• Dead Mentors Book Review

    Dead Mentors by Sandra Nichols has to be the most unique and interesting book I’ve read in a very long time!! Dead Mentors is so unique and thought-provoking I hope I can do it justice in this review. This book is nourishment for the soul and food for the brain.  This is a book that will truly make you think. Dead Mentors is told from three different points of view. Blended together so expertly!!  Dead Mentors is narrated by Dr. John Burns, a clairvoyant therapist,  Although Dr. Burns only meets Sophia once he watches her life unfold by channeling her psychically. This is by far the most interesting book I’ve…

  • Adorable Children’s Book!! Meet Arlo! GIVEAWAY!!!

    One thing that I always made sure my kids had for Christmas was books!! I wanted them to grow up with a love of reading. NOW, I’m continuing this tradition for the Grandkids. I LOVE that all three of the G’kids will stop what they are doing for a cuddle time; well, as long as there is a book being read that is. Seriously! How come kids outgrow cuddle time so dang quick?!?!? It’s okay, I’ll read ’em a book if I can hold ’em on my lap! ANYTIME!! I love reading fun books to them. I adore reading fun book, with a message and great illustrations. I found that…

  • Personalized Storybook

    Flatten Me Personalized Storybook!!! GIVEAWAY!!!

    Okay Parents and Grandparents!! I have THE gift for Christmas!!! A Personalized Storybook from Flatten Me!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Are you ready for cuteness overload once again??  I am a HUGE fan of the web site called Flatten Me. An absolutely fantastic site that puts your child into a storybooks, wall art, t-shirts, water bottles; the list goes ON and ON!! I LOVE this SITE!!!!  I’ve done storybooks for two of the Grandbabies, they’ve all turned out FANTASTIC!!!  I should add these are adorable PERSONALIZED storybooks!! Now, Alice has a book of her own!!  A very high quality, absolutely adorable; cover to cover; hardcover, storybook. This is “Alice Don’t Get Bit By The Silly Bug!” OHMYGOSH!! I’m…