Dog Park

Okay I admit it I never had an interest in going to a dog park.  I had a preconceived notion of ……… I don’t know…. dog fights….. dirt everywhere….. I dunno. I just never went! I never WANTED to go! I mean why? I have a yard, Gracie get’s to go on walks….. why DRIVE to a dog park?!  BUT Selena talked me into taking Miss Gracie yesterday (for her 5th birthday!)
First, I have to admit…. I’m hooked. I actually want to be there NOW! 2nd the park is nicer than some of kids parks I’ve been too!!  I want MY YARD to look like the dog park!!

The entrance
Dog Park
If only they had wifi!!
Dog Park
Seriously, couldn’t you sit here all day!?!?
Miss Gracie, Bosco and Jack.
Cutest Baby EVER
I have to admit my very favorite part?? Baby Alice time!!  Is this not the cutest face!??!?!

One Comment

  • WarmSunshine

    Hi there!

    Thank you so much for linking up with me at “the perfect line”. I hope you come by my blog later in the day for my weekly Friends’ Meetup Party where I show case all my new found friends. I’ll be linking up with you too as a token of my gratitude. Oh, and don’t forget to meet my Pick of the Week blogger. I try my best to highlight someone who is doing an awesome work in their space. Please join me in appreciating them. By the way, you have a new follower 🙂

    Hope you have an amazing weekend!

    the perfect line

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