SyFy Saturday

Some of you don’t know that I LOVE cheesy BAD SyFy movies.  Ohhhhhh today’s movies Mega Piranha and Mega Shark Vs.Crocosaurus had some GREAT moments that just drives home WHY I love the SyFy channel!!!  Mega Piranha has Tiffany and Greg Brady! (if you don’t know who these 2 are …. well…. I’m way older than you!!)
If you can’t watch the whole trailer for Mega Piranha (HEY!! I watched the WHOLE movie!! You can do the clip!!)  where was I before the rant?  Oh yea… if you can’t watch the whole trailer please watch till the 36 seconds in.  It’s sooooo worth the whole 2 hour movie!!  While you do that I’m off to watch Mega Shark Vs. Crocosaurus!!! (I’ve even added the trailer for you at the end… you’re welcome!! You know you always can count on me!) BTW: Mega Shark has Steve Urkle!!!! Again if you don’t know Urkle….. ask your Mom.
WARNING!!  Some of these clips are rather bloody!  (Okay really bloody so …. watch at your own risk!!)

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