• R ya kiddin’ me??

    I’m watching what I eat. The stuff I really, REALLY want I try to eat in moderation only to find out I have to worry about my WATER!?!?! R ya KIDDIN’ ME?!?   Now in 2024 here I am again starting over! GESH!! Back to WW (if you sign up don’t forget to start with Rakuten and get $15 off!)      

  • Duck duct duck

    I’ve always heard that insanity runs in the family…. you get it from your KIDS! But I may have actually passed the gene to my son Zachary! Zac is going on a THOUSAND-mile bike ride from San Diego to San Francisco to benefit Diabetes. I am hoping you’ll go check out his website. (just like all my posts the different color is a direct link. Just double click) His website is now gone. Darn it. Pacific Coast Knock Out: 1000 Miles on a Kikker HardKnock Me? I’m going to go to bed before I go dig around in the fridge for food. I did really good all day and all…

  • Week 8

    Here comes my weekly blah blah blah post. (With a little whining thrown in!) I stayed the same!! THE SAME 11 pounds!!! COME ON!! Shouldn’t this be getting easier?!?! Ohhh I know what you’re thinking…. “wasn’t it just a few posts back that said ‘you couldn’t get enough to eat?’” Ummmm well, nooooooooooooo that was my eeeevil twin!!?! Okay, fine….. well, at least it wasn’t a gain. I am firming up though, because I wore 2 skirts this week that I have never had on!! (They still had tags on them!! YEA YEA YEA ME!!!) I walked with Kaki, did a couple nights with Jillian Michaels DVD. But, over all…