• exercises

    Fitness Flower Review and GiveAWAY!!

    A 2013 Holiday Gift Guide Pick! I am stating it here and now. I need to lose weight and get into shape ASAP. These Grandkids are kickin’ my butt!! I don’t want to be the Grandma that sits in a chair and watches! I want to PLAY TOO!!  So, baby steps, cause well, you know… it’s me.  I love to eat and I’m not overly fond of exercise! BUT!! If I exercise for 2 minutes at a time? I could do that!! Hello The Bathroom Begonia from Fitness Flower. This is a really cool concept. It’s pretty. Bright colors, yellows and greens. It really looks pretty on the bathroom mirror.…

  • Energy green drink

    All Day Energy Greens Review

    As DH will attest, I am an anti-veggie person.  Sorry veggie lovers…. just not a favorite food. I could NEVER ever be a vegetarian. I’m a full-fledged meat eater! So, getting my daily recommended fruits and vegetables is a challenge!! I was offered the chance to review “All Day Energy Greens” and I jumped. My first drink I didn’t use cold water. That was a mistake. I wasn’t a fan! The second drink I used ice-cold water. Better. It tastes like a wheatgrass shot. I can handle a shot of wheatgrass, 8 ounces… well it was hard. Then I mixed it with some peach tea, ice-cold water, and ice. NOW…

  • Happify! The Science Behind Happiness!! Review

    So, what is Happify?  Well, exactly what the name implies…… a site to help you be a better YOU! A HAPPIER YOU!! And doing so scientifically!! Yup, there is a SCIENCE behind happiness.  Each week you have quick easy 4 to 7 exercises to help you get HAPPY!! We all tend to have times in our lives where we get bogged down in day-to-day details. We get sad, we get overwhelmed.  We forget to be happy!! Who can blame us?  The way the world is today, we all need some encouragement and reminders to be HAPPY!!  The Happify activities are easy to do.  For instance, one of the activities this…