• The Talent!

    This is Dan (aka the Talent!) Dan is my darling daughter Selena’s boyfriend. Dan who works for Jenny Craig, was chosen to be in the new Jenny Craig work out videos. I need ya’all to go out and buy this dvd set so Dan can afford to buy Selena an engagement ring I need a GRANDBABY that lives close to me PEOPLE!!!!! I’m not gettin’ any younger!! (I’m soooo gonna hear about this post!)

  • Please?

    Okay, so I’m flipping thru one of the magazines that came today….. and well, I’ve decided I need someone to just bring me a huge vat of Nivea Silhouette. The ad says that Silhouette can lead to a 3 cm reduction on targeted area’s such as the waist, thighs, hips, and belly!! I figure if I could soak in a vat on the weekends I wouldn’t have to exercise or DIET!!! So? Whadda ya say? Hello?? Anyone?? In the meantime, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Slow but steady. I keep thinking 11 pounds isn’t much but when you add in toning it really is! This week alone I’ve fit…

  • exercise equipment

    Diet & Exercise

    Exercise and eating healthy really can make a big difference. Today, one of our patients at work could easily be the poster child for staying active. 81 years young. We all thought she had written her age down wrong!! She easily looked 20 years younger. I swear she had more energy than I do! Her secret is simple……. stay active! If you could see this woman you’d be motivated to get off the couch and MOVE!! Just like I’m about to do….. Jillian Michaels workout DVD here I come. (Uhhhhh UGH! Don’tcha just hate it when the experts are right???). BUT I still don’t want to exercise!