• Reebok logo

    Back To School!! The First Grade Fashionesta!! #ClassicLeather #thisISclassic

    Do you hear that?  That is the sound of quiet!! The sound of SCHOOLs IN!! No more “I’m bored”. No more “I’m hungry” every 32.3 seconds. Just quiet. No more little Reebok (don’t forget to hit Rakuten first for extra discounts!) covered feet running from this corner to that corner.  It’s so nice!!  It’s so quiet I would really like to go take a nap! I have to admit, seeing the Kindergarten parents and Grandparents that I hung out with last year it felt like I was just there! In that moment it felt like summer was over too fast!  (I swear someone hit the switch and put my life…

  • Fruit and vegetables for lower Cholesterol

    Simple Ways to Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol!

    Let’s talk about ways to lower your cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in your blood, and your liver makes most of it, while the remainder comes from your diet. There are two main types of cholesterol, which are LDL and HDL. LDL is considered the bad cholesterol because it can build up in your arteries and create plaque, while HDL is the good cholesterol because it moves the extra cholesterol from your arteries to your liver and then ultimately out of your body. If you have too much LDL, it can lead to a wide range of potential health problems including cardiovascular problems, the increased risk of a gallbladder attack, and…

  • Stress clip art

    Quick and Easy Ways to Ease Stress for All Ages!!

    The right amount of stress can be very motivating. It can encourage you to get things done at work, at school, and at home that you would otherwise put off. However, the stress in many people’s lives isn’t this kind of stress. In today’s world, stress is pervasive and persistent, and it’s destroying our health. If we don’t learn how to manage stress, we can suffer from lower immune function, and decreased cognitive abilities, and chronic stress can even cause adolescents to develop coronary heart disease later in life. Destressing takes a little work, but it doesn’t take as much work as you might think. Here are a few quick…