A to Z April Challenge Letter J

Fancy letter J

One of my all time favorite movies!!  Jurassic Park!!  It’s coming back and now in 3D!!!
Do you realize that Jurassic Park first released in 1993!! That just doesn’t seem possible!!  Twenty years?!?! Time is going to dang fast for me!

Will you be seeing the 3D version on the big screen??

A to Z Challenge blog everyday except Sunday (per the rules) with my theme being what makes me happy, what inspires me and what makes me ME!!!  So be prepared for more information about me than you ever wanted to know!!


  • Patricia Stoltey

    I love the original, but I’ve been afraid to go see any 3-D movies because I already have enough trouble with my trifocals. The combination might make me dizzy (in addition to getting scared out of my wits).

  • Diane K.Brimmer

    I am not a big fan of Jurassic Park either. I’m not into scary movies but it’s great if you are. I won’t be going to it either.

  • Deanna

    When Jurassic Park came out, I was traveling for my job, attending college (having started college at age 40), had two kids in college, and one in high school. I think I saw it, but believe my mind and body were so encompassed in life, it didn’t have much impact on me one way or the other. We all have movies that we love and would watch over and over again!


  • Kern Windwraith

    I’m not a fan of 3D, but I may go see the 3D version anyway, just to see the movie on the big screen again. Those veloceraptors scare the bejesus out of me every time.

  • Nel

    I have to admit, I am not a big Jurassic Park fan. I know that is terrible, everyone loves it. So I guess no I will not be watching it.
    until next time…nel

  • Samantha May

    LOVE that movie! I’m pretty sure I have the soundtrack on Itunes.

    I didn’t realize it came out the year I was born. Weird stuff!

    Thanks for visiting earlier. Happy A-Zing!

  • Sidonie Helena

    I love Jurassic Park, one of my favorite films growing up (and still is) I’m not sure if I’m seeing the 3D version. I feel like it doesn’t really need it. It stands alone as one of the better films from the 90’s (even with all the mistakes haha)

  • Jennifer Dysart

    I remember seeing Jurassic park when I was about 10, 20 yrs ago for sure 🙂 I loved this movie, I used to really have a thing for dinosaur stuff. I don’t know if I will see the new 3D version though, 3D still gives me a little bit of a headache

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