• happy dog

    2 Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe

    Being a dog owner brings a lot of responsibilities, one of which is making sure they’re safe. Aside from seeing to their needs, dogs can be quite clumsy and aren’t fully aware of what’s good for them and what isn’t. It’s for this reason that you need to make sure you’re taking proper care of your dog, and not just letting them do whatever they like. That often means being strict with your pet and making sure you know what they need, rather than what they want. That’s not to say you shouldn’t let your dog have fun, but being careless is going to put both you and them in…

  • Essential Dog Gear To Take On a Road Trip

    Essential Dog Gear To Take On a Road Trip

    Road trips are more fun when you bring a companion, and nobody makes a better companion than your dog! That’s the truth. If you’re planning a road trip with your furry friend, there are things you should have on hand to keep them safe while traveling. You want a pleasant experience for everyone in the car. Purchase these essential dog gear items before you leave for your road trip. A Water and Food Bowl One of the most essential things to bring is a food and water bowl. Your dog will need to eat and drink throughout the road trip. Pack a container of dog food you can easily access,…

  • Interactive Fetch-N-Treat Dog Toy!!

    Our Fur Baby Gracie is one smart and I might add spoiled little girl. Gracie is a 100 pound Yellow Lab. She is The Husbands constant companion. When The Husband is home Gracie is practically glued to his side. They are inseparable. With all the attention Miss Gracie receives has become one very smart cookie, she helps take out the trash; by dragging the bags to the back door. All we do is tie the sack and set it outside the office, bedroom, and bathroom doors.   She gives ONE deep bark when the UPS man arrives. Of course, if the water delivery man goes in the backyard we get a…

  • Petcube The Best Gadget For Our Fur-Baby! Review

    Our fur-baby Gracie is a 100 pound golden Lab. Our kids say she is more spoiled than they ever were. Well, hellooooo…. Gracie does listen better than they did! She doesn’t stay out after curfew and she has never left a mess in the house! (except the piles and piles of dog hair!) HUGE bonus she loves naps as much as we do! While my son Zac and I were at CES2017 in Las Vegas I happened on the Petcube Booth. I drooled over the Petcube, so imagine how excited I was to be offered the chance to review the Petcube for our fur-baby Gracie!! What’s a Petcube you ask?…

  • Canine Dog Digestive Health Probiotic Prebiotic Review

    We worry and stress over our fur-kids as much as we do our human kids. We want our fur-kids to be around for a very long time. I’ve found a great product from Ample Nutrition called Complete Dog Prebiotic & Probiotic. By giving this little tasty chewy treat to your dog every day you’ll see your dog get more pep in their step and help with their dog digestive health! The Way to Your Dog’s Heart… Is through the gut!  (You already knew this, right?  You can never have too many of your dog’s favorite foods and snacks around.) Complete Dog Prebiotic & Probiotic makes it easy!!! By simply sharing a chewy,…

  • Crinkit Water Bottle Dog Toy Review

    This business appears to be gone. BUMMER This was such a FUN review to do!!  I took the Crinkit from the box and squeezed it. Gracie skidded into the room and was up on her hind feet begging!!  She’s very possessive of her new toy!!  If you come near HER Crinkit…… well, listen to the growl. Sorry for the laughing. She was SO FUNNY!!!  Mild-mannered Gracie turned growling selfish girl! Do NOT touch the Crinkit!! It is so tempting to make this entire review video only. Gracie is just having too much fun with her new toy! I don’t know about your fur-kids, but Gracie LOVES to play with empty…