My Hikes Pant Cuff Fastener Review, 40% Off & GiveAway!


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I liked these products. I will try and find something suitable to replace it. When I do, you’ll hear about it. Trust me.
In a pinch you could use this little gadget.

I was so excited to review My Hikes Pant Cuff Fasteners for my Grandkid…. cause well, I’m just that sweet Gran’ma!! Yup… that is was me.  These are so dang cute they are on MY PANTS!!!  I made a pair of my jeans into cute little jean capri’s.  They are just sooooo SUPER CUTE!!!

What are My Hikes Pant Cuff Fasteners??

They are fasteners that slip up over the cuff of the pants, click…. and you’re done!! The My Hikes Pant Cuff Fasteners hold the cuff without having to constantly follow your kids and roll up their pants over and over again!! How perfect is that!?!? So next time you find a pair of super cute pants for your kids…… but the are too long… TADA…. My Hikes Pant Cuff Fasteners to the rescue!  Your kids would actually out grow the pants BEFORE they wear them out, because you can buy them a little longer!!
You can roll up the pants 2 and in some pants 3 times.

The fasteners are made of a super high quality poly carbonate for durability!

Girls Pant fastenersI found the My Hikes attach super easy. One click and the Hikes stayed attached all day, through crawling on the floor with Alice to walking and running after same said kid!! (MAN, seriously why did we want her to learn to crawl!??!)  Another excellent perk Alice couldn’t pull the My Hikes off my pants!  HA!!  NaNa’s for now anyway!

I believe My Hikes Pant Cuff Fasteners are perfect for kids of all ages. (EVEN the Gran’ma kind!)
When Alice starts walking I plan to use these on her pants so she doesn’t trip because her pants started to sag!


The designs are cute with plenty to choose from for both boys and girls! Trains, dump trucks, flowers and butterfly’s and more!

The awesome people over at My Hikes Pant Cuff Fasteners are offering 40% OFF!!! With a flat $1.98 shipping!  Use code MyHikes40off14  But that’s not all!! One very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win their own pair of My Hikes!!  Good Luck!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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