• GEM Eat Your Vitamins

    GEM The Future of Vitamins

    Thank you GEM Vitamins!!  NOW! I can offer the Little Peanuts 50% OFF!!!!!!!!!!! Click HERE!!! I’ve mentioned before that I have some MEGA pain in my hands, elbows, neck and back. We are talking sharp, stabbing, burning pain. Somedays it’s all I have in me to get out of bed. I know I’m not alone. I know a lot of Peanuts have the same aches and pains. Some of you have way, way worse than I do. I’m telling you this aging thing is NOT for sissies! What I’ve Tried I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow the 22nd HOPEFULLY I can get some answers! Of course, Idaho being IDAHO we are…

  • Self Care Yoga at the beach at sunset

    4 Practical Ways to Achieve Your Dream Body for the Summer

    Are you ready to get your dream body? The body of your dreams for summer? Diet and exercise are indeed essential components of any successful weight loss plan. But there are other ways to achieve your dream body without starting a strict diet or going to the gym. This article will discuss four practical ways that you can use to achieve your desired results without breaking the bank or taking on too much effort. With these tips and tricks, you can have a healthy and fit body in no time! 1. Get Adequate Sleep Getting enough quality rest is one of the most critical steps to achieving your dream body.…

  • Sugar Cookies

    Sugar Cookie Dreams! #nakednutrition

    Since this blog has been in existence I’ve been on the never ending quest to lose weight.  I have GOT TO start hiding myself better after I do manage to lose a few pounds because they always find me!! I know one of The Peanuts suggested I stop saying lose because losing means eventually FINDING. So ditch ’em? Anywayyyyyyyyyyy………. squirrel Christmas time is my downfall.  There are so many tasty treats everywhere I go. Yes, in my own kitchen as well. With sugar cookies at the top of that temptation list. Does anything taste better than a warm fresh from the oven sugar cookie? Naked Nutrition to the rescue The…

  • Naked Nutrition

    Trick or Treat #nakednutrition Naked Bar

    If you’ve been around Peanut Butter and Whine for a while you know I’m a huge fan of the Naked Nutrition Products.  My obsession started with the Peanut Butter Blueberry Naked Shake I love all things Peanut Butter (obviously! Right?) Tasty!!! I mean milkshake tasty! Filling too! Naked Bone Broth was next.  The benefits are amazing.  From healthy nails, shiny hair, healthy joints. This one is just so good for you! So easy to add to your day as well. As much as I love my Peanut Butter Blueberry Shake, the Pumpkin Spice Naked Shake absolutely made me giddy! Hot or cold! I haven’t even felt the need to hit…

  • Halloween decor

    Naked Shake #1 Fan! Pumpkin Spice! #nakednutrition

    Hello my little Peanuts, it’s officially Fall. Which means I can officially decorate without anyone raising an eyebrow! (Baaawaahhhhaaaa like #1 that would stop me and #2 that I actually waited!!) This years theme? Pumpkin! Pumpkin Spice!! Pumpkin EVERYTHING!! From the color to Protein powder! Pumpkin everyTHING! Decorations I’ve added a few new decorations like this trio of Pumpkins from leftover beams from our deck. (I knew those would come in handy someday!) I am wrapped up in my pumpkin colored afghan, with my new pumpkin Spice candle burning. Side Note Idaho got cold and rainy this past week. I am freezing inside my house!! It didn’t help that some…