• I’m trying out Blogger.com trying to decide which site I like best. Soooooo this is really just a test…. if this were a real blog there would be words and maybe a picture…

  • Ring ring…..

    Today was my weekly phone call with Tyler at Well Strong Fitness. Tyler said he is going to leave my exercise routine alone. Since I lost 2 pounds for the week. Ya know for the total of TWENTY pounds…. (Sorry, I just really REALLY like that number!) Tyler does want to shake things up in the diet area from now on no more fruit at night. I have to change things up a little, confuse my body to keep promoting weight loss in the home stretch. So no fruit at night, veggies and salads good or even some grilled chicken. The reason behind no fruit at night is vegetables don’t…

  • Week 17

    Here is my weekly blah blah YEEEE HAAAAblah blah post. (I’m all about the subtle!!) I am down 2 pounds!! That make TWENTY pounds GONE!! 20!!! I only have ten pounds to go!! Okay, here is the rest of my weekly report, I walked every morning with Kaki, wearing my weighted vest. (A little faster pace and just a little further too) The vest weighs in at 30 pounds now. I did my ab crunches 3 days. I tried to really limit my carbs. I hardly ate any candy either(It’s Halloween time! I don’t stand a CHANCE!!!) I would have said I didn’t have ANY candy but I’m sure Barbara…