PBnWhine Home Gym Offer

Soooooo I’ve heard that some people spend a fortune on a gym membership to be able to workout. Being the giving, helpful person that I am, I would like to offer you an alternative! An extremely low cost alternative.  As in FREE HOME GYM!

The PBnWhine Gym full body workout is FREE!! YES! You read that correctly! I will allow you full access to all my gym like amenities.

Home Gym Amenities

Let’s explore the PBnWhine amenities shall we?

Stair machine

Okay, technically NOT  a machine. However,  you have 57 carpeted stairs to work on.  BONUS!  The folks that built the house didn’t make any 2 steps the same size you are GUARANTEED a very unique toning experience.


Lugging food and beverages. (adding delivery you also get the benefit of more stair toning) Moving a full size adult male with MS. This allows you to pFull, push, lean, rotate. This exercise requires 3 sets per side. I’m telling you! These exercises will strengthen your back AND your biceps.

Your friends will be so envious of your free, full body workout! (FREE! I can NOT emphasize that enough)


There are a lot of opportunities for full squats with my home gym. From general picking items up to following around Granddaughter Alice as she leaves a trail of debris where ever she walks. However, this is only a limited time offer as she returns home on Wednesday.


There is laundry to be done. Since the washing machine is so deep you will need a step stool to get to the bottom.  So stretch those fingers!

Motivational Music

At the PBnWhine Home Gym you can blast music as loud as you want! At the top of the mountain no one will hear so there will be no complaints.  Management does request no rap music as it is said to bring on grouchy snapping by said male weight.  However , we hate to deny you that choice so headphones are allowed.

PBnWhine’s Home Gym is such a unique experience we provide a floor plan with no body shaming mirrors that will distract you from getting your sweat on. We guarantee you WILL get your sweat on as the PBnWhine Home Gym has no air conditioning.


The PBnWhine Home Gym offers a firm, hardy handshake. My gratitude of thanks AND bottle of Nervive Pain Relieving Roll-On Liquid, (Nervive focuses on targeting multiple nerve pain receptors in toes, feet, fingers, hands, legs & arms to relieve pain so you can get back to living your life the way you want to).

NerviveIN all seriousness this little roll on bottle is AMAZING! It goes on cold and then heats up. The benefits last for a long time. My neck, shoulders and lower back are so happy!  I put this on several times a day.  Right before bed too. Nervive Pain Relieving Roll-On Liquid doesn’t stain clothing or bedding. I am able to get comfortable and fall asleep immediately.  (Okay, that might not be all Nervive Pain Relieving Roll-on, some of that could be from such a great full body workout at the PBnWhine Gym)

One last exclusive benefit.

A Ross Massage is available at a very high cost and reservation required (be warned we are booked out until 2034. Get on that waiting list now, that appointment time is only going to go out further!

Ross Massage


  • gloria patterson

    I have to say never heard of Nervive Nerve Relief but have it on my wish list right now………….. so I don’t forget.

    That is a good picture of a home you don’t want when you start to get old. My brother and sister in law designed their home and build it 30+ years ago. You come in thru the basement in to the family room and 32 steps straight up. To the living area grocerys etc all have to be carried yup and laundry has to be carried down and then back up. I hope that todays people think ahead when they buy or build new homes.
    I am thankful ever day for the elevators in my building.

    This was a great write up and if I was young I would have your house in a minute

  • Tamra Phelps

    Lol, I’m familiar with that kind of workout. My arthritis might like the pain relieving roll-on, though. I haven’t tried that one. I’ll look into it–my Absorbine Jr. ain’t doing the trick.

  • Karen R

    The 57 stair machine sounds like a killer. I have lower back pain that you speak of. Hubby needs to rub Nervive over my pain points.

  • heather

    I have a home gym similar to yours lol. I would so love to try this roll on product thanks for sharing as I had not heard of it until I read your post.

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