
Books recommended by Alice!

  • Top 3 Educational Trends in 2021

    After a rather turbulent and roller-coaster year for our students and teachers, we will never think of school as only a place ever again. With the world learning and working remotely for a year, we have changed or better said evolved the definitions of school, educator, student, and classroom. How will this shape the educational trends in 2021? Read these predicted trends in education for a better understanding and perhaps inspiration for this exciting year. Online Learning The online classroom is here to stay. Yes, the instructor-led classes with students coming to class from their bedrooms and living rooms is going to continue. However, the hope is that each…

  • Teaching Your Child at Home

    Raising kids is not the easiest thing to do. There are several things you need to make sure they learn, but there are also things you want to try to shield them from. While the school will teach them the basic facts and information in life, some things are better taught at home. Here are a few things you can have your children learn while not at school.     Manners The art of being polite and having good manners is almost forgotten today. There are many parents who have not instilled these characteristics in their children in any way. This can cause issues almost everywhere, including the store, school,…

  • Kids sitting on the grass

    6 Ways To Raise A Child Who Loves Reading

    Raising a child who loves reading has so many benefits for our children, from purely educational benefits to mental health benefits, and gaining attributes like empathy and resilience. The characters in books can help our children to learn about differences, the world, and to inspire their imagination. If your child isn’t much of a bookworm yet, then don’t fret. These six tips will help to give them a little nudge in the right direction.  Use audiobooks Kids audiobooks are hugely versatile, whether it’s in the car, or snuggled up in your reading corner. Most popular books also come in audiobook format, including fun music, sound effects, and big picture books…

  • Gabby and the dark

    Did You KNOW Ripley’s Had Children’s BOOKS?!??!

    First, did you know that the Ripley Believe It or Not books that I love has more than just the Believe It Or Not titles?? I had NO IDEA!! From picture books to adventure books. You can check out the titles on Amazon. Ripley Believe It or Not books Since I am in full on Christmas mode already I want to share with you four titles that would be GREAT for gift giving. I am and always have been a firm believer that books are always under the Christmas tree. I take full credit for the fact that my daughter Selena is a veracious (look at me with my big…

  • Ripley’s Believe it Or Not 2019!

    Y’all know that I’m rather addicted to the Ripley’s Believe it or Not books. Some of the things in these books make me laugh but more times than not they make me CRINGE!!!! Whether I am laughing or saying “ewwwwwwwwwwww” out loud Ripley’s Believe it Not series are ALWAYS entertaining! The newest book is out Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Beyond The Bizarre! Seriously, HOW do the Ripley people find these stories?!?!  AND can I get a  job there?? What a fascinating and exciting and kinda gross job would that be?!?!  Reading the different stories that people submit. Can you imagine the PICTURE!??! More “ewwwwwwwww”‘s right?? Y’all know that I have…

  • Keeping Connected When Your Grandchild Lives Far Away

    Y’all know I have horrible separation anxiety over having Alice live so far away. Thankfully, we live in an age of modern technology. Staying connected to MY Grandma was much harder! Back when talking long distance cost you per minute and your phone was connected to a cord. 2018 it’s a whole lot easier, well, mostly. Ya know; 7-year-old’s have a busy social life. HOWEVER, when Alice has time to Facetime or Duo with me I get to learn what’s new in the Second Grade. Before I left California I bought Alice the Gizmo Watch. (don’t forget to grab your cash back on Rakuten!) This thing is so cool!!  The people…