• Woman working on laptop

    Could Working From Home Be The Best Decision You Make For Your Family?

    Usually, if you want to continue to work and make a decent living so you can support the people you love the most, you have to make a decision. Work, or family? Choosing work means you won’t be spending as much time with the people you love, although you may be bringing home more money and able to afford things like trips and fancy holidays. Choosing family means not missing the precious moments you might miss when sat behind your desk, but you likely won’t be able to enjoy the same quality of life and will need to make some sacrifices. Working from home could be the answer. However, more…

  • 4 Big Pieces of Advice for Getting Your Own Mommy Blog Off the Ground!!

    If you dream of turning your passion for motherhood into a full-time income via blogging, you’re certainly not alone. But if you’re also struggling to get from Point A to Point B with your own blog, you’re certainly not alone. For starters, it pays to have realistic expectations in terms of what’s possible and what’s not. Let’s be honest: it’s difficult to juggle the day-to-day responsibilities of a mother and run a blog at the same time. Beyond finding the time, there’s no denying that competition in the blogosphere is fierce as everyone’s trying to grow their audience at the same time. That’s no excuse to get discouraged and give…

  • A to Z April Challenge Letter B

    B obviously has to be for BLOG! I started the blog as part of Channel 10 San Diego weight loss challenge. I kicked butt!  I won! The challenge ended and well, you might say I’m highly competitive I only lost weight during the challenge. The challenge ended, there was no one to race, and…..well, that lost weight (As well as the other contestants lost weight!!) found me!  Uummmm hummmm very competitive!! I enjoyed writing my blog and never stopped. I blogged about day-to-day stuff, jokes, prescription eyewear just about anything that I wanted to with no real rhyme or reason. After a few months, a company reached out to me…