A Perfect Toddler Bedtime #GIVEAWAY!!!
BUT I DON’T WANNA GO TO BED!!! Now re-read that in your loudest, whiniest voice! Oh, and don’t forget to make the pitch really HIGH!! That’s what I heard from 3 year old Alice on our last sleep over. I forgot how long the bedtime routine was!!
First a bath. A really, really, R-E-A-L-L-Y long bath. Let me tell you, the kid can play in the tub until she is one very big prune. She begged for more hot water so many times we had to let water out before we could add more!! I poured in her weights worth of lavender bath bubbles and turned the lights down low and kept saying in a night quiet voice “It’s almost bed time” She ignored me. I finally had to pull the plug and put the plug out of her reach!!
Finally, bath done, cute jammies on, teeth brushed, potty time, a drink of water, potty time again, 2 stories, a kiss and a hug, another drink of water, a graham cracker, another teeth brushing, another kiss and hug, potty time, kisses, and another story. All the while she was still whining about not wanting to go to bed. Trust me I was tired when I started, and exhausted when I finally had her head on the pillow!! THE cutest little pillow I might add!! Check it out! This is the Little One’s Pillow. A pillow made especially for kids!!
Little One’s Pillow is a small family run business in the USA; they manufacture a high quality toddler pillows, that are tailor-made for children between the ages of 2 and 5. All other their pillows are hand-made with love and care and it shows! Made by a pillow manufacturing company that has been family owned and operated since 1958!!
Alice sleeps like a little log using her little pillow. She loves her little pillow!! Thank heavens this little pillow is machine washable! Alice takes it EVERYWHERE!! Just throw it in the washer using a mild detergent. Use the gentle-medium setting using warm water. Do not use hot water. Tumble dry on medium temperature until thoroughly dry. Do not use the hot setting. Fluff after removal from the drier and enjoy a like-new pillow.
I am thoroughly impressed with this company! From the quality product to the excellent caring customer service. Little One’s Pillows even designed a Infographic about how to use a full size pillow case for your Little One’s Pillow! Check it out!! Not only that, but about a week or so after my pillow arrived I received an email asking if the pillow had enough or too much fill?! EVERYONE that purchases a Little One’s Pillow get’s asked the same question. They want your pillow to be PERFECT!!! Now that is true customer service!!
Little One’s Pillows are made with unique hypoallergenic polyester fiber fill and the shell is made with a certified 100% organic cotton shell. It’s SO SOFT!! So soft that Alice refuses to let us put her’s into a pillow case!
This Giveaway Is Closed
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Maryann D.
I think this little pillow is just adorable and I would like to use it for a head rest for myself!
Natalie Brown
I didn’t really have any tricks with my son. He was always difficult to get to sleep unless I laid down with him. Now, he and my daughter in-law, get to put my grandson to bed. 🙂
My trick for getting kids to bed at night is to read them a bedtime story 🙂
Robin Abrams
I usually read them a book and lay down with them. They usually fall asleep fast.
Julie L
It’s all about consistency and routine. We always give plenty of reminders like a countdown so they know what to expect.
Megan Swinney
Read them a story then use a night light.
Melinda Stephens
I don’t know any good tricks for getting kids to bed. My son is the worst sleeper ever. I do love this pillow though!
Jan Lee
I love this little pillow so I might keep it, lol This would be a favorite for my great niece and great nephew. They each like their own blankets and stuffed toys. If it’s as good as it says without a pillowcase, I know it would be hard to decide who to give this to 😉
What a clever and comfy little pillow. I love the way it can be used in a regular size pillowcase.
Dawn Monzu
Well…my kids are too old for this, but my precious granddaughter is just now going through not wanting to stay in her bed, OR to sleep all night! She has always hated sleep, but it is definitely getting worse. This pillow might help a little at least! I don’t have any “tips”, but I would love to read anyone else’s tips! My poor daughter is at her wits end!