April 12th Photo-A-Day PEACEFUL

Finally, my Photo-A-Day prompt that isn’t IN the house or AROUND the house. Are you excited??

I actually took these pictures a couple of weeks ago. The Husband had a doctor’s appointment and I wanted the opportunity to walk through the Healing Garden.

The Healing Garden is between Sandpoint Idaho’s hospital and the doctors’ buildings. It’s the perfect little PEACEFUL spot. I had never taken the time to walk through the garden but The Husbands appointment took forEVER. Side note here (yes, sidetrack again!) doctors appointments in California take 40 minutes to get in and 10 minutes with the doctor. IF YOU ARE LUCKY!! The same appointment here in Sandpoint is 5 minute wait and 40 to 60 minutes WITH THE DOCTOR?!?! Sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa???? You mean a doctor is going to actually sit and TALK TO US?!  Ohhhhhhh Sandpoint yet another reason to love you.

ANYWAY, I sat in the car with my California mind set that The Husband would be 15 minutes top. Instead of almost 2 hours! Eventually, I decided that a trip to the Healing Garden was exactly what I needed.

Photo-A-Day Healing Garden

So PEACEFUL, the only sound was me crunching through the snow. I found homemade bird houses galore.

Photo-A-Day Tree house Photo-A-Day tree houses

A small picnic area, a teepee with seats inside.

Photo-A-Day Healing garden Photo-A-Day Healing garden

A small chapel.

AND FAIRY GARDENS!!! I can’t wait for Alice to come back up here! She does love the fairy gardens!

This sculpture is HUGE! The thumb is almost as tall as I am!

Photo-A-Day Healing garden

So, come to Sandpoint for the beauty, the quiet, the EXTREMELY NICE people, caring medical staff and the Healing Garden. (of course there is ME too!)




  • Michele Soyer

    This place is so lovely.. calm, serene…perfect to enjoy while waiting for someone…Here doctors appointments take 1-2 hours waiting then 10-15 minutes tops if you are lucky.. the last one was all of 5 minutes!!

  • Dana Rodriguez

    That is very beautiful. I have never seen a Healing Garden before but it does look relaxing. I especially like the giant hand. I know what you mean about drs..and dentists too. It is hard to find one that actually talks to you and at least act like they care.

  • Rosie

    Ohhh I adore the healing garden! It is so nice, I’ve never seen one before. Doctor appts here are assembly line, very long wait times, typically 15 minutes unless it is serious and half of that is them checking notes and me alerting them they think I’m someone else…. sounds like the old days to have someone treat you like a person!!! and not an auto part on the assembly line! Hope he is OK.

    • Connie Gruning

      Rosie, I know what you mean! Sometimes I wonder if the doctors are even really listening, my old doctor just typed away and I’m not convinced he wasn’t just surfing the Internet.

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