• Woman-eating-Turkey-Cranberry-Salad

    Ordering Meal Plans to Lose Weight Successfully

      Health experts say that overeating may be the main cause of obesity, so its important to carefully watch what you put in your mouth if you want to drop unwanted kilos. Unfortunately, eating to lose weight is easier said than done. But the good news is that it is possible to order meal plans for weight reduction online to make it easier for you to lose weight. With the convenience of online food ordering, a meal that’s perfect for attaining your weight loss goal is already on its way to your doorstep. This approach is a far cry from preparing your own meals which usually calls for lots of guessing and effort. Weight…

  • Exercise excuses logo

    Be Honest, Are You Making These Excuses?

    I was having a word with one of my old friends yesterday who said she’s on a mission to finally lose weight (who isn’t, right?!)… hello aren’t we all making these excuses? Yes, we are in the midst of an obesity problem… yet, there’s simply no seriousness about it. That’s why I decided to write about it! After having a word with couple of experts in the field, they helped me identify three excuses most people, especially women make, when it comes to losing weight. So let’s see those in today’s unique blog post and let’s also see how to tackle these excuses when YOU make them the next time…

  • SuppressMint Review

    So what would you say if I told you there was a breath mint that suppressed your appetite?! Sound odd? I thought so too! So I couldn’t wait for my Suppressmint to arrive. My first thought was will it have the aftertaste of a vitamin or medicine? I’m thrilled to report that it doesn’t. There is no medicine taste! Just fresh breath AND bonus your appetite will be under control for up to 3 hours. So, what is a Suppressment?  It’s a small white mint that is super easy to use. I found taking a drink of water first helps me to ‘set’ the mint. You want to moisten the mint…