Baby Wipes!

Baby wipes ingredients

I made my own baby wipes today!!  SUPER EASY!!! SUPER CHEAP!!!   I really had never imagined that I could or would want to make my own wipes…. but I’m so excited how these came out!!

Supplies: Empty liter bottle (optional, but makes it easy to mix)
I used Baby Magic baby soap,
  Natures Baby Organic oil and lotion. Natures Baby Organic’s smell soooo good. Both are so gentle and non irritating for baby Alice
1 roll of paper towels. I chose Viva because they are so soft. (Also a 3pk was $4.19 at Walmart)
I Ziplock container (from who knows when!)
Glad Press ‘n Seal (If you have never used this stuff YOU NEED TOO!! This stuff is amazing! It sticks on everything!! Again optional)
Baby products
First I separated every paper towel. (I want to be able to puts some in Ziplocks for travel).
I’ve seen different sites that put the whole roll of paper towels into one container and just pull off what they need.  So it’s a matter of preference.
That’s the real reason I did it my way is DH did dishes while I ‘worked’!!
Container for baby wipes
I folded them in half.  Then in half again.
Making baby wipes
Now after I folded the towels into fourths I took 1/2 of the pile and cut those in half again.  For the not soooo messy cleaning jobs!  (LOOK at how thrifty I am!!)
Fill the liter bottle with water, add a good squeeze of Baby Magic bath, Baby Lotion and the Baby oil. I would say about 2 tablespoons of each. I did two bottles worth. The first bottle didn’t get all the wipes wet.
Then I put the Glad Press ‘n Seal over the container and turned the whole thing upside down for an hour to let all the wipes absorb the mixture. I’m leaving the Glad Press ‘n Seal on till I need this box of wipes.
I’m lovin’ these wipes!! They smell sooooooo good!! They are gentle and pretty!
Finished homemade  baby wipes
Look at my pretty little wipes!!

One Comment

  • Selena Gruning - MomofAlice

    We are super excited about these! Alice is preparing a present in her diaper for the testing phase of these wipes… prepare yourself Nonnie

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