• casserole

    3 Ways to Save on Food Prep Time and Still Get Stuff Done

    Life gets busy, and it seems like you have zero time to get anything done. Or, you get one thing done only to find that nothing else on your list was completed. If this sounds like you, we’ve all been there. Life gets crazy, and it seems impossible to get everything done, promptly. So, let’s discuss some tips to save on food prep time. Luckily, there are a few ways you can save on time without feeling like you didn’t get anything done. If you’re an overachiever, cut yourself some slack – you can’t get everything done, especially if your project is going to take more time than you originally…

  • woman at dentist

    Are Your Teeth Given Priority in Your Life?

    No doubt you have many healthcare priorities in your life. That said where do your teeth stand on the priority list? Unfortunately, too many people give their teeth too little attention, oftentimes leading to painful outcomes, both literally and in the wallet or purse. So, are you one of those people not giving your teeth enough priority? Great Dental Care Begins at Home The bottom line is that great dental care starts and ends in the home. Sure, trips to see the dentist should never be overlooked, but your dental care gets a real boost when you brush and floss regularly morning, noon and night. With that being the case,…

  • Doctor clip art

    Breast Augmentation? Things to Know

    Women see lots of media depicting, well, nice breasts. And sometimes when a woman looks in the mirror, well, it’s not what she sees. Age, child birth, gravity, weight loss – all those things can take a toll on the once perky breasts, and sometimes, you just weren’t born with the size you want. Are perky, larger, rounder and symmetrical breasts something you can never have if you weren’t born with them? These days, plastic surgery can take care of many things, and breasts are one of them. You can do something to get the breasts you want, and that is a breast augmentation. What exactly is a breast augmentation?…