Ripley’s Believe it Or Not 2019!
Y’all know that I’m rather addicted to the Ripley’s Believe it or Not books. Some of the things in these books make me laugh but more times than not they make me CRINGE!!!! Whether I am laughing or saying “ewwwwwwwwwwww” out loud Ripley’s Believe it Not series are ALWAYS entertaining!
The newest book is out Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Beyond The Bizarre!
Seriously, HOW do the Ripley people find these stories?!?! AND can I get a job there?? What a fascinating and exciting and kinda gross job would that be?!?! Reading the different stories that people submit. Can you imagine the PICTURE!??! More “ewwwwwwwww”‘s right??
Y’all know that I have to share a few of my favorites.
Let’s start with fingernails! As in 31 FEET LONG!??! It’s definitely an EWWWWWWWWW!!
Hand bridge SO cool!!!! So is the Scene of Hearts!
Lion SO COOL!!!!!
Then there is the totally AWE inspiring!! Like the lady that can create REAL ART with an etch-a-sketch! PEOPLE I can’t even get a SQUARE!!!!!! And she can do this?!?!?!
Now, let’s go back to the ewwwwwwwww’s…… like a skull necklace?! WHY!??!
Of course, I saved my favorite EWWWWWWWWWW for last………….. there just are no words!! Except NOOOOO and EWWWWWWWWWWW
Thank you Ripley’s for another awesome coffee table book and a whole fresh new set of questions like WHY!?
Beyond the Bizarre!, the 16th book in the bestselling series from Ripley’s Believe It or Not!, is filled with all the unbelievable stories and images you’ve been waiting for. You’ll be blown away by this all-true, all-new collection featuring incredible facts, unexpected stories, and stunning photography backdrops. Beyond the Bizarre! is sure to amaze and astound children and adults alike.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Beyond the Bizarre! is filled with thousands of strange stories, unusual feats, and hair-raising oddities from around the world. Discover how one man lived in a sand castle for 20 years and read about the cat with 28 toes—it’s all weird and all true! Bursting with vibrant and eye-catching photos, as well as submissions from our dedicated readers, this book is a must-have for every Ripley’s fan.

Mary Gardner
My teenage daughter has always loved these books and like you would love to have a job at Ripley’s! We always enjoy visiting the Ripley’s Believe It or Not when we go to the beach every summer.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve always longed for long nails but ‘ewww’ is right! I know in the past it was a sign of wealth & status as it meant you didn’t have to work for a living but … ewww!
I always loved books like this (and I vaguely remember a TV show?). Very interesting and some gruesome stuff!