Attention Audio Book Fans!

I’m a big audiobook fan. I listen on the treadmill (HELLO!! ME! Treadmill! 4 times now. It’s a start! I’m slow as molasses in the winter but I’m doin’ it!)

Anyway, I listen on the treadmill, in the car, and with earphones at night to go to sleep, sitting here typing this post! I love ’em!

I found Chirp. I don’t even know HOW I found Chirp. Every day they email me with a new set of deals. Some as low as .99ยข

Crepes of Wrath Audio Book

If the title or cover of the book appeals to me, I click Learn More

Then I hit play sample. Now, if you are like me, you KNOW if the reader’s voice is one that will annoy the #$(*#$ out of you or not.


The app is free on your phone. There are tons of books. Tons of different genres. TONS of deals and way cheaper than Audible.

This isn’t a sponsored post, however, I get a coupon with every purchase, and I thought well, why not post it on here so you the Peanuts can enjoy a good book too. Then come back and tell me if you loved it or hated it?! OHMYGOSH a Peanut book club! Anyway, here it is a link to Chirp


Hey, check out Chirp! They have fantastic deals on audiobooks and a huge selection of titles to choose from. I think you’ll love them too – and I’m giving you 20% off your first purchase! You can thank me later ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay, back to listening to my newest book; a cozy mystery called A Ghostly Undertaking by Tonya Kappes. It was slow in the beginning, but it’s picked up and I can’t wait to hear to DID it!


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