• Attention Audio Book Fans!

    I’m a big audiobook fan. I listen on the treadmill (HELLO!! ME! Treadmill! 4 times now. It’s a start! I’m slow as molasses in the winter but I’m doin’ it!) Anyway, I listen on the treadmill, in the car, and with earphones at night to go to sleep, sitting here typing this post! I love ’em! I found Chirp. I don’t even know HOW I found Chirp. Every day they email me with a new set of deals. Some as low as .99¢ If the title or cover of the book appeals to me I click Learn More Then I hit play sample. Now, if you are like me you…

  • Day 15 Photo-A-Day BOOKS!

    Books, books, books!! Day 15 and I still haven’t run out of pictures from my amazing craft-room.  This is my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge. For the month of March I am posting pictures from inside my HUGE craft-room. This is helping me get motivated to blog more often and share what an amazing space I have. Yes, these pictures show you what a hoarder, collector and wack-a-doddle I am. Now in my defense my Dad and my Grandfather were major hoarders so it’s in my DNA. Today’s prompt is BOOKS. Between my love of antiques. My love of keeping family mementos and my love of reading;  well that just…

  • GIVEAWAY!! 30 Days To Understanding The Bible (In 15 minutes a day!) #Biblein30Days

    GIVEAWAY IS OVER My followers know it’s been a very rough year for me. My Mom passed away two days after Christmas. Then we moved to Sandpoint Idaho 1348 miles away from California where my kids and my perfect little Alice live. Moving is hard. Moving is draining! Moving for someone who never throws anything away (yes, I am a hoarder!) makes it seem like the boxes will never stop appearing. Who knows when I’ll get everything unpacked? Add to that my anger and disappointment in how our contractor installed cabinets in the kitchen and my craft-room.  I just feel like 2018 needs to be OVER already. Then there is…

  • Battlefield Earth! By L.Ron Hubbard

    One of the quotes on the cover of this MP3 Battlefield EARTH Audiobook is “A Vivid MOVIE of The Mind” I truly couldn’t have described it better. Even if you aren’t a SciFi buff you will enjoy this book!!  Starting with the beginning where you get such a great insight to where SciFi writing began written by L.Ron Hubbard himself. The forward of the book is so interesting, learning the difference between fantasy writing and Science Fiction. When you mix science fiction with fantasy you do not have a pure genre. The two are, to a professional, separate genres. I notice today there is a tendency to mingle them and…

  • Dead Mentors Book Review

    Dead Mentors by Sandra Nichols has to be the most unique and interesting book I’ve read in a very long time!! Dead Mentors is so unique and thought-provoking I hope I can do it justice in this review. This book is nourishment for the soul and food for the brain.  This is a book that will truly make you think. Dead Mentors is told from three different points of view. Blended together so expertly!!  Dead Mentors is narrated by Dr. John Burns, a clairvoyant therapist,  Although Dr. Burns only meets Sophia once he watches her life unfold by channeling her psychically. This is by far the most interesting book I’ve…

  • Adorable Children’s Book!! Meet Arlo! GIVEAWAY!!!

    One thing that I always made sure my kids had for Christmas was books!! I wanted them to grow up with a love of reading. NOW, I’m continuing this tradition for the Grandkids. I LOVE that all three of the G’kids will stop what they are doing for a cuddle time; well, as long as there is a book being read that is. Seriously! How come kids outgrow cuddle time so dang quick?!?!? It’s okay, I’ll read ’em a book if I can hold ’em on my lap! ANYTIME!! I love reading fun books to them. I adore reading fun book, with a message and great illustrations. I found that…