Black Friday

My feet hurt! I walked every mall, every store ….. I stood in lines for 2 to 3 hours….at each store!  There are  no two ways about it!  Black Friday is a day you either LOVE it or HATE it!  I LOVE it!!!   I think I’m almost done with my shopping for 2010!  More because I’m broke than actually being done.
But I am in the Christmas mood!!  Our Christmas tree up and decorated! (it’s SO pretty!!!).  Here is my favorite Christmas tree tip…. plug the tree lights in to a timer.  I like the one that has a dual setting I have it come on in the morning around the time that that we would be opening presents on Christmas.  But I can also sit out here and enjoy the soft lights in the morning with my coffee. Then at night when I get home from work  the tree is lights are on a and so pretty!!  What a great way to unwind at night.  Okay I’m just babbling on and on… I’m exhausted……. I’ve been up and shopping like a mad woman since before 3am!!  I’m barely keeping my eyes open!  And now I don’t care if this makes sense!!  Night all.
Decorated Christmas tree

But look at my pretty tree!!!

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