GIVEAWAY!! 30 Days To Understanding The Bible (In 15 minutes a day!) #Biblein30Days

My followers know it’s been a very rough year for me. My Mom passed away two days after Christmas. Then we moved to Sandpoint Idaho 1348 miles away from California where my kids and my perfect little Alice live. Moving is hard. Moving is draining! Moving for someone who never throws anything away (yes, I am a hoarder!) makes it seem like the boxes will never stop appearing. Who knows when I’ll get everything unpacked?

Add to that my anger and disappointment in how our contractor installed cabinets in the kitchen and my craft-room.  I just feel like 2018 needs to be OVER already.

Then there is the whole friends thing! I don’t make friends easily. At 60 I feel like it’s even harder. When I had kids I found friends at the school, after school activities, the park! Even when watching Alice for her first 6 years I found friends to hang out with.  With a new town, a new small town at that it’s even harder. Then add the fact we are 5 miles out of this small town on the top of a mountain in the middle of 10 acres. Yup, a little on the secluded side. One more little tidbit, even though I’m loud and obnoxious on here and social media, in real life; I’m shy. SERIOUSLY!! I kid you not!! I know!! WHO KNEW!!

Okay, okay all this whining is going somewhere I promise.

One of the places we frequent as you know from past posts; is Home Depot. I actually made a friend there. Nora. Not only a super smart appliance associate but a sweet and caring lady. It took a while and a lot of stalking but she finally gave in and allowed me into her inner circle. Insert cheesy grin here! I HAVE A FRIEND!!!

After a few weeks of friendship Nora invited me to Bible Study. Now, while I was born and raised Catholic. I’ve fallen off the church wagon. Granted I still have my chat with God at night (ya know my prayers! It’s a very casual talk we have so calling it prayers sounds funny to me!)

I admit, my first impulse was to say “Oh, Noooooo. That’s not for me…….. thanks anyway” then my darling daughter Selena said “Mom, seriously, if you hate it after the first study don’t go back. But, you have to at least try it!”

Now I have A LOT of FRIENDS!! Bible study is one night a week with a group of wonderful ladies that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. All mostly my age group. (Insert another grin here!)

However, I haven’t read the Bible in SO MANY YEARS. We are talking a good 30 (sooooo lying! It’s been least 40 years) so to say that some of the names, places and events of the Bible cause me to have a blank look on my face. Not because I’m studying someone’s hair (I do that too) checking out their makeup styles (guilty). However, I do mostly pay attention and ya know what? The Bible is a very interesting book, learning more about the people and the events helps me get even more out of the study. I’ve found a book that is helping me learn so much more! AND in only 15 minutes a day at that!! It’s called 30 Days To Understanding The Bible written by Max Anders.

If you’ve ever confused the ark of the covenant with the ark of Noah, or Jericho with Jeroboam, Max Anders’ classic book, 30 Dqys to Understanding the Bible, is for you. In just fifteen minutes a day, you’ll learn the Bible’s key people, events, and doctrines to get more out of God’s Word. This simple-to-use, straightforward guide has been recommended by Bible teachers and pastors for thirty years, and now it’s available in an expanded thirtieth anniversary edition—with the most requested topics from the original edition restored and updated for today’s readers.

This book not only helps me understand the Bible but I’m actually retaining what I’m learning!! The chapters are short. Easy to read and understand. There is a short 4 or 5 question self test; with the place to answer them.

My goal of this Bible Study and this book is to be more at peace with me, but more I want to understand a book that has sold more than 5 BILLION copies!  This book will help me learn about the people, places, Angles, man, church and more. I’ll be able to get more out of Bible Study and the Bible.

Look out 2019! It’s gonna be a GREAT year!!

Check the Official Website for even more details.

I’m lucky enough to be able to give away a copy of 30 Days To Understanding The Bible; Unlock The Scriptures In 15 Minutes a Day but Max Anders. Good Luck little Peanuts!!

If you are interested in a children’s book about church I’ve got you covered.

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller /FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days on the same blog, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again.  Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”


  • Kelly

    I consider myself religious, without falling completely into an organized religious group, but just a general christian. I read the Bible daily but struggle with remembering people, and places. I love the way the diagrams in this book could help with learning.

  • Michele

    Smart people inviting you into their circle. You will be a blessing to them as well. I’m so glad you are making friends in you new home town. You were the joy in the place you previously worked. Wishing you a much better 2019.

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