Check Out Doctor On Demand! #FeelBetter #ad

“This is a sponsored post with Mums the Word Network and Doctor on Demand. All opinions are my own.”
I have an absolutely BRILLIANT service to share with you today!! Doctor On Demand; this has to be the COOLEST service out there!! How many times have you wanted to see a doctor but finding the time and the added expense keeps you from going?

Since I watch Alice during the week, it’s a hassle!! 3 year old’s are not the most patient of beings….. so the idea of her running around the exam room while I try to talk to my doctor gives me the chills!!  Hello Doctor On Demand!! Absolutely revolutionary app that is specifically for non-emergency medical issues!! I may have forgotten to tell you the BEST part!! It’s all in the comfort of your OWN HOME!!! On your computer, iPad or mobile phone!! Doctor On Demand is a healthcare service that provides Video Visits with board-certified physicians, psychologists, and lactation consultants via smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers!!

doctor on demandDoctor On Demand was created by Adam Jackson and Jay McGraw with Dr. Phil as an adviser. Jay McGraw is not only Dr. Phil’s son he is also Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer of The Doctors. The Doctor On Demand App is available on Apple iTunes and Google Play Stores and allows you to talk to a board-certified physician from the convenience of your home for non-emergency medical issues. For $40 – the price of an average insurance co-pay, the app will connect you with a friendly physician via a voice or video phone call.

The physicians on Doctors On Demand are licensed in the United States, they have years of real experience, are highly educated and they are all required to undergo extensive background checks.

How The Doctor On Demand App Works

Down load The Doctor On Demand App; personally, I think it should be on your device before you NEED it! So do it today! Sign up is easy, add a few details about the patient, age, address (ya know the easy stuff).

Next is a screen to list your symptoms, allergies and current medications. Enter your payment information. It’s only $40 per call (GRAB the FREE coupon code below!!) and you only pay if you talk to a physician. THEN you talk face-to-face with a board certified and friendly physician. YES you can SKYPE or FACETIME  with a REAL doctor!!

While you can use the Doctor On Demand App for everything from cold, flu, allergies, hay fever, bladder infections, rashes; basically anything that is a non-emergency medical issue.

Do NOT use Doctor On Demand for any medical problem that is life-threatening!! If you have chest pain or chest pressure call 911!! Hit Urgent Care or ER for poisoning or broken bones.

My Doctor on Demand Experience

WOW!! I used the Doctor On Demand App on my iPad; I had a video phone call with Dr. Pavel Polehna. I asked about some general ‘lady’ problems I’ve been having lately. Dr. Polehna had some great suggestions for me to try and certain blood tests to ask my doctor for. I’m thoroughly impressed! It’s 9:30 at night and I SAW a Doctor!! On my TIME! In my house!! Dr. was professional; asking the same type of questions my doctor asks me. Dr. Polehna was very personable and helpful!! He get’s 2 very enthusiastic thumbs WAY, WAY UP!!

Download Doctor On Demand on iTunes or Google Play

Doctor On Demand FREE PROMO Code!

I am THRILLED because each and EVERY Peanut Butter and Whine followers get a chance to try Doctors On Demand themselves. Okay, maybe it’s more because Doctor On Demand is launching a promotion where they are offering your[Image 1] Pediatric Video Visit 1 first video visit for FREE.

HINT!! Enter the code when you register and then store it in your account, and use it at a later date. How cool is THAT?!?! Next time one of the kids has a rash you aren’t sure about? How much easier and less stressful would it be to just talk face to face to a doctor in your OWN home!!?!?!

Coupon code:  peanut15



  • Dee Lafrenz

    I think this is wonderful, especially for parents of small children. It can be so hard to know if you should bring them in or not.

  • polly

    Wish they had this when my kids were little. Nothing worse than dragging them to the Doctors when they feel so lousy and sitting there waiting and waiting.

  • Sandy

    This is good. I’m old enough to remember something called “house calls” (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth). Now you have to go out to the doctor in 10 degree weather when you’re sick!

  • Carol Smith

    Interesting! I’m not so sure I would want to go this route though. I suppose with the technology of today I’m not surprised this is available, no different than doctors doing hospital rounds by robots.


    Well done to the brains behind this concept! So much more convenient for those times when, as with you & Alice, physically visiting the GP is difficult. I can visualise this becoming popular among the elderly as well. With Mum & Dad both in their 80s, for them to visit their GP means someone else driving them as parking is a nightmare & neither can walk any distance. They already monitor their own Warfarin levels, blood sugar & BP at home and just email the data to the surgery so why not take it to the next level?

  • Christine A

    I saw a segment about this app on the Dr. Phil show. I’d much rather video chat with a doctor than send an email or post a question on a forum. I really like that sessions can be based around a person’s most convenient time.

  • Tanya Yulfo-Calcorzi

    This is such a wonderful service to have available to the public!! Wow!! This has been needed for soo long, and if it’s already been available, I haven’t really heard anything about until now. I think it’s great that they are offering a first time free promo code which makes me want to sign up for this even faster! Thank You for blogging about this, this was very helpful to me and very valuable to have in my arsenal of helpful apps.. 🙂

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