CandyCan! Candy Can WHAT!?

This business appears to have closed. BUMMER!

I liked these products. I will try and find something suitable to replace it. When I do, you’ll hear about it. Trust me.

Right now I’m on my second month of FOCL Lions Mane Mushroom Gummies. I’m impressed with the taste, the focus I have and the cost.

I have to admit that title makes me smile. CandyCan what!? Y’all know me, I’m a candy addict. I’m certain if there were a blood test showing chocolate levels, mine would be off the charts. HOWEVER!! Candy Can is not chocolate. While it’s not chocolate it’s candy that serves a purpose!

With November being so busy I’m just trying to stay sane, (okay, that ship MAY have sailed already!) AWAKE! I want to actually finish one task before I start the next. This month I’ve had the worst case of what I like to call ‘the shiny’s‘ I start wiping kitchen counters, but I put away something that belongs in my craft room, then while I’m there I find something else that needs to be put away. Since I’m downstairs I may as well check my emails right!? Well, you know where it goes from here. I have a million projects, a huge mess throughout the house.

Then there is sleep. I want to sleep at night. All night long. I should be able to hit the pillow and be out cold right? But nooooooo. I lay my head down on the pillow and BAMB my mind races and I can’t turn it off. (And the sponge is still on the counter, so I’m thinking about that too) yaaaa I don’t sleep well at night.

Let’s add an additional tid-bit about winter (like in Sandpoint we are in single digits! And A LOT of snow!). Needless to say, the cold and flu season is upon us.

So, I know you’re asking yourself; seriously, where is she going with THIS?!

To CandyCan of course. Yup. Eating candy can be (is for me!) the solution to all three of my whines.

Oh, where to start? How about CandyCan Immunity Gummies. Packed with Vitamin C. You know vitamin C packs a punch against colds and flu symptoms.  I’m a big advocate of vitamin C and if I can get my daily dose in a tasty sour berries  gummie, then SIGN ME UP!

CandyCan Immunity

Remember to follow this link to receive three sample packs (Focus, Immunity, Sleep) for yourself! CandyCan Functional Gummies. Just cover the $2.00 shipping. 

Next up; Sleep 💤 – Fruity Bears. 1st, I love the taste, I keep the package in my bedside table. It’s funny, I had a couple and thought ‘hummm maybe these won’t work for me’ then it was morning.  Ummmm wait… what just happened! I slept so well. I had a restful sleep! ALL night long.

CandyCan Sleep

SIGN ME UP you say!? Follow this link to receive three sample packs (Focus, Immunity, Sleep) for yourself! CandyCan Functional Gummies. Just cover the $2.00 shipping. 

Y’all know me, I always leave my favorite for last. My favorite of the Functional Gummies is the Sour Bears Focus. This month has been insane for me. I’m retired, I’m not use to all these deadlines!

I have so many projects that are only half started. THEN both Granddaughters called and asked me if I could make them Christmas shirts. A day later Daughter Selena requested 2 shirts and 6 placemats. I can do this…. right?? Day 3 Alice called and asked if I would decorate a water bottle with vinyl for her BFF.  Day 3 I hadn’t even STARTED Day Ones projects.

I opened my Focus Sour Bears package and started munching away. Without ANY jitters, I really had FOCUS! Not like 2 pots of coffee zippin’ around but honest FOCUS!! The last 2 days in a row I have managed to cut all the vinyl out for 20 (count ’em TWENTY!) vinyl projects. Cleaned my craft room, decorated the Christmas tree AND the yes, the kitchen is sparkling clean. (I know you were worried about that sponge sitting on the counter).

Remember follow this link to receive three sample packs (Focus, Immunity, Sleep) for yourself! CandyCan Functional Gummies. Just cover the $2.00 shipping. 

I have absolutely no whines about CandyCan. CandyCan help!
Now I’m off to finish some more projects. Especially since we are in a winter storm warning situation up here in Sandpoint, Idaho. I won’t be going anywhere!

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