deer hiding behind Stanley??

On Saturday Stanley said Idaho was too cold and wanted to know if he could go visit Grammy and Granddad, maybe Tennessee is warmer.

Flat Stanley

Thank you again for letting me spend time with Stanley, he is a poor substitute for you cause his hugs aren’t near as tight as yours, but it was still fun.

I Love ya Alice!!!!



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