Black Friday!

Today’s post is earlier than normal, No time to sleep!! It’s BlackFriday!!! MY FAVORITE day of the year!! 4:30 a.m. I will be in line at Walmart. If you’re up bring me coffee please? (I would add and a danish… but this is kinda a diet blog and that would be BAD!! So I’m writing NO CHEESE DANISH ohhh wait… you can’t see my eyes… never mind) Then of course since you would already be up, you could maybe stand in line for me?? Watch for Tweets while I’m in line…… or I should say lines!! There’s Target, BestBuy, ToysRUs…. See ya tomorrow! (or later today if I have anything exciting to report)

Today is what I call SUCCESS!!!

One Comment

  • Shannon

    OMG I used to work every Black Friday at Staples when I used to work there and I hated it. We would always hear horror stories about the other stores around us, fights, etc.

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