All Day Energy Greens Review

As DH will attest, I am an anti-veggie person.  Sorry veggie lovers…. just not a favorite food. I could NEVER ever be a vegetarian. I’m a full-fledged meat eater!

So, getting my daily recommended fruits and vegetables is a challenge!! I was offered the chance to review “All Day Energy Greens” and I jumped.

My first drink I didn’t use cold water. That was a mistake. I wasn’t a fan! The second drink I used ice-cold water. Better. It tastes like a wheatgrass shot. I can handle a shot of wheatgrass, 8 ounces… well it was hard. Then I mixed it with some peach tea, ice-cold water, and ice. NOW we’re talking!! MUCH better!!

Easy to guzzle down!! I’m still not a huge fan of the taste. But!!! I do love the benefits!! The mental focus is a huge plus for me. I swear the older I get the more frazzled my mind feels. Writing Peanut Butter and Whine I need focus!! After drinking All Day Energy Greens I am more alert, I am more wide awake. YEEEHAAA!!

Unlike coffee or other stimulants that make you feel jittery, ALL DAY ENERGY GREENS helps reverse the root cause for your fatigue: Acid overload. But it’s NOT the acid in your stomach, it’s excess acid in your blood, tissues, and organs.
AllDayMy cholesterol numbers are high and I’m hoping that All Day Energy Greens will help and I’ll be able to get off prescription meds. Wouldn’t that be awesome?!!?

Their website has testimonials from thousands of people. Everything from weightloss to cholesterol help, from blood pressure to energy. Seriously, the list is jaw dropping for this awesome green drink. I will continue to use All Day Energy Greens, I’ll keep you posted about my results.

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.

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